This very scenario is starting to look eerily similar to one that transpired before. I read about it somewhere, I think it was back in grade school. I kind of forget. It might have been high school. Oh Ya! I am starting to remember now. There was this guy who came out of nowhere and took over not only his own country but several surrounding ones. It was an extraordinary rise to prominence if I remember right, an unparalleled accomplishment in the annals of history. Here was this guy, with absolutely no formal qualifications, who somehow slipped through the cracks and took over a political group of extreme nationalists and become their leader. He was able to capitalize on that coup and become the leader of his entire country by taking to the streets and working up the masses with perplexingly vitriolic speeches about a particular religious group that he felt was responsible for their country’s defeat in a previous war it had recently been involved in. Do you guys remember this? I think it all happened back in the mid 20th century. I just did a little research and I found a picture of this remarkable individual. Believe it or not, we have a similar rising star right here in America. He has an amazingly comparable political background and is using amazingly similar acts of fomenting speachafying to amazingly be tracking politically in the same manner his mid twentieth century mentor did. I found a picture of him too.
Just so you see where I am coming from, here are those pictures of these two political look-alikes. Test your knowledge of history and current events and see if you can identify which one of these guys lived back then and the one moving along nicely in U.S. political progression now.
How did you do? I kind of gave things away I guess. Color film developing was pretty labor intensive in the mid 20th century. Of course the guy in the black and white picture has to be older. And if you recall in the end things didn’t work out so well for him or his country. Maybe this other guy will study up on stuff and be able to maneuver history down a different path. I kind of doubt it though. History just has a way of repeating itself and I have to tell you this kind of history makes me kind of nervous.