Monthly Archives: December 2016

Why Bad Things Happen to Good People and Other Christmas Thoughts

The other day some dirty bastard stole the lid off my garbage can. Damn it that pisses me off.  It was the lid to my super good can too, one of those that Rubbermaid makes appropriately labeled “Brute.”  That thing is indestructible.  It’s my secondary can though because it’s a little heavy.  Our primary can is constructed of light gauge plastic.  It can’t take the pummeling from my garbage men like the Brute can, but it’s easier to take to the curb.  Not that I need that accommodation.  It’s a consideration I have for my wife.  I’m not a dick and make my wife haul out the garbage cans.   I always do that.  Sometimes she tries to look busy by fiddle-farting around with the recyclables, but I’m the one that does the heavy lifting.  But I worry that someday I won’t make it back from my mountain hike after a boulder pins my arm against the side of the narrow canyon I was walking through, and she’ll have to move the trash cans around.  I like to think ahead.

So I had to set both trash cans out for pick up because we had extra garbage that week.  There is a 50 pound limit per can, and if you overshoot, the garbage collectors can tell real quick.  It comes natural after you lift something heavy on a regular basis.  Then they take it out on your garbage can and fuck it up real good.  I bought one of those fancy cans with wheels once.  Not a month went by when one of the traveling sanitation experts gave it a good toss and shattered a wheel.  That kind of pissed me off because I had taken some extra time to re-distribute some really stinky garbage between the two cans so neither would exceed the 50 pound limit. I suppose the dead squirrel I stuck on top could have set him off.  I probably should have bagged it up and dusted off some of the maggots.  Those make a nice treat for the birds.

Good view of some nice-looking Maggots

Well anyway I walked up and down the street, thinking maybe a gust of wind had come up and carried away my lid,  That is not an unnatural occurrence, but such was not the case this time.  I have a neighbor that’s kind of shifty and thought maybe he stole my lid, but that notion turned out to be a dead end.

I don’t need to tell you an unnatural rage was boiling inside of me at the thought of having to spend money on a new heavy duty trash can when all I needed was a new lid.  I got a little depressed and started thinking what a shitty deal that was and how fucked up the world is.  My mind began to wander into dark places.  I started to imagine all the cruel ways I could get even with the scummy son of a bitch that stole my trash can lid if I ever caught him.  My favorite involved a butane torch and a high torque electric drill.  I even waxed philosophic, pondering that great existential question “Why do bad things happen to good people?”   Most everyone in my neighborhood think I’m a pretty decent guy. OK there was that one time I told my neighbor on the back side of my fence to go fuck himself.  But who wouldn’t be upset when someone sprays weed killer that drifts over to your property and kills all your garden radishes.  In the end he saw I was right and apologized, so I’m pretty sure even he would agree anyone who steels a thrash can lid is a smelly piece of shit.

So I thought real hard about why bad things happen to good people, and it really didn’t take me long to figure that out.  The reason bad things happen to good people is there are too many assholes walking around that do bad things like steal your trash can lid.  The sooner we get rid of them the better.  Problem solved.

I didn’t recall ever seeing lids sold separately anywhere, but I was confident if such a thing was available it would be at my favorite hardware store.  It’s a Westlake Ace store about a mile from my house.  You may have read about it in Plumbing and Stuff.  Neither the owner, Mr. Jimmy, or Roxy, the most helpful hardware store employee ever, was there, so I had to settle for Fred and it turned out they were out of Brute trash cans but he was not aware that the lids were sold separately anyway.  Well naturally that just enforced my thinking about all the injustice in the world and I headed off to Home Depot and then Sears because they  were right on my way to my favorite liquor store.

Both of those places had Brutes, but they wouldn’t sell me a lid separately.  They cited their one can /one lid policy and it had to do with inventory control and their precious scanning guns and all that shit I really didn’t want to hear about.  Well I was just getting more worked up about the whole thing after that.  Lowe’s was right on my way home so just for the heck of it I stopped in.  Plenty of Brutes and lids there of course, but there weren’t any bar codes on the lids so I was pretty sure I was out of luck.  But I ran into Roger, or rather he ran into me with the forklift he was driving.  I guess you could say it was my fault since I snuck under the “Isle Closed” tape that spanned that isle, but god damn it I get tired of that.  Every time I go to Lowe’s they’re dicking around right in the place I need to get to.

