Monthly Archives: September 2016

You Reap What You Sow

I know. I said I would never blog about Trump ever again.  I just can’t help myself.  It’s becoming a catharsis.  I had to do this because this Glenn Beck conversation could not dovetail any tighter with my last two Trump blogs.

What Donald Trump does not seem to understand is there are a lot of shit for brains people like this walking around in our gun obsessed society that consider his hateful, vitriolic rhetoric  inspiring, and of course the ironic result here is Mr. Trump’s inflammatory discourse is inflaming  at least a few of his die-hard supporters to consider reprisals against him should he not produce the promises he has so emphatically and carelessly made.


Working the Crowd

Most of Mr. Trump’s policies lack substance, but his most fervent supporters have to feel Trump is mind-dicking them with his immigration policy.    During the primaries he insisted he would form some kind of goon squad to round up all 11 million undocumented immigrants and send them back over the Mexican border.  Dangling that juicy worm in front of those who are fed up with politics as usual proved to be very effective bait to hook a good percentage of us.  (Yes,  include me in the group of disaffected, but not in the group that supports Trump or believes anything he says).   It appears his new campaign manager finally did what several of his primary opponents couldn’t  do and explain the folly of this totally unworkable solution.  But waffling on this was apparently what triggered the appalling rant with Glenn Beck mentioned above.  The likely reason Trump canceled  a couple of rallies during which he was to outline his immigration policy was because it suddenly dawned on him he didn’t quite think his proposal through.  During a Fox News forum he went so far as to seek the advice of the studio audience to assist him in formulating his personal immigration strategy.  Crowdsourcing your signature campaign issue-WTF?

Trump’s second, and always his fall back immigration position, is he will build a wall, and of course have Mexico pay for it.  Both the goon squad and the wall ideas worked well in the primaries for him.  They are simplistic approaches to complex problems that might resonate with people during the ramped up rhetoric of a political rally, but fall woefully short of substantive solutions when the time is taken to logically scrutinize them.  And once again the “Trumpeter” went off on a tangent in front of an adoring crowd  bugling one of his surreptitious songs that could very well motivate some unhinged looney to shoot somebody.

It’s just this kind of trumpestuous (my word) rhetoric that could backfire (emphasis on fire) on Mr. Trump should he actually get elected.

This presidential race is turning out to be one of the most controversial in our history and it has revealed a dark side to our social fabric.  What I once thought was scar tissue covering our nation’s wound of racism and bigotry has turned out to be a thick scab that has been ripped away and has disturbingly exposed a festering cyst of intolerance and narrow-mindedness.  Surely we are better than this.  Both candidates leave a lot to to be desired.  But one of them almost proudly presents himself as representing everything reprehensible to anyone who believes in this country’s principles of democracy and, even worse in my opinion, conducts himself in ways that are aberrant to normal social behavior.

Like never before, most of us will be voting against a candidate rather than for one, or voting for a third party candidate because we understandably believe neither of the major party candidates are worthy of the office, or, sadly, so fed up we won’t vote at all.  I caution you to chose your poison wisely.  There is at present a very good chance that somehow the electoral process will uncannily align in a way that allows Donald Trump to become the next president of the United States.  Think carefully about what could happen should this occur.  The man exhibits almost every clinical marker of a sociopath and as we have seen time after time during this campaign, has anger issues that are dangerously problematic.

When this thing is all over, I am curious to see what the loser has to say.  Social discourse in this country has plummeted to such a low point that it would not surprise me at all if  the common courtesy of a congratulatory phone call is not extended.  All of us should be better than this.  We must be better than this.

Quake State

It was about seven in the morning this Sunday when my house started shaking.  I knew what it was, because I’d experienced the seismic wave of a far away earthquake once before.  That was when I was a kid in 1959, when a huge quake occurred in Yellowstone National Park and the shock shook my parents house in Sheridan WY 250 miles away.  But even though I was not confused about that ten second earth-spasming event, I was still alarmed.  I have a nice home.  I started to imagine the worse, something I do kind of regularly, but not in the way you might think.  I don’t consider myself to be a pessimist.  I simply like to analyze stuff and think ahead, something I took away from Boys Scouts long ago.  Be prepared.  Like, I just filled in a cavity in a small retaining wall in my back yard that a den of snakes was living it up in, and now I bet the timbers shifted around enough so those damn snakes will just make themselves at home back there once again.  Or worse, what if somewhere a coupling on my natural gas line got loosened up and my house exploded.  I guess at least that would take care of my fucking snake problem.

But here’s the thing.  Yellowstone is a natural hotbed of seismic activity.  There are thousands of earthquakes happening there every day.  They are very natural phenomena.  Takes a lot of pressure off the hydrothermal plumbing.  Sunday’s quake was not a natural phenomenon. The center of that thing was in northern Oklahoma, a good 400 miles from where I live now in Omaha.  Oklahoma too, has a lot of earthquakes, fifty or so a year.  That wasn’t always the case.  Used to be a couple a year, like most places in the midwest.  What happened to Oklahoma is oil fracking.  That’s not natural at all.  The state of Oklahoma is our nation’s gold medal champion of human-induced earthquakes.

But there is a new contender emerging- North Dakota.  Part of the Bakken Oil Field lies just underneath the western soil of about a third of that state.  Bakken oil shale brought jobs and prosperity to North Dakota, and it brought a lot of misery and- fracking.  You can find hundreds of articles written about the good and the bad about North Dakota’s oil boom.  One of the best I’ve read is this one.  It is really long.  If you don’t have time  to to read it, I feel compelled to point out one thing that caught my eye.  Deep into this text is a conversation a rancher, Brenda Jorgenson, had with a  state oil regulator.  Brenda recalled a discussion the two of them had about the waste pit near the oil well on their land.  He claimed that the plastic liner- the barrier between the toxic liquid in the pit and soil- would last for 40 years.  When Ms. Jorgenson voiced concerns, the regulator’s reply was “You won’t be around after that anyway.  What do you care what happens after you’re gone.”

I love the sate of North Dakota.  I went to high school there.  In my opinion it is getting raped by big oil.  Again, just my opinion. But the bust is already occurring in a few western ND cities.  The state of North Dakota, as well as you and I, can take heart though.  There is at least one dedicated group out there trying to save us from ourselves- the Native Americans living on the Standing Rock Indian Reservation.  There is an oil pipeline under construction to carry oil from North Dakota to Illinois.  The charted path of the pipeline runs along the reservation’s northern border at some point.  Concerned about a future pipeline spill, and disruption of sacred tribal land, the people living on the reservation are protesting.  They have brought construction to a halt and it is getting a little ugly.  That’s about all you need to know, but in case you’re interested, here is more information.

Well, I guess there is another thing you should know.  The pipeline as mapped is going to run under the Missouri River.  What the fuck are these oil douchebags thinking?  How catastrophic would a busted pipeline be if oil gushes into the Missouri River.  I drink that water.   It is a known fact there is little oversight of our already vast network of oil pipelines, and guess what is in all likelihood going to be consistently happening with all the fracking going on in North Dakota.  It will be Oklahoma.2.  You can bet all the shaking has the potential to wreck havoc with any kind of piece of shit pipeline.  Geezuz these guys piss me off.  To them everything is just fine because we are perfectly safe- for 40 years anyway.

italy-quake                                                    130px-IowaTipi

Non-quake Reistant Structure                                                          Quake Resistant Structure