Category Archives: Gun Control

Some Horseshit, A Long Shot, and Rootin’ Tootin’ Shootin’

Let’s see.  What’s there to be pissed about today.  Of course there isn’t a day that goes by without a Trump complaint.  I appologize.  I’m always dipping into that well.  It’s just so full and deep though.  Now he’s comparing himself to Navalny.  On one hand you have the Russian dissident who courageously returned to his country knowing full well he would be jailed after a sham trial,  only to be poisoned and die in prison.  And on the other you have a guy who has been convicted of sexual assault and fraud, has been indicted for 91 more crimes, and has utilized every  opportunity available to exploit our very democratic system of judicial due process.  Although half the county would like to see him in jail, he isn’t yet and likely he never will be.  Even though a court ruling has exposed his supposed business brilliance  as  fraud, very much unlike Navalny, he will have afforded to him the protection of America’s constitutional do-over- our appellate courts.  There Trump has, with decent legal representation, a reasonable chance his millions in penalties will at least be reduced.

Then you have Trump’s new grift, the one that lacks his usual originality.  It’s that black faux credit card thing,  This time it apparently is metal, and black.  As is the case with his first one, which I think is plastic, no one has any idea what it is good for.  At least you could probably scrape ice off your windshield with the first one.  Metal might scratch your glass.*

We also have the House impeachment proceedings entertaining us right now.  Come on guys!  You’re supposed to get  your shit in order BEFORE you put on your show.  After the Smirnov fiasco, the doubters are suggesting you give up the chase.  I know you are nothing if not persistent though.  Bengazi comes to mind.  Don’t you have something better to waste your time on?  Personally I don’t care.  Go ahead and keep plodding away if you really think Biden is corrupt.  The thing that really bothers me with this whole Smirnov debacle is the Fox News contribution.  That outlet mentioned the document involving Smirnov’s fictitious testimony endlessly for the past year.  Hannity probably dwelled on it a hundred  times.  But you think the channel will post any kind of an apology?  No sir, they wont mention a thing, and thus a third of the country won’t know anything about the latest duping of the GOP.  So go ahead.  Keep on with your investigation or whatever you call it.  For a change, however, you might want to be a bit more thorough with your  source verification, and keep in mind if you don’t and your witness is another backfire, you not only look once more like boobs but also chillingly complicit in Russian conspiratorial election interference.

OK. Those things are aggravating to me.  But  right now, in the present, what really pisses me off has to do with our incongruous gun laws and gun culture, specifically as related to recent disclosure of what went on during the victory celebration for the Kansas City Chiefs. From the initial general reporting you can figure Missouri has some of the less restictive gun laws in the country.  Twenty three people hit by gunfire, with one death.  I honestly don’t know the specific gun laws of Missouri.  My guess would be they must pretty much entail a vigilante’s wet dream- open carry, or concealed carry,  permitless, no training.  But what really struck me was something that was mentioned in an article I read yesterday.  According to the aritcle, almost immediately after the shootings, the Missouri legislature passed a law banning “celebratory gunfire in the cities.”  Well, that is encouraging.  But wait, what?  So, previous to passing this bill, they thought  it was a good idea to allow a large gathering of pistol packing morons to simultaneously  just blaze away at the clouds hovering above?  And I wonder, was it possible to join in the rauccous revelry with an assult rifle in Kansas City?  That was like, normal?  The worst case fears of anyone having sensible reflection of what can happen in an environment combining gun powder and testosterone  just transpired in Kansas City.  Investigators still don’t know how may people were carrying how many guns that fired how many bullets.  They know 23 people were hit.  How only one perished is an absolute miracle.

Damn I hope our legislature is paying attention. Nebraska law makers recently jettisoned the state backwards into 19th century Dodge City and Tombstone.  Worth mentioning: The trigger that triggered all the nervous trigger fingers into action in KC was the simple fact that one of the shooters didn’t approve of the way someone in the crowd was looking at him.  Referendum anyone?

*for more Trump grifting awareness, see my blog article “The Big Pimp”





Arming Bowling Alleys New Republican Party Priority

In response to the recent mass shooting in Lewiston Maine, newly elected House Speaker Mike Johnson stated he will introduce legislation making it mandatory for all United States bowling alleys to install appressed armories on their premises.

Johnson made his proposal during a morning press conference.  Noting that the nation  has come a long way in making certain its citizens have easy access to firearms, he appologised for letting bowling alleys slip through the cracks of congressional supervision.  “It is imperative that we make it clear that any bad man with a gun entering a bowling alley will regretfully encounter  an army of good men with lots of guns.”  Johnson went on to explain how simple it would be to implement his plan.  “Now when a bowler walks up to the rental counter, he can simply be sized for a semi automatic of his choice as well as his shoes.”

The Speaker went on to assure Americans that they could count on more innovative measures like this one from a rejuvinated congress and they will all continue to work hard to ensure public saftey with thoughts and prayers.





The NRA, Gun Culture- and Throw the Bums Out

This blog is mostly history of the NRA and our gun culture in general. I have tackled the subject a dozen times, but for those inclined to move on to something else for that very reason, this time I mean to be less satirical and considerably more informative.  I am suddenly optimistic that we just might have reached a tipping point in the gun control debate.  There is a lot of information here, but the last five paragraphs are strictly my opinion and certainly not as technically supportive. If you just want to read more qualified material when you reach that point, skip to the link in the second to last paragraph.  All three links in this blog  are very enlightening but long,  so I have tried to provide content abridgment, for the first two anyway, in the interest of time. I think any of you who are up for confronting your state representatives will find much of the following material useful.  

