Category Archives: Politics


Ok now I’m worried.  The day after Donald Trump was elected president I thought I could give him a chance.  I even said that in a blog at that time.  One day later Mr. Trump did something that made me regret going out on a limb with that public statement.  He appointed alt-right provocateur Stephen Bannon as a presidential advisor.  It then became obvious to me that all of the soothing rhetoric of Mr. Trump’s acceptance speech about uniting the country was nothing more than another of his manipulative lies.  And by now it is obvious he is not about to release his tax returns.  For me those two things alone indicate what we observed during the campaign is pretty much what we are going to get from him as president.  That in itself is worrisome. Having Stephen Bannon as a PRESIDENTIAL ADVISOR is a blatant proclamation by the president that he is a narrow-minded bigot himself.  And by concealing his tax returns he is shamelessly announcing he is a shifty, swindling  SOB and doesn’t care who knows it.  On top of that, the man has the audacity to suggest that because he was elected president it must mean he has the right to do anything he wants.

And the thing is in a way he’s right.  He is right because we tend to forget these and his other discretions and missteps for the simple reason there are so many of them.  Over time we have learned about his business misconduct, bankruptcies, despicable personal conduct, exaggerations and flat out lies, one after another, each episode glossed over by and because of the next.  It’s a shell game President Trump has played his entire adult life.  But he and his surrogates have transformed the game into a political weapon I think best described as GASLIGHTING, a state of mind that is achieved by deliberately creating  confusion so often that a person becomes vulnerable to believing an alternate reality.  It’s a common tactic of dictators.

Stopping Gaslighting in its Tracks

Up till now I have resigned myself to the fact that we are stuck with Trump’s mind games and fast talking and will probably live though it all. Yes, we will have to choose our battles, like issues involving civil rights and the environment.  As we have found out during the first days of this administration, public pressure works.  But many of the outlandish statements he makes are nothing more than pathetic displays of self aggrandizement, obsessions over matters that are ridiculously petty, and boasts about things that will never get accomplished. His flurry of executive orders contain many that are all show just to make it look like he is fulfilling campaign promises.  His “wall” is a perfect example.  Mexico is never, in any way, going to pay for the stupid wall.  If it does get built, you and I will be paying for it one way or another.  Also if it is built, we can kiss any of Trumps grandiose plans for infrastructure improvement goodby.  Geezuz didn’t daddy Fred ever have that discussion with Donald about money not growing on trees?

However, something he said during the campaign, and astonishingly repeated since he assumed the presidency really bothers me.  He insists during our invasion of Iraq that we should have “Kept the oil.”  It’s one thing to say that during a blustery campaign speech, but this man is now the president of our county.  That kind of remark is an alarming indication of how ill prepared he is for the job, and should not be buried in all the gaslighting minutiae, which sadly, it is.  I know the president is a foreign policy neophyte, but I cannot believe someone in advisory capacity did not inform him of how dangerous it is to say something that volatile.  This is something that should not be treated as one of the president’s petulant, fly-off-the-handle statements. If there is no one among the president’s advisory staff that has the courage to correct him, surely Paul Ryan or any member of congress with common sense should show some gumption and do it.  Whoever it is might also suggest he actually read something that is not about himself for a change, like a high school text about modern world history for instance.

Trump’s “keep the oil” statement is not just a contradiction of international law, the sovereignty of which Mr. Trump stunningly ridiculed during his first presidential interview (#5 at very bottom of this article). I suppose we shouldn’t be surprised that someone who supports torture (#4 in same above article)  would in his mind consider pillage and rape to be normal extensions of war.  Critically important, this comment is also counterproductive to any kind of plan to destroy ISIS, one of Mr. Trump’s primary promises to us during his election campaign.  This is bulletin board material for ISIS.  There can be nothing more threatening and imperialistic sounding to the entire muslim world than saying we should keep the oil of any county in the Middle East that we imperiously invade.  The president seems totally unaware of the resentment in the region toward Western hegemony that has transpired since World War One.  It’s a remarkable lack of knowledge for someone so adamantly insistent he’s just the guy who knows how to deal with ISIS.  There is a strong argument that the catalytic spark for ISIS and the reason we invaded Iraq was Cheney’s and Rumsfeld’s unrestrained avidity for Iraqi oil.  Not that he ever would of course, but his incendiary statement can not be retracted.  Those words are forever locked in the twitter domain for ISIS to use at its discretion.  They will headline every ISIS recruiting website these terrorists utilize.

