The contradictory list is bad enough, but the president made that crazy statement that inferred there was some sort of media conspiracy going on “They (media) have their reasons and you understand that.” (part of italicized sentences in above article and in video below). No, I don’t understand that or any of this bull shit you are throwing out here, and neither did anyone in the befuddled military audience you were addressing. Suspiciously missing from this White House list were attacks on U.S. soil perpetrated by non-Muslims, and most glaringly, also omitted from this list were attacks on some countries most devastated by religious extremists. And of course there are the misspellings included that have to make you wonder just how more disjointed can this administration get. Where are they getting their information anyway?
It turns out, a good portion of it comes from right wing-nut Alex Jones and his fake news blog “InfoWars.” Trump’s information source. Jones is the guy that believes the Sandy Hook massacre was a hoax. InforWars is probably where Trump latched onto his ridiculous idea that 3 to 5 million people voted illegally. This is the President of the United States! He gets his information from a fake-news organization. I’m telling you there is something wrong with his head.
So contrary to Mr. Trump’s assertion, we have plenty of reporting about terrorist activity. What we are sorely lacking, however, is in depth reporting about THIS. There were at least TWO HUNDRED AND TWENTY Pipeline spills in 2016. 220! Pipeline Spills. How many do you remember getting reported? And now Trump has officially revived the Keystone XL and Dakota Access pipelines. We don’t need anymore damn pipelines. We are not taking care of the ones we already have. There is practically zero oversight of these things. There are at least eight crude or refined oil pipelines traversing the Missouri right now, and I don’t know how many other toxic chemical and gas pipelines, What we need is some serious pipeline vetting and carbon source pull-back. There are so many earthquakes going on in Oklahoma because of all the fracking who knows when one will crack open one of those hidden tunnels lurking underneath the Missouri River. Pipeline proponents will point out they are perfectly safe. And that is true. Until they aren’t.