God damn it this pisses me off!  Funeral arrangements were still being made for a few of the 17 people mowed down in the Parkland FL school shooting and the CEO of the NRA is centerstage at the CPAC convention fomenting his venomous brand of propaganda.  Wayne LaPierre is truly pond scum.  And the next day the President of the United States is addressing the same crowd, reenforcing  some of Mr. LaPierre’s talking points.  Just as annoying was how he once again pandered to the audience for the applause he so desperately seeks by rehashing past state electoral victories and telling blatant lies.  However, you would think someone in an advisory capacity would inform him that getting the crowd fired up with chants of “Lock her up” might not be the best idea.  This is the sort of thinking I can’t get my head around.  Sure the sophomoric response from the crowd gives Trump a boner.  But do these people, including Trump, not see the  irony in reacting this way when what Trump is accusing Hillary Clinton of is divulging classified information.  That is exactly what he is guilty of by employing a  White House full of people who have no security clearance.  And likely on the horizon are some serious charges being leveled against him and/or his family by Robert Mueller.  They are just asking for avenging chants of “Lock him up” in 2020, if the president is even still around.

This is where we are in America.  Politics is so polarized people can’t or do not want to reason logically, and the hostility has pervaded society in general.  It’s all just nuts.  Going on and on about all this just makes people sick.  But I have a blog and venting helps me retain my sanity.  To spare you, I will try to narrow the focus of this to just one aspect- our gun culture.  And I will let others with more knowledge of the subject give you detail.  In the interest of time, I will do my best to give a synopsis of the links, because no doubt you don’t have the time to read through all of this.  Come back later and read any of the material if you have places to go.

Particularly outrageous during the CPAC convention was the accusation thrown out by Wayne LaPierre’s accomplice Dana Loesch.  She implied that mainstream media somehow orchestrates mass shootings.  It’s the type of comment that underlines what the NRA does best-  promote conspiracy theories.

    LOESCH                                            LaPIERRE

Doesn’t mind shooting her mouth off                                 Doesn’t mind if you get shot

It was not always this way with the NRA.  Politicizing their agenda is a fairly recent development.  Here is a history of the organization NRA History.  A synopsis of the article is this: The NRA dates back to just after the Civil War.  So upset were two Union officers with the marksmanship they had witnessed  during that conflict they started the organization with the intent of improving the firing efficiency of anyone interested in doing so.  As the years went by the NRA became known for its promotion of safe and proper use of firearms, often supporting the governmental restrictions of their use.  That all changed in 1975 with the creation of the group’s first lobbying arm- the Institute for Legislative Action.

That branch of the NRA progressively took over, and by the mid 1980’s the organization transformed itself from one advocating gun safety, marksmanship and hunting into an uncompromising political institution intolerant of any form of restriction and proping up its position with the ambiguity of the second amendment.

This is an article about how the NRA has manipulated the very cryptic wording of the second amendment. How NRA Rewrote 2nd Amendment.  Synopsis: As late as the mid 1990’s Gallop polling  revealed the majority of the country still wanted stricter gun control laws.  in 1991, Chief Justice Warren Burger said the second amendment was the biggest fraud perpetrated on the American people by special interest groups that he had ever seen.  But as the NRA pounded away at our sensibilities with propaganda and conspiracy theories, and by taking advantage of legal decisions that steadily opened up the spigots of political donations, somehow public opinion started to change.  Whether you are happy with the status quo or fed up with the gun culture of this country, you have the NRA to thank or blame.

The landmark 2008 Supreme Court  “Heller” decision affirmed the right of non-military individuals to possess a firearm for traditional lawful purposes. It’s the NRA’s “go-to” judicial statement they always refer to.  It was one of those 5 to 4 decisions that makes you wonder if the founding fathers got Article Three of the constitution right.  As you might know, originalist Judge Scalia wrote the majority opinion, but what is rarely discussed is his clarification.  When asked if there are restrictions embedded in the Heller decision, he said “What the opinion in Heller said is it will have to be decided in future cases… some limitations (on the right to bear arms) are permissible.”  The right to bear arms he stated, will be decided by what society determines appropriate, and it does not mean individuals have the right to bear all types of arms.

***************************** MY THOUGHTS*************************

Is the Parkland Florida massacre going to finally be the catalyst to initiate limitations?  As a society have we at last had enough tragedy to change our gun culture?  Not if this congress has anything to say about it.  It’s time to start thinking now about making a statement at the ballot box and applying what Judge Scalia was referring to. Yes, enforce current laws and improve access to mental health.  If you think violence and permissiveness are too prevalent in society, watch your damn kids.  Outlawing bump stocks, raising age limits, mandating universal background checks and coordinating  law enforcement reporting are no-brainers.  That’s a good start.  But we need to do more.   It is sickeningly obvious we have too many guns in this country.  We need only to look at every other developed country in the world to see how pathetically we compare regarding gun violence and also to study what they have done to make things better. After reviewing all the mayhem as well as the information at our disposal, it is glaring apparent we can no longer fail to address our assault rifle problem. Ordinary citizens should not be allowed to purchase military assault firearms and large capacity magazines. That is a combination of weaponry that is intended to spray rifle fire and kill human beings.

I once had a semi-automatic hunting rifle.  I enjoyed target shooting with it more than I did hunting.  But when I did hunt I do not ever recall firing more than two rounds at any poor creature I was aiming at.  A hunter does not need a military weapon that is intended to spray bullets and kill other human beings.  If you require a magazine that holds more than six rounds I would argue you should not be in the field tracking an animal.  Any decent hunter will tell you one shot is optimum.  Any more and you ruin a good portion of the meat.  And if you enjoy target shooting like I once did, fine.  By all means it makes sense to hone your skill if you are a responsible gun owner.  But you don’t need an AR-15 for the stimulation.  Get yourself a true hunting or target rifle.  Better yet, a muzzle loader that requires more work than just pulling a trigger.  The exercise will do you some good. And there are way better choices for home defense than an assault rifle. As much as I hate to say it, a hand gun makes far more sense for that.  I am  hopeful future restriction and more severe penalties for illegal use of those things will trickle down from any momentum that initial, positive gun control measures create.