Then there is the matter of the safety of our military.   In the muslim world an ignorant statement like this certainly resurrects unpleasant memories of an empire carved up by Western outsiders, and could easily excite feelings that imperil our troops currently serving in Iraq.  Who in this administration has the president’s ear?  Is it Steve Bannon, the anarchist who says the “media should keep its mouth shut.”  Though the gag orders and intimidation of this administration make it burdensomely difficult to continue reporting one ridiculous comment after another, it is more important than ever that the media keep up that work.  Hopefully then someone in authority will finally have the balls to say enough is enough.  Politically President Trump is in way over his head, but I am not sure if all the gaslighting isn’t working if you listen to his defenders.  Every time the president makes one of his absurd comments, a spokesperson rationalizes it by saying its just the way the man is and it is a ‘new order’ we had better get used to.  That convoluted logic seems to be working for some people.  I know President Trump wants to drive us into isolation, but he has got to realize his words do matter to other nations and can incite hostility toward vulnerable and innocent people.  Our country might be stuck in Trumpworld,  but there are other parts of the globe not as willing to dwell there.   Someone with a spine has got to force this president to take a serious look at reality- actual reality, not his.

NOTE:  Well we are into the second day of the president’s immigration shit storm now. Geezuz I just can’t keep up with this guy.   I am not so sure my computer won’t run out of ink.  If you agree with this blog, please share.  If you don’t you can bite my shorts.









From all appearances President Trump’s ongoing feud with the media is not about to subside anytime soon.  Controversy erupted this afternoon after the president released a tweet questioning the crowd size at the Pancake House where he was eating.

President Trump Appreciates the Impressive Service Rendered by Pancake House Employee Bambi

A film crew from local station KCON happened to be in the area and shot video of the president having breakfast.  When he watched the clip during KCON’s noon news broadcast, he apparently took exception to what he perceived as a sparse crowd in the background, and immediately sent this tweet:  “Dishonest media at it again.  Pancake House was packed!  Obvious editing hack job!!  So Sad!!!”

When asked for specifics, presidential spokesperson Keilyanne Conway stated the president was simply concerned that the media had altered things to make it appear that the crowd this morning was  much smaller than the crowd televised last week at the Jimmy’s Egg where former president Obama ate his breakfast omelet.   “The president is just sick and tired of everyone always saying his crowds and other stuff are so small.  It’s time the media started reporting accurate alternative facts,” Ms. Conway stridently suggested.

In related news, after the CEO of Pancake House promised President Trump he would hire more waitresses like Bambi, company stock gained 5 points. In anticipation of presidential retaliatory measures, Jimmy’s Egg investors unloaded corporate shares in a huge afternoon sell-off.

   Separately, there is a really good article about fake news HERE





Fake News and How I Feel About Goldengate

If you’re like me when that Trump “Goldengate” story broke you immediately started searching the internet for pertinent information.  Also if you’re like me, when you found it you realized fairly quickly it was so bazaar it was in need of some serious fact checking.  In case you are fortunate enough to somehow be unaware of the sordid details, just google “Buzzfeed golden shower”.  You can find how the media handled the situation here.  Personally I don’t think CNN can claim to be totally blameless for the blowback.  True, what they reported was factual, but they opened the door that BuzzFeed saw as opportunity to release the entirety of the salacious document.  Maybe there is something to this story, maybe not.  But our media had better resist the temptation to be first on the block to disclose a story when it is unsubstantiated.

Of course this story is not without irony.  As explained here President Trump is a notorious liar and this can easily be considered a case of receiving a deserved dose of his own medicine.  But it has never been more important that the fourth estate kept us informed of that which is fact.    It’s bad enough when the president and his surrogates make their “alternative facts” seem believable, but passing  them a blatant lie on a silver platter is something they will absolutely feast on.  Zeke Miller! Get your head out of your ass.

It is apparent to most that President Trump has trouble dwelling in the realm of truth.  Take for instance his insistence that no one cares about his tax returns. Total bull shit.  I know because i did my very own survey just the other day.  I got pretty riled up after I heard him once again dodge and deflect about that during his pre-inageral news conference.  I laced up my shoes and went door to door on my block and asked my neighbors how they felt about the issue.  And I didn’t just collect information from the left. I wanted to be fair and hear from both sides, so I weaved my way right, then left, then right and so on till I reached the end of the block.   It’s a long block too.  More like two blocks.  There is sort of an alleyway halfway down that intersects our street at a right angle.  It doesn’t go through though,  It just ends at our street.  I don’t know what the fuck it’s doing there, but it comes in handy sometimes.

Now on my way back I noticed the left was now on my right.  So just to make sure opinions hadn’t changed I solicited each house again.  And sure enough nothing changed.  Each of my neighbors gave me the same answer they had previously.  Actually I didn’t get a second answer from everyone.  About half way back I decided since I was so consistently receiving the same answer from everybody the second time, continuing on with my questioning seemed pointless.  But just to make sure everything stayed on the up and up, I walked the rest of the way home backwards.  That way my left was still on my left and my right was on my right, just as it was when I departed. I wanted to be sure no one would think I was tampering with the results of my survey.  It’s important people know I wasn’t dicking around with facts.