Roger jumped off his fork lift and said he was real sorry and all that.  He had run over my foot, and it really did kind of hurt, but I was pretty much concentrating on my lid problem right then.  I explained how shitty my day was going, so he shuffled through the Brute lids and because there was no bar code on any of them, at first he said there wasn’t anything he could do.  But then after he noticed me limping around he had a change of heart and told me to just take one.  He even escorted me to the exit door.  Do you believe it?  Didn’t cost me a dime!  I don’t have a picture of Roger but he looks something like this, only he had clothes on at the time and isn’t this white.

Roger Driving His Fork Lift

But on the way home I was struck by the second half of that existential equation- “Why do good things happen to bad people?”  Obviously what had happened to me at Lowe’s was definitely a really good thing.  The odds of running into a clerk that is remotely helpful,  let alone a nice guy, are slim in the first place.  But a nice guy that is willing to go the extra mile and risk unemployment just to make me happy?  Those are long odds my friend.  So was I a bad person because something good had happened to me?  As I have pointed out there is a variety of corroborators  who will vouch for me if I slip them a Hamilton.  I have always believed I am a good person, but suddenly I was doubting myself.

By the time I got home I had that conundrum all  tidied up.  The guy that gave me my trash can lid ran over my foot too. I think I’ll lose a nail.  So good to bad- that was a wash, and then of course there was the really bad deal of the stolen trash can lid that started this whole thing.  Like always, if I think on something long enough it starts to make sense.  That was two bad things to one good thing. That is pretty much the exact ratio of how things work out for me.  If you do that math right, you have to conclude I’m nothing short of a good person.

A lot of us get this whole business of good and bad happening in the world all complicated by throwing God into the mix.  But for that you have to believe there is such a thing, and if you take a look around you have to wonder about that.  A lot of bad shit happens, and it’s not just an occasional circumstance.  Right now we have Aleppo and ISIS and suicide bombings, and plane crashes, earthquakes, tornadoes and floods have been going on forever.   That’s lots of bad stuff and some of it I guess you could blame on God if He is actually up there somewhere. Or you can go the other way and say all this horrific shit just proves there is no God.  You can hardly blame a fellow if he thinks that’s a bunch of bull.  Personally if I were God I’d run things a little differently.  What is troubling is a lot of what’s bad is carried out in the name of someone’s god. That is totally fucked up.

I think what you have to do is carry on the best you can and throw in a helpful hand now and then.  My plan is to play it safe and not bet against Pascal’s Wager, and then die and see what happens.  Or not.  And if there truly is a reward that awaits, I’m not so much interested in whether its a place where we get to live it up all day drinking single malt scotch or simply experience peaceful bliss floating around on the clouds.  I just want to be there and make sure the slimy shit ball that stole my trash can lid gets the fiery compensation he deserves.  Merry Christmas!














Electoral College

NOTE:  Due to the length of this blog, in the interest of saving time for our esteemed electoral college delegates  I have bold typed supportive information.  Some of you are probably on your way to wherever it is that you do your electoral college stuff.  I would appreciate it if you would give sober consideration to everything highlighted.  For the rest of you, it might be smart if you stopped tweeting and read the entire article word for word.   It won’t kill you to learn something for a change.

I think it is time to reevaluate our system of presidential elections in our country.  Personally  I’m all for keeping it simple.  The popular vote should be the one that counts. Even Donald Trump says the electoral college is rigged.  If you are in the mood for a nice migraine headache just try hacking your way through the Wikipedia narrative about that thing.  And if you’re like me you  wonder what in the hell were our founding fathers thinking?  It couldn’t be any more confusing.  I do know a couple of things about the institution though.  There were two reasons for it’s implementation.  First, it was an accommodation for the slave states.  They were afraid they would be unfairly represented in the voting process because their states were generally less populated.  By white folks anyway.  There were plenty of black folks walking around down there, but of course they didn’t count.  Well, one counted as three fifths of a white person for census purposes, but they weren’t allowed to vote.   And who can blame  the constitutional delegation for that.  Would you want to do all that fractional math without a calculator?

The guys that brainstormed over all this were for the most part really smart fellows.  At least they thought so, because the second reason they decided the electoral college was a good idea was they were afraid that people for the most part were a bunch of rubes who might have misconceptions of what was actually required to hold the highest office in the land, and they wanted to establish a method for overriding the general election results.  The whole idea was to make sure we avoided a country ruled by kings or dictators.  Or crazy people.   To me these criteria are as outdated as capri pants and powdered wigs, and we should do some housecleaning- except for now.  I do not think there could possibly be a more relevant time to put this concept to the ultimate test.  The electoral college is set to meet on December 19th, the first Monday after the second Wednesday in December. Or is it the other way around?  I really don’t want to walk over to my desk and peek at my calendar.  I’m no constitutionalist, but if it were me I would just make it the first Thursday of the month.  After all that work who’s going to blame you for not showing up at your job the next day.   You take a long weekend.  Forget all that first after the second business. Personally I think our forefathers got a bit carried away with that notion.