So no more assault rifle sales.  But what about all the assault rifles that are already out there?  My preferred option would be to round them all up and crush them for scrap metal.  But of course that is not feasible.   For those who own one now, logically you should be “grandfathered”.  But if you do own one, it needs to be re-registered in a national data base. Believe it or not there is no such thing in this country. This is the time and this is where to start.  And I believe there should be extremely hefty legal penalties for anyone carrying one around that does not comply with any restrictions that are or will be in place.  And by carrying around I mean transporting to a firing range. That is the only place it should ever be used or publicly viewed.  I can not comprehend how the NRA succeeded in forcing open carry laws down our throats.  Allowing anyone to walk down the street toting an AR-15, or any kind of long rifle, is absurd.  We do not live in a third world country.  As society has suddenly come to grips with predatory sexual violence, we should be just as appalled by this similar form of hyper-masculinity being foisted upon us by the NRA.   I do not know much about assault rifles but if there is a way to add a substantial tax to the ammunition I say do it.  I would personally donate generously to any kind of buy-back program.  There are assault rifle owners out there that are sawing them in half.  I would gladly lend you my reciprocating saw if you are so inclined.

The answer to solving gun violence is not more guns, like the NRA preaches.  If the ridiculous idea of having our teachers packing heat does not expose the sorry state of the pathetic, dysfunctional misanthropy that the NRA has instilled in this country I don’t know what will.  As a country and leader of the free world we should be far better than this.  The conversation has to include banning sales of military weaponry.  Read this for reference if you want some depth on assault rifles: Fuck You I Like Guns  The first civil right of all Americans is to be free of domestic violence.  Corporate America at least is taking a stand.  Thank you First National Bank of Omaha for getting the ball rolling.  And wow!  Thank you Dick’s Sporting Good’s for not stocking assault rifles any longer.

One final word and it is addressed to everyone, but especially those young students that are speaking out.  You are inevitably going to feel frustrated with congressional and presidential leadership that is heartlessly absent.  But your involvement can have a significant impact. The business community is already listening to you.  I was a college student in the 60’s and as a group we were a constant thorn in the side of political leaders, and it made a difference.  I caution you not to go to the extremes of that time.  But tweeting is not enough.  Support political candidates who share your concerns.  Help them and apply voting pressure in any way you can. If you are not old enough to vote, you can still volunteer and speak out. The youth vote in the past has tended to be dismal. Don’t let this moment of opportunity wither away.









Trophy Comfort


November 6, 2017

During a press appearance at a Tokyo golf course this afternoon, President Trump dedicated a golf trophy to the shooting victims who died during the Sutherland Springs church massacre.  “The people of Puerto Rico really seemed to enjoy the one I dedicated to them,” the president stated.  “What happened in Texas was such a terrible thing.  I  thought everyone would appreciate a nice, beautiful trophy.  Throw in a bunch of prayers and people will be feeling a lot better.” Since there was no tournament taking place on the golf course, the president was asked where the trophy came from.  He replied that he always keeps a spare on hand whenever he travels because they always make him feel good.  “It probably has something to do with my collection of trophy wives,” the president said wryly.

No official press conference was scheduled, but President Trump did spend a short time with the media discussing the slaughter at the Sutherland Springs church.  In anticipation of a query about gun control, the president artfully defused the situation by stating the horrific incident was not a gun problem, but rather a mental health problem.   “The American people know that now is not the time to talk about gun control. It is time to roll up our sleeves and do absolutely  nothing.  What is needed is a bunch of prayers.  So let’s everybody say some prayers, but maybe just not in church till all this blows over.  And of course the trophy will help a lot.’


Trump Gets “Up” Around Any Kind of Trophy





Good Idea/Bad Idea  What do you think about this?  Is this a good idea or a bad one?  Of course it’s a bad idea.  Trump wing-nuts are all set to stage a riot, so a gun would come in handy for all those guys.  It would only follow classic gun logic that as a matter of self defense people in the anti-Trump camp won’t feel comfortable unless they are all toting a firearm as well and properly equipped to fire back.  Who can blame them?  This has all the makings of a modern day shoot-out at the OK Corral, only on a much grander scale.

Only thing is, it turns out this petition is something along the lines of a hoax. It was likely drafted by some unknown gun control proponent as a way to force Republican presidential candidates to put their money where their mouths are.  However, during the period of time that this “petition” was considered credible, none of them were willing to dip into their bankroll of personal principles and actually say they support such a crazy idea.  I wonder what kind of grade the NRA will be handing out to these hypocrites this semester.

Self preservation is a core basic instinct.  Though none of the Republican presidential hopefuls will admit it, they would be scared shitless to walk into a way overcrowded room full of jittery , gun-waving revelers.  That is inviting disaster at a convention during a normal political year, and this year is the complete polar opposite of normal.  The Republican Party has an atomic wedgie up their butt crack over a Trump candidacy, and if there is one thing the Republicans are good at it’s preventing stuff from happening.  I have a feeling they’ll make up some new rules at the convention that will guarantee the Trump scenario does not occur.  The shit will really hit the fan then my friends,

The Republican candidates would in no way be willing to go out on a limb and say open carry is a good idea at their convention because they understand full well how gunpowder could ignite into chaos in an overcharged political climate.  Just in case some of you don’t understand how reflexively reactive gun culture can be, I thought I would break it down it in scientific terms. Let’s just say for the fun of it this “petition” actually bore fruit.  Here is a brief physiological description of what people would have to be prepared for on the convention floor:

Any loud, startling sound is apt to trigger a sense of panic that will induce the brain to muster up and send a bunch of nervous electrons along the nerve chain directly to the asshole, where they will attempt to paralyze the anal sphincter of Trump and anti-Trump supporters alike.  That is job number one for our electron armies.  Their initial task is to clamp all those muscles down tight so there is no shitting of the pants.  Sometimes they are able to take care of business, sometimes not so much.  It’s stinky down there, so often times they can only take so much and then  they high-tail it to our fingers in order to get as far away as possible.   It’s all part of our natural flight/fight reflex.  Look it up if you don’t believe me.  So if there are a bunch of acutely anxious people at the Republican convention, expect some index fingers to get over-stimulated.  And should  a bunch of people have a bunch of guns, what’s your guess all those index fingers will want to do?  Remember, we’re talking electrons here.  Electrical shit has a natural affinity for anything metal.  And keep in mind electrons aren’t just taking an evening stroll along the beach.  They move really fast.- like Usain Bolt fast if Usain Bolt was allowed to compete in the 100 meter dash by driving a Helios II spacecraft that has been given an extra shove by a supernova blast.  So now that you have been reintroduced to  human neurology and understand how fast things can go wrong, I think you have to agree this is a bad idea, unless you don’t particularly care for Republicans.


ABOVE:  Image of an electron nucleus at rest multiplied by 10 to the eight hundred forty six quad trillionth power.

Read this.   This leads up to my good idea of the week.   A half million people attended this concert.  Holy shit!  You know what I think?  If we could somehow get the Stones to sneak into Syria and start playing, it would lead to peace in the entire region.  Such a simple solution at little cost.  Give the people what they want for a change.   Just look at Cuba.  Those poor people were starved for Mick and Keith.  “You  can’t always get what you want ” should become the world’s anthem.  If you try sometimes, you just might find you get what you need.  Stones for World Peace!

Beyond Oregon

I don’t understand.  Some doofuses decided it was a good idea to execute an armed takeover of a bird sanctuary in Oregon?  Does that make any sense?  Does anyone know what is going on here, besides a bunch of good ol’ boy’s desire to show off their shiny new rifles they bought themselves for Christmas?  That just pisses me off, especially since the ringleader of this “militia” is a son of Cliven Bundy.  What a stupid shit he is.  What the heck is going on here.  I guess I’ll have to waste a good chunk of my valuable time and get to the bottom of this.


OK,  I’m back.  I studied up on this.  But in the meantime so much more has happened in the realm of gun control futility that I can’t control myself.  We’ve got this bird refuge thing going on,  the president was on TV explaining his executive order that will finally at least do something about our gun chaos, and we are greeted by the news that there are already over 500 gun related murders in the U.S. this year and we have only just entered week three.  I apologize to all who are thinking about continuing to read this.  I am overly passionate about this subject and I know this blog is way too long.  You will probably have to get yourself a snack half way through.  You surely have better things to do with your time.  That’s the point.  I don’t.  When I get incensed, I just keep typing.

There are so many things that are interwoven here that just piss me off.  Before anyone thinks I’m a liberal hell bent on taking away everyone’s guns, let me put that idea to rest.  I seriously don’t give a shit if you own a rifle if you use it for hunting.  No one cares. I used to hunt myself.  I will say I am not a big advocate of keeping a hand gun around the house, but if you feel more secure doing so, I am perfectly fine with it.  I am however not a fan of open or concealed carry.  I think we are just asking for trouble if we have the general population walking around carrying heat.  I worked as a retail pharmacist my entire working life.  If you knew how many people walked into my pharmacy on a daily basis that had “potentially unhinged” written on everything about them except their medical record, not to mention those stamped certifiably wacko, I would have to think you would also have second thoughts about passing out hand guns haphazardly. During the thirty years I worked as a pharmacist at my first place of employment, there were two armed robberies.  I had the distressing experience of having a pistol pointed directly at me during one of them.  In both situations, everyone involved was extremely grateful there was no one around to escalate the drama by pulling out a handgun of their own.   Both perpetrators were apprehended.  My only regret is that they were never given an appropriately long prison sentence for using a hand gun to commit a crime.

There have been several alarming road rage incidents ending in gun tragedy, and there is no doubt in my mind we are headed for an old fashioned wild west shoot out in some busy restaurant or night club one day if enough people subscribe to unbridled gun possession.  But laws in an overwhelming majority of our states have been passed allowing this, so like most I am stuck trying to remind myself to be fastidiously observant to suspicious looking characters as I walk down the street.  It’s the law- how all that happened I don’t know- but it is the law and so I shall learn to live with it.  And please, all you 2nd amendment paranoids out there.  No one is going to take your guns away from you.  Have you any idea how stupid that sounds.  How in the hell would any agency be able to confiscate three hundred million of anything?  That should not be any kind of worry, unless your intent is criminal or you happen to be crazy.

Happy hunter            42                Man with Rifle and Beer

No Problem                                       Might be a Problem                  Definitely a Problem

Which brings me to point number one that has so recently triggered my anger.  Crazy people should not have guns.  Even the NRA agrees with that. Or did. “Guns don’t kill- people do” is their mantra.  Unserved citizens with mental health issues is the definitive argument  the NRA always, underline always, defers to whenever a gun tragedy occurs in this country, or at least it has been in the past.  So what is the big issue the gun lobby objects to in President Obama’s just announced executive action?  A mental health provision.  Before the executive order, the gun  lobby’s position was always get guns out of the hands of the mentally disturbed.  Now, any medical reporting about the state of an elderly person’s mental health is an invasion of privacy.  Where in the world are we supposed to start?  If my doctor believes I am coming unhinged, I don’t care who he notifies, Social Security, state Health and Human Services, relatives, it doesn’t matter.   If I appear to be  a danger to myself or others, someone, somewhere should be following up and probably be taking my gun away from me, if I had one.  Which I don’t.   But under the circumstance I would not care if someone gets nosey.  There’s an appeals provision anyway.  Sure it’s probably a violation of earlier HIPAA rules, but for god’s sake we have to start somewhere.  What in the hell does the NRA want?  If I am a danger to society, society’s right to not get shot would, you would think,  take precedent over the precious right to bear arms.