Just as I suspected, overwhelmingly the public wants Mr. Trump to release his tax returns.  Of the 21 people I surveyed, none said absolutely not, 2 said it didn’t matter one way or the other, and 18 said yes, he should cough them up.  And all 18 were vehemently adamant about it.  Actually one of the 18 was a little more vehement about  Joey “No Socks”   than Mr. Trump and his tax returns.  That was a guy we call Bugsy.  He lives five houses down the block and kind of keeps to himself.  After I got a “yes” out of him he went on a rampaging dialog about Mr. “No Socks” owing him 30 G’s for some kind of painting he found somewhere and how he was going to take care of Mr. No Socks as soon as he completed his house arrest.  I couldn’t quite follow the whole thing but thought it would be more prudent to get the hell out of there than ask for clarification.

Trump and Mr. No Socks

You’re probably wondering about that one person that is unaccounted for.  Number 21 would be Marlborough Man.  He’s a stay at home dad and no one has ever seen him without a lit cigarette.  He lives clear at the end of the block and his yard is strewn with dog shit and dead animal parts.  The entire environment shouts stay away.  Another thing in his yard, even to this day, is a “Vote for Trump” sign, so to eliminate the risk of defiling my shoes with something untoward,  I just chalked  Marlborough Man up to a big NO that is duly logged, though that result is properly marked with an asterisk.

So as you can see Mr. Trump, people absolutely DO want to see your tax returns and by saying we are not interested you are promoting fake news.  And speaking of fake, those fake folders you displayed during that January 11th news conference were quite the nice touch.  If nothing else at least your well polished skills as a con-man remain factually consistent.   I look forward to seeing just how far you can push that envelope of public gullibility now that you are actually our president.





Billy Bimble’s Diary (The Real Story Behind Twittergate)

2/20/18- Dear Diary:

Well we made it through the first year Diary, and boy what a year!  I think America should be damn proud of what president Trump got done.  The wall is under way, that silly Obamacare is caput, and we rounded up all those bad muslims and Mexicans.  I think that’s a pretty impressive  list of accomplishments.  Of course the dishonest media is making a big stink about all of this stuff.  I think Gitmo was a great idea.  Our prisons are all filled up, so what better place to stuff all those muslims.   We’ll figure out what do with those guys someday.  And what a clever idea it was to use all those school busses to transport the Mexicans back to Tijuana.  They just collect dust in the summer anyway.

And we kind of need a way to cut expenses.  The dishonest press said a bunch of people were upset when they found out they were going to have to pay for the wall after all, but Ms. Conway came in and got that all straighten out and did a pretty good job explaining it was President Obama’s fault for letting all those Mexicans into America in the first place.  For some reason just mentioning Obama’s name like that seems to make people realize what a great president Mr. Trump is.   But really, like Mr. Trump says, the funding problem is on Congress anyway.  It’s their job to figure out where 26 billion dollars comes from.  He tried his best to get Mexico to pay up.  You  know about the twitter war he’s having with Vicente Fox.  I know he’s not the the Mexican president in office anymore, but he really should watch his potty mouth.  Using the “f” word and all.  I’m so glad our president doesn’t stoop that low. He might not know a lot of words, but like he says he knows all the good ones.

3/02/18- Dear Diary:

Well the dishonest media is at it again Diary.  They’re saying there’s some sort of conflict of interest with those new golf courses Mr. Trump has going on in Russia and Syria.  Everyone knows his sons are the ones involved in that.  He’s way too busy managing his Twitter account to have time for any outside business.  That damn Vicente is just a constant bother the president has to deal with.  They’ve been going back and forth now for over a year.   Right off I kept telling him to just let it go. As assistant press secretary (How I Became Assistant Press Secretary) I get to sit in on a lot of the office conversation, and I have to tell you if he comes across a tweet or something on TV that bothers him, that Oval Office is likely in for some  overheating.  Nothing seems to lather him up like ol’ Vicente though.

Of course I told you a year ago what set him off was Vicente’s tweet about him being all illegitimate and stuff since he lost so bad to Hillary in the popular and then he just had to bring up that awkward intelligence information about Russia pushing the election his way.  It’s got to the point now the two of them pass insulting tweets to each other pretty much every other day.  I have to say I’m a little worried where this is headed.  Like that tweet he sent today.  “Roses are red, violets are blue; Mexicans are losers, that means Vicente too. So sad!”

3/10/18- Dear Diary:

Well wouldn’t you know it those prissy environmentalists got their underwear in a bunch over the president’s executive order to have all the wind turbines in the country dismantled.  He really hates those things and made sure we understood  he did it out of concern for all the poor birds that those murderous machines kill.  His complimentary directive to switch all the electrical facilities back to coal is just the thing to help out our feathered friends.

And what is up with all those tree huggers anyway.  Geezus if anyone knows the best places to drill for oil it’s EPA Secretary Pruitt.  Mr. Trump stayed up all night tweet bashing critics objecting to the Trans Yellowstone Pipeline.  God what a bunch of whiners.  Maybe all that fracking wasn’t such a good idea in Oklahoma, but this is Yellowstone for Pete’s sake. Thousands of earthquakes rumble through there every day.  What difference will a few hundred more make anyway?