Electoral College                                                     Regular College

So on the 19th of December members of the electoral college could actually do something  historicalchange a presidential election. The one and only time a similar situation occurred was after the 1836 election of Martin Van Buren.  Strangely it was Richard M Johnson, Van Buren’s running mate, that caused the stir. He must have been a real dick.  But the senate, who’s job it is to declare the winner in a VP controversy,  ended up choosing Johnson anyway.

I’m not saying those who voted for Mr. Trump are a load of hayseeds.  Believe me I am as disgusted as anyone with political elitism and indifference.   We do need to shake things up, to the point of amending the constitution here and there if you ask me.  But it has became abundantly clear our president-elect is not any kind of instrument for constructive change.  When your record of attending intelligence briefings is one out of six,  I think it’s a pretty good indication you really aren’t that interested in the job in the first place.  It seems standing in front of an adoring crowd is much more important to Mr. Trump.

To me one of the curious benefits of the electoral college is during the interceding time between the general election and the time the college convenes, we can get a glimpse of how our president-elect will fashion his administration.  It is pretty clear from Donald Trump’s choices for his cabinet and advisors he couldn’t give a shit about the future of this country or planet.  He is in this thing for his own self promotion.  Then there is all the legal difficulty the man has.  The law suits he has to deal with currently are bad enough.  But our already productivity challenged congress will have to spend an inordinate amount of time on congressional investigations and possible litigation of Trump’s conflict of interests if he does not divest himself of his business holdings.  That emollients clause has been waiting to get dusted off for about 240 years.  

 Sure Mr. Trump is entitled to select his own advisers,  but how comfortable are you with his picks when he has shown complete disregard for information from a professional intelligence staff, particularly their conclusions about Russian involvement in the election,  and is manipulated by the likes of Steve Bannon.  Trump’s EPA director and Secretary of Education both embrace  policies that essentially will encourage dissolution of the very departments they are in charge of.  His Secretary of Commerce and Treasury Secretary are the same old Wall Street types Trump vowed to purge from government involvement.  In fact Steven Mnuchin profited millions off of the Bernie Madoff scheme, ran OneWest bank where he made money off the backs of suffering California homeowners, then sold the failing enterprise for a profit of 1.5 billion.  The alt-right even hates this guy.  His National Security Advisor is a fake news promoter and avowed Islamophobe.  His Labor Secretary choice is anti-labor.  HUD should have someone really smart in charge, but I’m not sure a brain surgeon is the way to go.   His Secretary of State is another wealthy elitist with close business ties to Vladimir Putin.  And how in the hell can you justify having an insurrectional racist like Steve Bannon as your right-hand man?

But even worse, Mr. Trump  showed  his true colors by attacking a private citizen with a relentless procession of cyber bullying.  Geezuz kreist you get kicked out of high school for doing that shit.  Chuck Jones, the unfortunate Carrier Company union boss who dared point out one of Mr. Trump’s lies, now has to put up with unwarranted social media harassment thanks to Trump’s bazaar habit of retaliatory tweeting.  It is a despicable reaction for someone with presidential authority.  I am sorry but Donald Trump is not only too thin skinned for the job, but there is something wrong with his head.

The members of the electoral college have a chance to save us. The odds of that happening are about the same as Frosty the Snow Man being elected president, but let’s face it Donald Trump started out with similar odds.  With that in mind one more unexpected development might be in order.  Come on man!  Vote your conscience and country, not your party.

Whether the electoral college comes to our rescue or not, it is clear we need to install popular vote for our presidential elections.  How do we assure nut jobs won’t get elected if we abandon the electoral college?  Simple.  Science.  Besides a complete physical, we make every presidential candidate take a full psychiatric exam including a thorough battery of psychological tests.  We should send them off for an EEG and do some poking around inside the old hat rack too. We need to know what in the heck we are getting for our money.   When I was in college I participated in a psychophysiological study involving an experimental drug  that one of my professors was developing.  And for the effort It also involved me getting a better grade in his pharmacy class that I wasn’t exactly acing.  Here is a picture of me during the lab  participation. It looks scary but believe it or not it’s a piece of cake.  For the record you should know those many electrodes discovered nothing out of place.   That was 1969.  I am sure by now modifications have been implemented that make the science a lot less cumbersome. I think you have to agree It’s a small inconvenience  to insure the competency of our leaders.