And this Bundy business, come on!  Best case scenario concerning the Hammonds is they fucked up and let a fire get out of control.  Then the punishment probably does not fit the crime, but they can appeal.   Maybe prosecuting this case under counterterrorism law  was federal overreach, but the Bundy’s and their militia have once again defined overreach.  Over 33,000 gun deaths a year is certainly the 2nd amendment’s embarrassing failure to protect the public, but these clowns threatening the federal government with their macho display of gun worship is, contrary to what they believe, exactly what gives the 2nd amendment a black eye.  Sure, one of the reasons the 2nd amendment was drafted by our founding fathers was to provide regular citizens the recourse of armed insurrection in the event  government is deemed tyrannical by the majority. But this is another one of those outdated considerations of this amendment.  Nonetheless, people like the Bundy’s fall back on this interpretation to try and bully a path to their demands.  And I think if you research the demands of most of the morons participating in these types of armed insurrection, underneath it all you will find their demands are basically self serving attempts to avoid personal responsibility, like repaying loans, paying taxes and legally assessed fines and fees.  Cliven Bundy still has a million dollars worth of unpaid grazing fees.  God damn it that makes me mad.  These are the kind of dim wits that should be prosecuted under counterterrorism laws.

The younger Bundy, Ammon, an Arizonian who is behind most of the Oregon stink-up, has no problem availing himself to a half million dollar loan from the federal government’s SBA program, and he and/or his family members have undoubtedly partaken in many handouts the government generously extends to ranchers in our country  The Hammond’s don’t appear to know what in God’s name Ammon is doing all the way up in Oregon anyway.  Kind of looks like they’d rather go to jail than deal with a Bundy.  It seems one of the armed protester’s demands is an insistence that the government return all federal lands to their original, rightful owners.  The group is not sure who that is.  It could be this guy or that guy.  If they bothered to think that through, that would be the people below.

gn_01649b                                                     Geronimo, Native American leader of the Chiricahua Apache with rifle

This Guy (Oregon)                                  That Guy (Arizona/Nevada)

I seriously doubt that is the intention they have in mind.

All this supposed tyranny is going on by the government, when possibly the most tyrannical aspect of this armed takeover is suppression of the rights of us normal citizens not participating in this armed fiasco.  It might sound trivial, but I like watching birds.  Bundy, you’re fucking that up for the rest of us.  This bird sanctuary is actually a pretty important habitat for a number of migratory birds  Ammon, for Pete sakes go home and mind your own business.  You need to apply yourself to paying off that half million dollar loan.

How about all the Republican presidential candidates and members of congress getting all bent out of shape over Obama’s executive order.  I would like to see how empty the halls of congress get if the decision was ever made to remove the metal detector from their building.  Remember, Ammon Bundy hates you.  If that did happen, maybe congress would invoke the Trump rule.  Stop all gun sales till we figure out what the hell is going on.






Guns Continued

There is a lot of shit going on lately that pisses me off.  So much blog fodder.  You probably figured out what is coming here if you’ve been watching the news.  It’s  gun issues again.   I can’t help myself.  I just don’t get why sensible steps to control gun violence are met with so much resistance.  I really feel the sale of guns should have the same, local, state, and federal supervision that is required for drug sales.  Unrestricted internet and gun show sales should not be allowed.  Objection to common sense proposals just incense me.  So once again I wrote another blog that deals with guns, one that is way too long and is adorned with way too many links.  This isn’t it.  My lengthy one is so long I decided to break off a small segment and post it here.  I will finish up the other one and post it next week.  The subject I am posting here is so insulting I just have to get it off my chest now.

Fox news. Andrea Tantaros and Meghan McCain. Where do they get these people?  They, among others at Fox news, accused President Obama of displaying tears of the crocodile strain as he recollected the slaughter of first graders at Sandy Hook

Holy shit even I was tearing up when the president mentioned that harrowing incident. In fact, you mention any kind of death of a seven year old and I get choked up. You have to expect this kind of bullshit from Sean Hannity, but these are women, I believe. Generally that gender produces our more sensitive and caring types. WTF is wrong with these stupid bitches. It’s clear from their statements these women can’t possibly have children of their own. I guess that’s the one positive thing we can conclude from their insensitive remarks. Andrea and Meghan. Please don’t let your birth control prescriptions lapse. As souless as you are, extracting any parenting skills, let alone any emotion except enmity, out of your cold, black hearts would seem to be such an impossibility you would pose a danger to your prodigy.






Second Amendment Sanity

If you recall, when I left off my friend and neighbor Farhad and I were both absorbed in the task of solving one of our country’s most perplexing problems- how not to get shot. We decided we need some nice gun-restricted space.  See my previous blog “San Bernardino” if you are interested.  We have progressed through initial planning and haven’t worked out all the details quite yet, but we think we are getting a handle on things.  Starting us off in the right direction is the name for our program.  We think it’s pretty catchy.  It is called Second Amendment Sanity.  SAS is the logical acronym, which should not be confused with ASA, the chemical abbreviation for aspirin (acetylsalicylic acid in case your are confused) which works pretty well for headaches but won’t give you a lot of pain relief if you get shot.

Here are the basic steps we think will be required to provide us with an environment of gun-restricted space.  The list is kind of long, but if you pay attention, no doubt you will realize our logic is unflawed.

The first thing is a petition.  We need to get that going.  I’m not sure how you go about that, but I will google it.  Can’t be too hard.  That google business.  I wish I would have thought that up.  Everybody’s using it, but I thought I heard somewhere it’s not going to be called google anymore.  That might fuck me up.