3/16/18- Dear Diary:

I have to agree with the president on this one.  When Robert Di Nero got on stage during the Oscars and started calling the president a “crazy man,”  well that’s just plain disrespectful, and the president had every right to skip the G8 Summit so he could spend some quality twitter time letting people  know how overrated Di Nero is.  Did you see Taxi Driver?  I really thought the president put Di Nero in his place with his tweet “I could have played that part blindfolded. What a hack!”  Spot on Mr. president!

The last couple of tweets Mr. Trump fired off at Vicente have me even more concerned than before.  Now that the vindictive poetry has regressed to limericks, the president seems to be a little out of his element.

3/20/18- Dear Diary:

Ms. Conway got a little upset with the president today.  Sometimes the two of them get into heated discussions about what’s more important.  Of course Mr. Trump knows he has to deal with all the unflattering tweets and dishonest media and as you might suspect Ms. Conway does her best to remind the president about governing stuff, and every once in awhile the president turns all red and then he and Ms. Conway  leave the room and then they duck into a closet in the hallway.  I don’t know what goes on in there, but every time they come back out of that closet Ms. Conway has Mr. Trump all calmed down.  Boy if you ask me I think that Ms. Conway has really earned her stripes.

3/21/18- Dear Diary:

Well Diary the shit hit the fan today.  Ms. Conway really got in the president’s grill for not studying up on the the speech she prepared for him.  After the stock market crashed yesterday she thought it might be a good idea to have a press conference and tell the people the dishonest media was way overblowing the situation and sort of calm people down. That damn Vicente started the whole thing when he sent out that tweet about GM and Honda moving their SUV production to Mexico and how Walmart and then GE and Verizon were thinking about shifting business across the border too and you better believe Mr. Trump wasn’t about to take that sitting down so he started off with all the threatening tweets, and wouldn’t you know it stupid Wall Street panicked with the huge sell off.  And guess what Diary?  Ms. Conway up and took Mr. Trump’s phone away.  Of course he started getting all red in the face, but Ms. Conway took control of the situation with another trip to the hallway closet.

3/22/18- Dear Diary:

I thought Ms. Conway did a bang up job on TV last night.  With the president still left a little stunned without his cell phone, Ms. Conway was stuck with the job of facing the press.  I think she said it all with her closing statement “It’s time America stopped paying attention to what President Trump says and start listening to what’s in his heart.”  From what I hear quite a few people out there say that makes some kind of sense.

To show you how clever the president is, he got ahold of another cell phone.  Naturally he couldn’t get out of the White House without his security team, so guess what he did Diary? Last night he shimmied out of the master bedroom on a bed-linen rope.  Do you believe it?  Then he took a cab to the nearest Verizon store.  Honest to God!

3/23/18- Dear Diary:

Of course, dear Diary,  you might have figured we all found out about that cell phone episode.  The president didn’t have a credit card on him or anything so he just ran out of the store with his phone and then didn’t have any money to pay the cabbie so the police got all involved.  Mr. Priebus and Ms. Conway were able to straighten things out though.  And take his new phone away.  Tonight I have to sleep in a small office in the Treasury Building so I can keep an eye on the Master Bedroom windows.

3/24/18- Dear Diary:

I don’t know exactly what happened Diary, and I don’t know if we’ll ever be able to retrace all the steps.  In the end we found out it wasn’t Vicente doing all the tweeting after all, at least for the past four months.  It was some 400 pound fatso by the name of Harold Tweedy.  He was just laying around on his bed one day and figured out how to hack into the president’s cell phone.  After he lost his Obamacare coverage he become despondent, and sort of turned vindictive.  He was all set to have bariatric surgery and then all of a sudden Congress up and pulled the rug out from under him.

After he got caught Harold admitted getting the stock market to crash was particularly satisfying to him, but he didn’t expect things to go this far.  Since the president hasn’t had a phone for a few days we were all wondering what in the world North Korea got so jacked up about.  After a little CIA and FBI research, kind of concentrated on who all had nuclear weapons at their disposal, they were able to trace back some tweets between Harold and Kim Jong-Un.  Harold had him believing he was President Trump and tweeted off one disparaging remark after another.  Well that guy is even less receptive to criticism than our president, if you can believe it, and as you can imagine, Diary, it was just a matter of time before Harold pushed Kim Jong-Un’s button.  And as it turned out that was the button that triggered the button that sent that ICBM into the heart of Los Angeles.  It’s just a big mess.  Late this afternoon we found out North Korea isn’t the only country Harold poked a stick at.  President Assad got a little miffed at all the personal insults he thought Mr. Trump was tweeting and decided to barrel bomb all 36 holes of the Trump’s fancy golf course in Damascus.  Surprisingly Mr. Trump is taking things pretty well, but Ms. Conway is the one turning all red.  Since things are kind of in reverse order, I’m not sure if that hallway closet will work out like before.