Please SHARE.  Who knows.  Maybe if some of our electors at least pay attention to  the highlighted parts of this or read similar blogs, it will jolt them to accept reality and we can show the world constitutional democracy makes sense after all.

NOTE:  if you disliked this blog, you will absolutely hate these: 28th Amendment  Make Mars Great Again  Second Coming  Our Closet Comedian




Nero 2.0

“When someone shows you who they are, believe them the first time.”  Maya Angelou

I know three days after the election I said we should hang tough and hope for the best for our president-elect.  Less than two weeks later so many negative developments have occurred that at this point I have serious doubts that Mr. Trump’s administration will be anything close to principled.  His choice for Treasury Secretary is exactly the type of candidate Mr. Trump said he was going to purge from our governing payroll while he was campaigning.  Same goes for his Commerce Secretary,  As a matter of fact Mr. Trump has surrounded himself with such a vast array of Wall Streeters his administration is being labeled the richest in modern political history.  What we have is more alligators in the swamp.   His Secretary of Education is another elitist with no public school background who’s agenda is likely to provide the best education only to the wealthy.  Worst of all, having Steve Bannon roaming the White House at all, let alone in a capacity of counsel, is appalling.  So much for uniting the country.  Mr. Trump’s words of promise during his acceptance speech that he is going to be president for all Americans could not possibly ring any more hollow.

Mr. Trump knows full well the mountain of conflict of interest issues that surround him are jarring,  yet he has the gall to state that because he was elected he is entitled to do whatever he wants.  Recently he  made the comment that he is going to take care of his conflicting connections, but I personally don’t believe he will ever  totally divest himself from his business interests as the government ethics office has strongly suggested.  It’s the right thing to do, but ethics and Donald Trump do not often travel on the same path.

All of these transition affairs are starting to converge into a political shit storm.  Still there might be a dim ray of hope on the horizon.  Mr. Trump and Mike Pence should be praised for negotiating with Carrier and saving 800 jobs.  At least it shows big business is paying attention to Trump’s threats, and if threatening works, so be it. But look what happened here.  First of all, Carrier still intends to send 1,300 jobs to Mexico. Second of all, instead of following through on all the blusterous rhetoric of his campaign and punishing Carrier, he rewarded the company with tax incentives and subsidies.  Guess who gets to pay for the lost revenue?  The Indiana taxpayers.  What has thus been established is a very bad precedent.  Now any CEO worth his/her salt will threaten to leave the country in order to reap the type of benefits awarded to Carrier.  At this point this was a well publicized PR coup, but little else.  Just  a mile down the road from this particular Carrier plant is the ball bearing manufacturer Rexnord.  Manitowoc Foodservices is situated In southern Indiana.  They are both relocating in Mexico next year.  Neither business has been contacted by Trump or Pence.

What the Trump transition develops into in the way of his official administration is, of course, conjecture.  But these political appointments are telling, and Mr. Trump’s present lack of attention that has been on display these past few weeks is alarming.  According to his own staff he has declined to attend many intelligence briefings.  With less than two months remaining before he officially assumes the office you would think he would start taking the job seriously.  He does not seem to know what he doesn’t know, and shows little interest in learning anything, something that should be apparent to his closest advisors.  He is unfamiliar with diplomatic protocol and even lacks important historical knowledge of politically volatile parts of the world. Trump’s bizarre conversation Kellyanne!  Reince!  Where in the hell are you? Stay out of this Steve!! The guy needs help!  And what in the hell is with all the tweeting?  Now he is taking his “Thank you tour” when he should be boning up on current events.  He is in constant need of admiration and ego stroking.  He appears to watch television with every free moment and reacts to whatever he sees with a new tweet.  These are disturbing patterns of behavior.

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NERO                                                             TRUMPO

Checklist of Trump campaign promises to date:  Drain the swamp- forget about it.  Punish  corporate outsourcing-  guess we’ll try the complete opposite.  Unite the country-  never really cared in the first place.

One small moment in time of this past, gut wrenching campaign process gnaws at me daily- the words “I’m getting sick and tired of hearing about all your damn e-mails.”  Had Bernie Sanders never uttered those words, there is a good possibility I would be blogging about the upcoming Sanders administration.  As it is, please keep in mind we elected a president, not a king.  The man is supposed to work for us, not line his own pockets by stretching conventional ethics and constitutional law.