The next thing we need is the space.  Farhad’s original thought was a city ordinance in Omaha.  No guns in Omaha.  That’s the way he would really like to go.  Check your guns as soon as you cross into city limits, like you saw in the movie “Unforgiven.” Gene Hackman really laid a beat down on Richard Harris and Clint Eastwood for noncompliance of that statute.  We don’t want shit like that to go down.   I had to tell Farhad he was off the beam here, but not because Gene Hackman might show up and go ballistic   It was because Farhad wasn’t seeing the big picture.  Omaha is all filled up.  There is no doubt in my mind this thing is really going to catch on and we are going to need a much bigger space, for new housing and such.  I finally convinced Farhad we might as well go long and zone the entire state of Nebraska.  There are a couple of logical reasons to do so.

First of all, there’s that tricky legal business.  We need some laws passed, and since our U.S. congress can’t seem to get its shit together on gun control, we need the accommodation of a state legislature, and we need a state legislature that has the balls to tell the NRA leadership to stick all their guns up their asses.  It’s a long shot in a conservative state like Nebraska I know, but Nebraska has something not going for it that all the other states do- two legislative bodies.  Nebraska has a unicameral.  There’s no shifting responsibly back and forth between a senate and a house.  All the bickering gets done in one place so they can’t pass the buck off to another school of spineless jellyfish.  Another possibility is Hawaii. Hardly anyone in that state owns a gun anyway, so overcoming 2nd amendment paranoia would be less problematic. If worse comes to worse, Farhad and I would have no problem relocating to Hawaii. That move would certainly have a sweet side to it. Sandy beaches and hula girls. Whoa baby!  My kids are all grown up and on their own, so my wife and I have been downsizing anyway. Farhad has two teenagers that are a little sensitive about all the school site harassment they get over their religion, so he figures the move might be advantageous. So we might get a petition drive going over there too.

Female agriculture farmer success                                      Woman in hawaii costume drink juice.

———-GOOD————-                                         ——BETTER——-

Then we have to secure our borders.  I don’t think we have to go nuts on this and build a gigantic wall around the entire state of Nebraska or anything.  Farhad and I have both seen how slick state patrol monitoring operates on our western border.  We are pretty sure regular policing with that agency will work out nicely.  That seems to be the case with marijuana possession anyway.   You ought to see all the cars frantically pulling off to the shoulder of Interstate 80 when their drivers are suddenly confronted by the big “Canine Patrol Ahead” sign that greets Nebraska visitors coming across the Colorado/Nebraska state line.

Depositphotos_10600799_s-2015                                                      Officer With Trained Dog Smelling The Bag

A Day in a Park                                                           A Night in a Jail

But Farhad and I really don’t care about restricting marijuana.  The intent of our plan is to make sure what you don’t posses in our gun-restricted space is a hand gun or assault rifle.  So here we go with the trickiest part of the whole deal.

I am sorry, but the second amendment needs a serious revisit.  That thing has been collecting cobwebs for over two centuries.  There is no doubt in my mind that if our founding fathers, during the process of drafting the second amendment,  had been able to foresee the savage mayhem created by the current gun culture of this country, they would have utilized all of their collective wisdom and devoted a significantly more number of words, paragraphs, and attention to detail to it than that which exists in its original twenty seven word, one sentence form.  When that first session of congress threw the second amendment down on paper it was as if they were in a big hurry to leave the city of New York and get home.  Actually, they kind of were.  New York was  a shit hole at the time I guess.  I think if they were around today they would admit they should have spent a little more time on it.  In fact, had James Madison seen this coming when he first proposed the Bill of Rights, he would have made sure the only future ambiguity involved in the second amendment would be the sorting out of all the specifics of its entangled legalese.

If our founding fathers were around today, here are some specifics of our gun-restricted space that they would not only consider constitutional, but that probably would convince most to pack their bags and relocate to our space.

Hand guns and assault rifles- sorry, but if you have one or ten of these, tough shit.  You have to give them up.  What our founding fathers would make clear in no uncertain terms is any firearm manufactured for the sole intent of killing people will be a  prohibited possession of the general civilian population.  In the case of a hand gun, that intent may not have been something original, but that is the intent to which it has evolved. Look up the crime statistics yourself if you don’t believe me.  And I know what you’re thinking.  What about self defense?  It’s always nice to be able to shoot somebody if he breaks into your house.  Well that’s the beauty of our gun-restricted space.  You can’t have a hand gun, but neither can the intruder. You should be able to take care of him with a Louisville Slugger.  Go  to the park and hit a few fungos.  You’ll get the hang of it.

In the case of an assault rifle, killing people is its original intent, period.   Therefore, hand guns and assault rifles shall be retained by trained, enrolled law enforcement and military personnel only.  Shooting people is part of their job description, not yours.  And you should know blatant, unrestrained use of firearms by law enforcement will not be tolerated in our gun-restricted space.  But you should also know  that if you point a hand gun or assault rifle at a police officer, expect the worst.  In the interest of fairness, should you own these types of firearms,  we will have a buy-back program in place.  We aren’t total assholes.

Then we have to deal with hunting rifles.  It’s a large gray area we have to narrow down.  They are supposed to be used for hunting game.  I have lost interest, but at one time I even liked to hunt.  I understand the attraction.   But sometimes hunting rifles are used to shoot people.   That is a very sadistically twisted intent of their use.  Once again I defer to our founding fathers.  By way of helping everyone understand why our founding fathers left so much ambiguity within the second amendment when it was transcribed, take a look at the examples below.