Electoral College

NOTE:  Due to the length of this blog, in the interest of saving time for our esteemed electoral college delegates  I have bold typed supportive information.  Some of you are probably on your way to wherever it is that you do your electoral college stuff.  I would appreciate it if you would give sober consideration to everything highlighted.  For the rest of you, it might be smart if you stopped tweeting and read the entire article word for word.   It won’t kill you to learn something for a change.

I think it is time to reevaluate our system of presidential elections in our country.  Personally  I’m all for keeping it simple.  The popular vote should be the one that counts. Even Donald Trump says the electoral college is rigged.  If you are in the mood for a nice migraine headache just try hacking your way through the Wikipedia narrative about that thing.  And if you’re like me you  wonder what in the hell were our founding fathers thinking?  It couldn’t be any more confusing.  I do know a couple of things about the institution though.  There were two reasons for it’s implementation.  First, it was an accommodation for the slave states.  They were afraid they would be unfairly represented in the voting process because their states were generally less populated.  By white folks anyway.  There were plenty of black folks walking around down there, but of course they didn’t count.  Well, one counted as three fifths of a white person for census purposes, but they weren’t allowed to vote.   And who can blame  the constitutional delegation for that.  Would you want to do all that fractional math without a calculator?

The guys that brainstormed over all this were for the most part really smart fellows.  At least they thought so, because the second reason they decided the electoral college was a good idea was they were afraid that people for the most part were a bunch of rubes who might have misconceptions of what was actually required to hold the highest office in the land, and they wanted to establish a method for overriding the general election results.  The whole idea was to make sure we avoided a country ruled by kings or dictators.  Or crazy people.   To me these criteria are as outdated as capri pants and powdered wigs, and we should do some housecleaning- except for now.  I do not think there could possibly be a more relevant time to put this concept to the ultimate test.  The electoral college is set to meet on December 19th, the first Monday after the second Wednesday in December. Or is it the other way around?  I really don’t want to walk over to my desk and peek at my calendar.  I’m no constitutionalist, but if it were me I would just make it the first Thursday of the month.  After all that work who’s going to blame you for not showing up at your job the next day.   You take a long weekend.  Forget all that first after the second business. Personally I think our forefathers got a bit carried away with that notion.


Electoral College                                                     Regular College

So on the 19th of December members of the electoral college could actually do something  historicalchange a presidential election. The one and only time a similar situation occurred was after the 1836 election of Martin Van Buren.  Strangely it was Richard M Johnson, Van Buren’s running mate, that caused the stir. He must have been a real dick.  But the senate, who’s job it is to declare the winner in a VP controversy,  ended up choosing Johnson anyway.

I’m not saying those who voted for Mr. Trump are a load of hayseeds.  Believe me I am as disgusted as anyone with political elitism and indifference.   We do need to shake things up, to the point of amending the constitution here and there if you ask me.  But it has became abundantly clear our president-elect is not any kind of instrument for constructive change.  When your record of attending intelligence briefings is one out of six,  I think it’s a pretty good indication you really aren’t that interested in the job in the first place.  It seems standing in front of an adoring crowd is much more important to Mr. Trump.

To me one of the curious benefits of the electoral college is during the interceding time between the general election and the time the college convenes, we can get a glimpse of how our president-elect will fashion his administration.  It is pretty clear from Donald Trump’s choices for his cabinet and advisors he couldn’t give a shit about the future of this country or planet.  He is in this thing for his own self promotion.  Then there is all the legal difficulty the man has.  The law suits he has to deal with currently are bad enough.  But our already productivity challenged congress will have to spend an inordinate amount of time on congressional investigations and possible litigation of Trump’s conflict of interests if he does not divest himself of his business holdings.  That emollients clause has been waiting to get dusted off for about 240 years.  

 Sure Mr. Trump is entitled to select his own advisers,  but how comfortable are you with his picks when he has shown complete disregard for information from a professional intelligence staff, particularly their conclusions about Russian involvement in the election,  and is manipulated by the likes of Steve Bannon.  Trump’s EPA director and Secretary of Education both embrace  policies that essentially will encourage dissolution of the very departments they are in charge of.  His Secretary of Commerce and Treasury Secretary are the same old Wall Street types Trump vowed to purge from government involvement.  In fact Steven Mnuchin profited millions off of the Bernie Madoff scheme, ran OneWest bank where he made money off the backs of suffering California homeowners, then sold the failing enterprise for a profit of 1.5 billion.  The alt-right even hates this guy.  His National Security Advisor is a fake news promoter and avowed Islamophobe.  His Labor Secretary choice is anti-labor.  HUD should have someone really smart in charge, but I’m not sure a brain surgeon is the way to go.   His Secretary of State is another wealthy elitist with close business ties to Vladimir Putin.  And how in the hell can you justify having an insurrectional racist like Steve Bannon as your right-hand man?

