Monthly Archives: October 2018

The WrestleMania World of Donald Trump

The Formative Political Period of D Trump

Pipe bombs and Synagogue shootings.  Our democracy looks like it’s coming apart at the seams.  We can’t stand each other.  Red team vs Blue team.  No more civil debate about policy. Fist fights and mobs shedding light on our problems with inflammatory rhetoric and tiki torches. Putin’s got to be loving this.

How did we sink to such depths?  Say what you will about both sides stoking the flames,  I am sorry but the plummet started with Donald Trump.  And he simply refuses to put out the fire. There won’t be any phone calls of concern to either of the two past presidents of our country that received pipe bombs in the mail.  He deliberately entices his supporters at political rallies with fomenting remarks that work up the crowd to the point that it could be easily mistaken for one observing a professional wrestling match.  Political opponents and any institution he feels are critical of him are meted out insulting, incendiary verbal body slams  (most affectively applied in Montana).

Trump!  Words matter.  Addressing these latest assaults on the psyche of this county with prompted generalities of rebuke are not enough.  There are mixed up nut-jobs out there who will take you seriously.  Stop the insults, fear mongering, and for Pete’s sake stop all the LYING.  You complain about unfair treatment by the media, that it is completely unbalanced with negative reporting.  Can you not figure out that the reason for that is you are constantly doing so many stupid things and insulting us with blatant lies.  I kind of want to know if you are using an unsecured cell phone.  The public should know that when you promise a middle class tax cut before the mid-terms you are pulling the whole idea out of your ass in order to garnish votes.  Congress is not even in session.  The media is not the “enemy of the people.”  And I know you are desperate for those votes but how can you say with a straight face that Republicans will save pre-existing conditions when you and the entire party have made destroying the ACA your defining mission statement.

There are no ISIS terrorists hiding amidst the throng of Central Americans slowly trodding their way to our border. Democrats are not “evil.” Democrats aren’t providing Central American gang members with Rolls Royces.  What the fuck is wrong with you? Even though many of both parties feel a wall is over the top, Democrats, Independents, Republicans, we all want immigration reform and a secure border.  There is no rioting in sanctuary cities.  No Democrat senator voted against the new opioid epidemic bill.  Virtually every Democrat and Republican voted FOR it.  It was an almost historic bipartisan outcome of our times.  It was in all the papers.  CNN gave you warm kudos for your accomplishment.  What in the hell do you do all day.? You are supposed to know these things.  Bewilderingly, you turned a media positive for something you did into a media negative all by yourself!-  by LYING about it!  Once again you look like an idiot to anyone who is remotely informed and I for one want that made clear in news reporting.  Do the media and yourself a favor and start telling the truth for a change.

The president of this country is supposed to be a leader for all, not some. In a moment of crisis your pattern is to make a prompted speech that momentarily sounds universally presidential, but at your next rally, off you go again with ridiculous statements and lies.  For god sake control yourself.  I know the emotional rush you get from the rousing applause gives you a boner, but we need you to show some restraint.  There are sick people out there.  You need to more carefully examine those standing behind you at your rallies.  Those people and our country in general would be better served if you told the truth.  It is frightening enough to have mentally imbalanced people just waiting for some famous or authoritative person validate whatever craziness is bouncing around in their mind, but when that person is the president of the United States there is a strong likelihood of a tragic consequence.  Stop stooping to the lowest common denominator to boost your ratings.  Stoking paranoia and fear with deception is not the nature of any kind of responsible leader.










More Kavanaugh Hearings Observations

Let’s revisit the Kavanaugh shit storm.  The way I see it, if nothing else, one positive outcome will be an improvement in the whole Supreme Court nomination process.  Let me ask you a question.  Would you ever want to have the entirety of your existence  examined by all the eyes in the universe?    Have you any skeletons in your closet?  I would like to go on record right now and make it perfectly clear that if anyone is thinking about nominating me for a position on the Supreme Court, I respectfully decline.  But thank you for holding me in such high regard.  I did some shit in college I am not particularly proud of.  I confess that had a lot to do with drinking beer.

LEFT:  Though I once felt I took clever measures to conceal my weakness, I realize now my past history of habitual gambling would derail any aspirations for high office.