Royal Guardsman during the re-enactment of the War of Succession                                          rifle and pistol both hands isolated on white

Example Number 1                                                              Example Number 2

Of the two examples above, which one represents the person best equipped to conduct a   psychotically induced shooting rampage in a busy shopping mall?  Of course.  Number 2.  No brainer.  About all that our founding fathers knew concerning rifles is what you see in example Number 1.  If they would have had any inkling of what would transpire in firearms development they would have shit their capri pants.  So there’s our solution.  You will be able to own a rifle for hunting, but only if it is classified as a muzzle loader.  All that dicking around with a ramrod and wadding is just the safe way to go.  Your aunt Sally could take out almost anyone in the process of reloading a muzzle loader in a shopping mall with a good swing of her purse.  So for game hunting, it’s a muzzle loader. It’s what our founding fathers intended.  That’s it.  No exceptions.  Farhad and I are through pissing around with this.  We both also think this regulation will provide a more level playing field for the hunted.  It makes the whole experience more sporting.

Finally, the punishment for possession of a hand gun will be a 50 year prison sentence plus a gun shot in the hand.  Should you posses an assault rifle, punishment for that will be wherever the bullets end up in you after confiscation.

I know the list of prohibited firearms seems overly restrictive, but that’s just the way it’s got to be.  Just like people who want their firearms, there are people like us who don’t.  We deserve the right to live where there are zero or limited firearms, just like others deserve the right to live where they can get shot.  We aren’t saying you can’t have all those guns.  We are just saying you can’t have all those guns in our gun-restricted space.  You simply need to go away to some other space.  Texas has a bunch of space reserved just for you, and if you are really into getting shot, there is an extremely favorable chance Louisiana and Mississippi will work out nicely for you.

Well there you have it. That’s our SAS program in a nutshell.  If you are inclined to live your life in a less anxious state, I suggest you support our SAS initiative. Farad is working on our petition at this very moment. He has three computers all networked in his house.  I think I’ll pop over and see how it’s going.  That son of a bitch is a computer genius.



San Bernardino

Home of the brave?  Not so sure.  Looks to me like we are becoming the home of the scaredy cats.  I’ll be the first to admit all the mass shootings going on make me a little jumpy.  That San Bernardino business has to make you wonder if those crazy bastards blowing shit up and mowing people down overseas haven’t decided to move their entertainment venues onto  our more ostentatiously fertile shores once again. We are the land of conspicuous consumption and instantaneous gratification after all, and I think that really bothers them.  But contrary to what you hear it’s not because they consider all the superficial materialism abhorrent..  My theory is they are obsessively jealous over it.  Religious extremism has little to do with religion.  It’s about power.   And I think those looney jihadists calling for a reestablishment of a caliphate like to dwell in the past. They want to bring back what they once had, like lots of superficial materialism.  Muslims ruled much of the civilized world during a good portion of the first millennium.  As I understand the Muslim past, an increasing entrenchment in culturally restrictive religious practices resulted in excessively exclusive institutions and sets of laws that ultimately led to the Muslim world’s inability to keep pace in the industrialized world.  I think I did a pretty good job compressing centuries of history into one sentence.  In the end it all came apart for the last caliphate when leadership decided to back the wrong side during World War I.  Goodby Ottoman Empire.

My friend and neighbor Farhad could not give a shit about the Ottoman Empire.  He is a Muslim and loves his Islamic religion, in a regular, religious way.  He goes nuts with all the kneeling down and praying, like a gazillion times a day.  It makes me feel like shit.  I only get around to that once a week, if I’m lucky.  That happens on Sunday, like normal, but usually it’s more of a plea to let the Packers score so they cover the point spread.  And Farhad really likes the Huskers.  He’ll drop over sometimes and watch a football game with me, but only for a short time.  Then he disappears because he has to go home and pray again.

————Muslim Praying In Mosque                                                         man sitting on couch

Farhad- during his before meal prayer                  Me- during my 4th quarter field goal try prayer

Farhad and I shoot the shit a lot.  I consider him to be a deep thinker, and even though our religious affiliation couldn’t be more dissimilar, I have found he and I have many other things in common.  One of those things is we’d both like to get through the day without getting shot.  Farhad has an extra burden to bear though.  Besides not wanting to get shot, there likely are some people out there who believe Farhad is going to shoot them.  He worries himself sick.  He is certain all of our neighbors are suspicious of him and think he is up to no good.  During the first conversation he and I had after the San Bernardino catastrophe he turned into an emulsified pudding of psychological despondency right before my eyes.  To bolster his psyche, I told him what I always tell him.  I start off by telling him the truth.  People who are intelligent and generally observant at all understand the odds of getting shot by a Muslim are fractional compared to getting shot by a  plain old white American, probably with some distinct but little practiced form of Christianity as a religious background.   I mention that I am certainly not afraid of him, and anyone who knows him is not afraid of him.  Hell, he won’t even let his kids play with water-guns, and in fact he is terrified of anything potentially explosive.  Because he is so deathly afraid of guns, I skip over the fact that I am more concerned about the three white Christians in my neighborhood who go out of their way to brag about the arsenal of weapons they have at their disposal.  One of them lives across the street and proudly professed to me one day this summer that he has a firearm of some sort in every room of his house, all of them lying around unsecured.  He said he always wants to be ready, just in case, and he said this to me while he was eyeing Farhad while Farhad was mowing his lawn.

Is this what we have become in this country, so overwhelmed by fear and paranoia we have to have a gun in every room of our house?   It never ceases to amaze me how worked up we get over what is reported as a terrorist attack and who we associate them with, when all the day to day mayhem caused by firearms is considered normal.  What the fuck is wrong with us?  If you ask me all shootings, mass or otherwise, are terrorist attacks.  The two constant components are the same- guns and dead people.