But even worse, Mr. Trump  showed  his true colors by attacking a private citizen with a relentless procession of cyber bullying.  Geezuz kreist you get kicked out of high school for doing that shit.  Chuck Jones, the unfortunate Carrier Company union boss who dared point out one of Mr. Trump’s lies, now has to put up with unwarranted social media harassment thanks to Trump’s bazaar habit of retaliatory tweeting.  It is a despicable reaction for someone with presidential authority.  I am sorry but Donald Trump is not only too thin skinned for the job, but there is something wrong with his head.

The members of the electoral college have a chance to save us. The odds of that happening are about the same as Frosty the Snow Man being elected president, but let’s face it Donald Trump started out with similar odds.  With that in mind one more unexpected development might be in order.  Come on man!  Vote your conscience and country, not your party.

Whether the electoral college comes to our rescue or not, it is clear we need to install popular vote for our presidential elections.  How do we assure nut jobs won’t get elected if we abandon the electoral college?  Simple.  Science.  Besides a complete physical, we make every presidential candidate take a full psychiatric exam including a thorough battery of psychological tests.  We should send them off for an EEG and do some poking around inside the old hat rack too. We need to know what in the heck we are getting for our money.   When I was in college I participated in a psychophysiological study involving an experimental drug  that one of my professors was developing.  And for the effort It also involved me getting a better grade in his pharmacy class that I wasn’t exactly acing.  Here is a picture of me during the lab  participation. It looks scary but believe it or not it’s a piece of cake.  For the record you should know those many electrodes discovered nothing out of place.   That was 1969.  I am sure by now modifications have been implemented that make the science a lot less cumbersome. I think you have to agree It’s a small inconvenience  to insure the competency of our leaders.

Please SHARE.  Who knows.  Maybe if some of our electors at least pay attention to  the highlighted parts of this or read similar blogs, it will jolt them to accept reality and we can show the world constitutional democracy makes sense after all.

NOTE:  if you disliked this blog, you will absolutely hate these: 28th Amendment  Make Mars Great Again  Second Coming  Our Closet Comedian




Nero 2.0

“When someone shows you who they are, believe them the first time.”  Maya Angelou

I know three days after the election I said we should hang tough and hope for the best for our president-elect.  Less than two weeks later so many negative developments have occurred that at this point I have serious doubts that Mr. Trump’s administration will be anything close to principled.  His choice for Treasury Secretary is exactly the type of candidate Mr. Trump said he was going to purge from our governing payroll while he was campaigning.  Same goes for his Commerce Secretary,  As a matter of fact Mr. Trump has surrounded himself with such a vast array of Wall Streeters his administration is being labeled the richest in modern political history.  What we have is more alligators in the swamp.   His Secretary of Education is another elitist with no public school background who’s agenda is likely to provide the best education only to the wealthy.  Worst of all, having Steve Bannon roaming the White House at all, let alone in a capacity of counsel, is appalling.  So much for uniting the country.  Mr. Trump’s words of promise during his acceptance speech that he is going to be president for all Americans could not possibly ring any more hollow.

Mr. Trump knows full well the mountain of conflict of interest issues that surround him are jarring,  yet he has the gall to state that because he was elected he is entitled to do whatever he wants.  Recently he  made the comment that he is going to take care of his conflicting connections, but I personally don’t believe he will ever  totally divest himself from his business interests as the government ethics office has strongly suggested.  It’s the right thing to do, but ethics and Donald Trump do not often travel on the same path.

All of these transition affairs are starting to converge into a political shit storm.  Still there might be a dim ray of hope on the horizon.  Mr. Trump and Mike Pence should be praised for negotiating with Carrier and saving 800 jobs.  At least it shows big business is paying attention to Trump’s threats, and if threatening works, so be it. But look what happened here.  First of all, Carrier still intends to send 1,300 jobs to Mexico. Second of all, instead of following through on all the blusterous rhetoric of his campaign and punishing Carrier, he rewarded the company with tax incentives and subsidies.  Guess who gets to pay for the lost revenue?  The Indiana taxpayers.  What has thus been established is a very bad precedent.  Now any CEO worth his/her salt will threaten to leave the country in order to reap the type of benefits awarded to Carrier.  At this point this was a well publicized PR coup, but little else.  Just  a mile down the road from this particular Carrier plant is the ball bearing manufacturer Rexnord.  Manitowoc Foodservices is situated In southern Indiana.  They are both relocating in Mexico next year.  Neither business has been contacted by Trump or Pence.

