Barnabas Collins, arguably recognized as the leading spokesperson for the vampire communtiy, is taking President Trump to court. Incenced over comments the president made about Dark Shadows during his interview with Laura Ingraham this week, he apparently decided he had no choice. “The president as we all know lives in his own reality and seems to enjoy provocation and denigrating practically all the “others” out there. But this is now personal,” Mr. Collins said. “I can not conceive of any cultural group more apolitical than our society of vampires. His statement that we are somehow influencing Joe Biden is ridiculous. Blood type has no party affiliation. Not only that, to suggest that groups of us are getting on airplanes and traveling around harassing Republicans only demonstrates how ignorant the man is. Every gradeschooler on the planet knows really experienced vampires are perfectly capable of draculization and flying off to wherever they want, as long as the sun has set for a few hours. And this is the man who is supposed to be in charge of things? He’s a complete ignoramus.” Trump Insults Vampire Nation

Barnabas Collins Slaps President Trump With Defamation Lawsuit
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