I feel sorry for Farhad.  But I can console him with the fact that getting shot in this country is totally random.  It doesn’t matter if you are a Muslim, Christian, Jewish, Hindu, whatever.  If you extrapolate all the data, each and every one of us are lucky enough to have the same odds of being mowed down by gunfire.  It’s democracy in action.  Well shit, I guess I forgot about the black population.  They are getting picked off at a pretty high clip.  I was kind of fixated on religious preference though.  And that’s how I generally approach my discussion with Farhad when the topic of getting shot comes up.  It seems to calm him down a bit.  Geezuz I forgot about Baptists too.  I don’t know this for a fact, but I think most blacks are Baptists.  That might skewer the data a bit.

Anyway Farad and I are in total agreement that something has to be done. Congress has been sitting around with their heads up their asses way too long.  We shouldn’t have to have second thoughts about going to a movie or shopping mall, or ball game, or a church, mosque or synagogue.  Or anyplace.  So he and I are working on our safe place, a place as gun-free as possible.  He’s home in front of his PC sifting through information about gun violence and the second amendment right now.  That son of a bitch is a computer dynamo.  He’s always dicking around with a computer, or worrying, or praying.  He has a really hot wife and to lighten things up sometimes I like to  tell him that instead of all the praying, he might find  some timely corn grinding to be more relaxing.  And she always has a snack for me whenever I go over there.  As a matter of fact that’s where I am headed in a couple of minutes.  I’m going to see how Farhad is doing with his research.  Maybe I’ll get lucky and snag some baba ghanoush.  I don’t know what’s all in that stuff but I will say it is pretty darn tasty.









When I was a kid, during the ages surrounding ten, my friends and I would often engage in our own form of the Civil War.  I almost always ended up as a Confederate, not because I drew the short straw, but because I wanted to.  It had absolutely nothing to do with race and slavery. Growing up in a small town in Wyoming, I had no concrete concept of any of that.  The color gray was simply more appealing to me.  It seemed like a more dominant color, an earthy color that could kick the crap out of blue.  I understood by that time in my life that historically gray came out on the short end of things, but that was not a concern of mine then.  I was ten and playing a game.  It was played with squirt guns and water balloons, and incorporated a version of capture the flag, and I won my share of battles.  By the time I was twelve or so, our neighborhood game of Civil War ended.  Of course there was no official surrender with a signed document or anything.  We all just moved on with our lives.

I don’t have a lot going on, so I spend a good portion of the day in reflection about stuff like this.   And so many times my thoughts about the innocent and carefree experiences of my life, both past and present, get completely steamrolled by absurdly cruel and horrific current events.  The massacre at Charleston’s Emanuel AME Church is yet another example of the type of craziness that overwhelms what I believe to be my normally adjusted mind, to the point where I begin to question what is real or imaginary.  That this much prejudice and hatred can still exist, especially in this country, is incomprehensible to me.  And don’t get me started on gun control.  Sorry.  What I should say is once again I’m going to get started on gun control.  Certainly the actions of  the person that committed this atrocity wandered beyond racism and into the realm of psychotic delusion.  And that points to the fact we do need better mental health care, not only here but everywhere on the planet.  But right there is your “catch 22,” and the NRA does not understand it to be a catch.  You must be insane to use a gun to kill innocent people, but insane people are allowed to buy guns.  And even if we could lock up all the clinically diagnosed psychotics, there would still be plenty of marginal nut-jobs out there that would make accounting for all impossible.  Sure, maybe we can make some slight progress in helping the unstable, but we can make significant progress in reducing firearm tragedy by implementing very strict laws and practices of control.  We should make the purchase of a hand gun or assault rifle so difficult most will give up trying.  Do what they do in Canada and Australia.  Require a psychological exam and some third party references.  I would take it one step further.  Every prospective buyer should be subjected to a polygraph test, and I suggest one electrode be genitally attached and capable of emitting an electrically charged reminder of the seriousness of the matter should a lie be told.

And to those entrenched in second amendment protection, I say it’s time to seriously debate it’s intension and interpretation.  Times change.  Things evolve.  The four simple words “keep and bear arms” part of this amendment is way too broad of a statement in today’s crazy world if you ask me.  Every president, and practically every presidential candidate, will declare, in one speech or another, that the most important task of the position is to keep us, the citizens, safe, and to uphold the constitution while they are at it.  The second amendment is the only statement in the constitution that mentions weapons specifically.  If the founding fathers had known at the time there would be this much mayhem caused by firearms, I think their wording of it would have been more carefully crafted.  Hunt game all you want.  You are doing all of us that take an evening drive along state highways a huge favor if you bag a deer.  But assault rifles belong in the hands of trained military personnel, and if you feel it is your right to own a handgun for self protection, alright.  But keep the damn thing in your house.  Home invasion and burglary are one thing, but outside of the police force no one should be walking around with a hand gun.  If we get serious about penalties for crimes committed with a handgun, the misplaced paranoia over the need to carry one in public would drastically diminish.  If the underlying purpose of the second amendment is to make us all safe, it is, at present, failing miserably.

And this Confederate battle flag business, come on!  Maybe even worse than South Carolina allowing the thing to fly on it’s capital grounds is Mississippi’s incorporation of it in their official state flag.  It is a symbolic and absolutely offensive reminder of an absolutely embarrassing and inhumane time in our country.  Read the Declaration of Independence.  We are all created equal.  Thomas Jefferson himself, though a slave owner, tried to discourage the practice of slavery in a number of ways.  He and many others of  the Revolutionary War era understood it was wrong.  The ultimate recognition of this fact was a bloody civil war, and ever so slowly most came to acknowledge the injustice of the peculiar practice and as a nation we gradually came to our senses.  There is something terribly wrong with someone that  holds some sort of reverence for an image that symbolizes acts committed by mankind that in many respects parallel those that come to mind when we see the flag of Nazi Germany.   Hopefully those that still embrace this symbol are unmindful of its insulting stigma and are merely trying to naively cling to a simpler time represented by the colors blue and gray.  But it is 2015.   It’s time to put those boyhood fantasies aside and move on.