What the Trump transition develops into in the way of his official administration is, of course, conjecture.  But these political appointments are telling, and Mr. Trump’s present lack of attention that has been on display these past few weeks is alarming.  According to his own staff he has declined to attend many intelligence briefings.  With less than two months remaining before he officially assumes the office you would think he would start taking the job seriously.  He does not seem to know what he doesn’t know, and shows little interest in learning anything, something that should be apparent to his closest advisors.  He is unfamiliar with diplomatic protocol and even lacks important historical knowledge of politically volatile parts of the world. Trump’s bizarre conversation Kellyanne!  Reince!  Where in the hell are you? Stay out of this Steve!! The guy needs help!  And what in the hell is with all the tweeting?  Now he is taking his “Thank you tour” when he should be boning up on current events.  He is in constant need of admiration and ego stroking.  He appears to watch television with every free moment and reacts to whatever he sees with a new tweet.  These are disturbing patterns of behavior.

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Checklist of Trump campaign promises to date:  Drain the swamp- forget about it.  Punish  corporate outsourcing-  guess we’ll try the complete opposite.  Unite the country-  never really cared in the first place.

One small moment in time of this past, gut wrenching campaign process gnaws at me daily- the words “I’m getting sick and tired of hearing about all your damn e-mails.”  Had Bernie Sanders never uttered those words, there is a good possibility I would be blogging about the upcoming Sanders administration.  As it is, please keep in mind we elected a president, not a king.  The man is supposed to work for us, not line his own pockets by stretching conventional ethics and constitutional law.





Second Coming

IMPORTANT MESSAGE FROM ON HIGH:  our savior’s commination

HOLY SHIT!!!  What a fool I am.  Mr. Trump the Most Powerful One in the Universe, I am really, really sorry I did not vote for you. trump-nuclear-explosion Really.  I don’t know what the fuck I was thinking.  How did I miss the signs?.  You live way up in the heavens and descended through the clouds on a gleaming silver escalator.  That orange halo around your head. Lots of people call what you have accomplished a miracle.  Count me in there.  I am hopeful you will find it in your heart to forgive me.  Unlike all those other people with their heads up their ass, I see where I went wrong and admit it.  I realize I will be outed anyway after the Russians tap into our voting records.  Nice to have those guys on your side.  Smart move.  But if you think about it, I kind of  deserve a break.  I know you didn’t win the popular vote, but the electoral count is what matters.  We all know that.  Boy did you get that straightened out.  Like you said, that thing is a rigged piece of shit.  So many things are rigged.  The whole system as a matter of fact.  The RNC, DNC, the FBI, the media, polls, debates, endorsements, and I’m not sure but possibly cats and trees.  You name it.  And you got it all fixed.  That’s what you can do when you are the Most Powerful One in the Universe.  I see that now.  So what I am thinking is just count my vote in the part that doesn’t matter- the popular vote.  Honestly, so much voting goes on I bet I voted for you at some point.  Sometimes I drink a little too much.

I hope you’ll go easy on this preacher that dared criticize you.  Boy what balls!  Whoever it is sounds a little old school, but you know it was your idea to send this woman to deliver your imperious decree, and sometimes that just grates on a man.  You know how that goes.  No one’s better at keeping a gal in her place than you.  Please don’t think I’m telling you what to do, but I believe Steve Bannon would have been a much more effective disciple to relay your wishes.  You sure did get your money’s worth with that fellow.  You’d be hard pressed to find another that could do a better job keeping all the inferiors feel subjugated.  People have learned the hard way that your order of things must not be trifled with.   Remember too, this cleric is all churchified, as many of us are, and there is that sticky business with the ten commandments we all get worked up about.  To be honest with you I am all for a new set of rules.  I’m on your team with that all right.  My neighbor has a pretty nice extension ladder I have been coveting for a very long time, not to mention his wife.  Hubba hubba!  She might not be what you would call a ten, but man what a set of knockers.  I know you would approve.  I’m not at all adverse to some convenient lying and cheating here and there either.  Thanks for all the great tips!

I am curious about something though.  With all the womanizing and grabbing this and that, do you ever worry that a big dose of the clap might grab onto you?  What is wrong with me.  You are the Most Powerful One in the Universe. You’re not just a smidgen powerful.  I bet you can rid yourself of  those nasty spirochetes and chancres with the wave of your tiny hand.  It’s the sort of thing Jesus used to do to help out all those lepers.  I just know there’s gotta be some more Jesus stuff in you.

What I am suspecting is those tricks might come in handy to take care of the pesky commitment you made to be the president for all Americans.  I have to admit your tax proposals and deft gathering of ex Goldman Sachs and Wall Street execs into your circle of financial advisors is just what the chosen few need to make their lives more pleasant.  You have to be proud of how you will be taking care of them.  And of course it goes without saying you should take care of yourself, the Most Powerful One in the Universe.  How your idea to create governmental  positions for family members and use political information to stuff your pockets would bother anyone is just plain ridiculous.   I can’t believe all the stink up over that.  It’s the absolute best way to remain the Most Powerful One in the Universe for Pete’s sake.  Geezuz it doesn’t take a genius to see that.