But god damn it do not lump me in with that Kavanaugh character.  This is hypothetical of course since I have already mentioned I will not, under any circumstances, accept your nomination, but there is no woman on this earth who could come forward and accuse me of assault. The most you would get from any woman so brought forth would be considerable snickering and a smattering of hysterical laughter.  The humiliation would be unbearable for me and to recover would take years of therapy.

Few would deny the Kavanaugh hearings diminished  both the candidate and the institution itself.  The lesson I would hope that is learned would be- if you think you deserve to be a Supreme Court Justice, your closet had better be free of any kind of embarrassing remains, and it would not hurt to make an effort to give it a good dusting.  The acrimonious partisanship was blatantly evident during the inquiries with this nominee.  A lot of that had to do with political frustrations of the past  and the abysmal climate of uncompromising polarization that has gripped our system of governance.  You can blame much of that on leadership at the top. Regardless, this was unprecedented vitriol.  Future nominees hopefully have paid attention.  Brett Kavanaugh endured what many believe was unjust scrutiny.  I say it is now abundantly  clear what we expect from Jurists of our highest court.

Brett Kavanaugh, as intelligent as he must be, should have seen this coming.  As far as I am  concerned, if he feels mistreated he has no one to blame but himself.  We should expect our Supreme Court Justices to be unquestionably honorable. Senate  Judiciary hearings are not a trial.  It is a job interview.  These guys work for us.  If you have any reservations about something in your past that might be resurrected, you should think twice before you put yourself through the process.  If you feel confident you can defend any past discretion, take a swing, but you should be able to do so in a composed manner, and definitely not lie about anything you are questioned about.

Brett Kavanaugh lied under oath to the committee.  That in itself should be disqualifying.   Truth is pretty much the foundation of the institution.  Brett Kavanaugh emotionally came apart at the seams, intermittently weeping and launching into tirades and alarming displays of political bias.   Had the candidate being questioned been a woman and reacted as Brett Kavanaugh did,  I suspect a good number on the Judicial committee  would have immediately dismissed her as  an hysterical female unfit to serve.  Now even Kavanaugh’s fellow Supreme Court Justices are questioning his character and fitness for office.  Judge Roberts Requests Kavanaugh Investigation,  That’s a first, and not the kind of distinction you would normally want attached to your name.

This is where we have landed.  In the future it would behoove candidates to carefully examine their past before they submit to the committee hearing process, and it would be in their  best interest to involve an impartial party for verification.  There are those who feel the treatment Judge Kavanaugh received was so deplorable it will be a wonder if anyone with integrity will want to be submitted for consideration.  To me this is exactly the point.  I am confident there are and will be several jurists with the standing required, and now maybe only those confident in their character as well as their ability will accept nomination.  Let’s see.  Let me submit Judge Merrick Garland for consideration.

A quick side note.  It seems ridiculous to even mention, but all of this applies to any current or future presidents as well.  Donald Trump you could safely say is nowhere near as intelligent as Brett Kavanaugh.  But It seems incomprehensible to me that he would not realize the many cess pools of his life would be exposed for all to smell if he ran for president.  His pal, media personality Howard Stern, even told him as much.  When the shit hits the fan, the person to blame for whomever it splatters is Donald Trump.

AUTHOR’S FINAL SUBJECT COMMENT:  This is the last of my three part Kavanaugh series.  If you’re like me you just can’t get enough material to support your day to day feelings of revulsion.  Sometimes alcohol is just not enough to do the trick.  And actually you’re lucky there are only three parts.  This clusterfuck of an administration offers so much more to be amazed about.  So in case you missed the other two parts of what I feel Brett Kavanaugh has wrought, here they are for simple access:  Part 1 Just One Thing I Learned from the Kavanaugh Confirmation Hearings          Part 2  Where Did This Guy Go to School?  


Where Did This Guy Go to School?

Trump Says Protesting Should Be Illegal   Hey Trump! How long have you been living in this country?  I know you’ve never been one to read a book, but during all your years of schooling I would think if you just made it to class every once in awhile you would have a basic understanding of the constitution’s first amendment.  Protesting and petitioning for change is engrained  in our country’s  DNA.  It’s a tool the people use to let you know what a shitty job you’re doing. You might say it is one of democracy’s inferred forms of checks and balances, used most often when a sycophantic congress  lacks the gumption to use its own prescribed  power to check the executive branch.   Where were you in the 60’s and 70’s anyway?  Without civil rights protests you wouldn’t keep getting slapped with those annoying housing discrimination suits. Remember? And maybe the Vietnam war would have gone on a couple more years and your medical deferment might have expired.  Yikes!  Here is a little something a fellow by the name of Thomas Jefferson wrote a long time ago.  I know you’ve never read much about him, but he authored the Declaration of Independence  and was instrumental in fine tuning the constitution of the United States.  That’s the place where you live. Please!  Have someone read it to you.

“I am not an advocate for frequent changes in laws and Constitutions. But laws and institutions must go hand in hand with the progress of the human mind. As that becomes more developed, more enlightened, as new discoveries are made, new truths discovered and manners and opinions change, with the change of circumstances, institutions must advance also to keep pace with the times. We might as well require a man to wear still the coat which fitted him when a boy as civilized society to remain ever under the regimen of their barbarous ancestors.” – Thomas Jefferson.

Like all dictators, you approve of something only when it suits your personal interest.  But the way it works around here is if enough people don’t like the way things are going, we protest and petition to make a point and hopefully make things better.  We’ve been doing that since the Boston Tea Party.  You should read up on it, or, er, watch the History Channel or something.

Hey! Fox News.  Ask Sean Hannity  which of these two images more accurately projects mob violence in his world.


Group of Senate Building Protestors                        Group of Charlottesville Protestors

Just One Thing I Learned from the Kavanaugh Confirmation Hearings

So I was out of the country for awhile.  It was nice.  Beautiful trip.  And I was able to avoid the full brunt of politics in America for a couple weeks.   But I’m back now and pretty much subjected myself to emotional misery by reviewing all the shit that went on while I was gone.  For what it is worth,  here is one of my take aways from the settled, suffocating dust of the Kavanaugh proceedings.

Our two party system is quickly evolving into an alarming split-gender demographic.  The Republican party is the unequivocal party of old, white men.  The Democratic party is becoming the party of young women of all ethnicities.  I can not understand why Republicans keep failing to grasp how alienating one demographic group after another is bound to eventually bite them in the ass.  The leaders of the Trump administration have lost hispanic, black, and Muslim voters with their agenda and apparently could not care less.   That seems like a crazy way to run a political party,, but maybe that’s just me.  But women?  Are you kidding me? You’re looking at half the population for god’s sakes.  Sure, there is a large segment of women that will put up with Trump for some reason.  What that reason is is basically  the same one that propels the block of old white men.  The fear of losing power, the fear of change.    All but one of the women in the senate voted to confirm Kavanaugh.  Are they “gender traitors?”  You might say that.

   Et tu Brute?

The more important thing to those senators in all of this was the need to stand by the patriarchy for security.  They are more sympathetic with Grassley, Hatch, Graham and McConnell, old men who all made condescending remarks about women during or concerning  the hearings.  How come?  Survival of the power structure.  It is all about “whiteness.”  Quoting Alexis Grenell from one of her NY Times articles, “…white women benefit from patriarchy by trading on their whiteness to monopolize resources for mutual gain.  In return they are placed on a pedestal to be ‘cherished and revered’ as speaker Paul Ryan has said about women, but all the while denied basic rights.”

I sense the Republican party is about to loose it’s grip on this segment of white women,  if not by now, no doubt in the near future if those in control of party discourse keep up the subjugating mentality.  Celebrating victory by body slamming women like Trump did- ridiculing Dr. Blasey Ford at campaign rallies and with his “very scary time for young men in America” remark- is something most women with experience or knowledge of sexual assault are,  I would suspect,  not inclined to forgive.  As I have said many times, I can make no claim to understand women in general.  What I do understand is that the dozen or so women I have conversed with in the past couple weeks are all appalled by comments made by the old white men on the Senate Judiciary Committee. There is a  lesson that should be learned in all of this, I believe,  and it applies to both parties.  More will be accomplished if both sides figure out how to compromise and resist the  temptation to exacerbate feelings of ill will.  But the Republicans have far more to lose if they don’t come to terms with that reality quickly.   It is simply a matter of attrition.  All these old white guys will soon be dead white guys, and unless things change, new recruits will be hard to come by.