I was wondering how you plan to help out those of us who reside on the pavement below though.  People absolutely marvel at how you put all those undocumented workers to good use assembling your palace in the sky without hardly  paying them.  Of course!  It’s  the loaves and fishes deal isn’t it?  I’de throw in the water into wine thing but it kind of looks like anything  drinkable might be in short supply after you enact your environmental policies.  I know you have your eye on eliminating food stamps, so I bet your plan is to make things better all around with a universal but bare bones version of Meals on Wheels.  You might keep in mind that people will likely get tired of all the carp and bread though.

God and you know how all the pushing and shoving of this election have taken a toll.  I think it would help you immensely to get away from it all and relax.  Someplace really quiet and secluded.  I have a good friend who has a boat, and I bet he would be glad to drop you off somewhere nice.  How does the middle of Lake Superior sound?  The walk back to shore should be just what you need to reenergize.


Hope for Our Trumped America

Like half the country I was absolutely stunned with the election results this November.  If there is a bright side to it for me it is I can say I told you so.  No, I did not vote for Donald Trump.  As of this point in time I still consider him to be an opportunistic, egomaniacal scum bag and can’t see that opinion ever changing.  But you have to hand it to him for taking advantage of the opportunistic part of that description.  This whole thing is a reaction of the masses that has been gradually percolating inside of our socio-economic beaker, and it was Donald Trump who provided the catalyst for the explosion of revolt.

People are fed up. I mentioned that in my book “Fishing with Bobby and Mike” that i wrote three years ago.  I know you read it.  You just probably skimmed over that chapter and weren’t really paying attention.  You should get your shit together and maybe do some on-line memory improvement training.  OK I can’t take full credit for foreseeing our revolution.  My well weathered, favorite economist Robert Reich was the one who opened my eyes to what was on the horizon.  Three years ago he said unless we get big money out of politics we won’t be able to do anything that makes sense in this country.  More profoundly, he said he was absolutely confident that we will reach a tipping point, that you and I will at last have had enough and take back the power of the people that has been usurped by the wealthy one percent.  That, I am hoping, is where we are.  Undoubtedly there is that uninformed segment of this groundswell that will interpret the outcome of this election as validation of their misguided, backward prejudices.  But what I really think, and hope, is that the majority of those who voted for Donald Trump did so out of their own economic self interest, rather than any racial resentment, that it is time to make government understand we are all sick and tired of its dysfunction, and as Mr. Reich projected, the time has come for the ridiculously wealthy elite to recognize their selfish motivation.

Donald Trump has labeled his campaign a “movement.”  which, if you paid attention to what I have just expressed, seems pretty accurate.  What I can’t get my head around is how he became the leader of this movement.  An egomaniacal, racist, tax-dodging, misogynistic con-artist who cheats contractors and employees out of rightful payment,  and lives his pampered, elitist life inside of a palatial penthouse with floor to ceiling  gold decor seems like an unlikely champion of such a cause. Adding to the perplexity is the fact that the largest gains of his proposed tax plan go to, you guessed it, the wealthy 1%.   But he somehow pulled it off, and he certainly deserves to run his victory lap.

gallery-1462816039-donald-trump-1                                    Family Life

Relaxing in the Trump Living Room                                 Relaxing in My Living Room

Here’s the thing though.  The victory was so complete Mr. Trump now has a public mandate and has no excuse to disappoint since he professes to be the supreme deal maker and fixer of all things.  He has his work cut out for him.  The following is a list of the things he said he will accomplish, which judged from the number of times the topic was mentioned by Mr. Trump during the campaign, is arranged in what I believe should be a close order of importance to his most fervent supporters:

1. Build a border wall with Mexico*  2.  Make Mexico pay for that wall.  3. Deport all illegal immigrants*.  4. Dismantle Obamacare and replace it with something better**  5.  Amend or otherwise tidy up the constitution so he can ban foreign nationals who are Muslim.  6. Destroy ISIS***  7. Renegotiate or suspend ratification of all international trade agreements. 8. Dramatically increase military spending  9. Make NATO pay for U.S. assistance.  10.  Dismantle the Iranian nuclear arms deal.  11. Rebuild and improve every aspect of infrastructure.  12. Double the national GDP.  And unlucky #13.  Lock her up.****

*1 and 3 are apparently so extremely important to a small but possibly overly zealous set of Trump backers that  the group has threatened to shoot him if he does not produce results. (See my previous blog Reap What You Sow).

**To be accomplished in Mr. Trump’s first 100 days in office

*** It is not clear how long this will take Mr. Trump.  The time frame is whatever “so fast it will make your head spin” is.

**** Because this was hands down the most often repeated refrain during Trump rallies you might think it should reside in the number one spot, but in considering my personal data for this list  more weight was given to how many times Mr. Trump actually muttered the words.

There are about sixty other items Mr. Trump has promised to take care of in four years. These mere thirteen certainly represent a bold agenda, and there are a couple on this priority list I wouldn’t mind seeing addressed.  Who doesn’t want state-of-the-art infrastructure and a robust GDP.  But half the things just on this abbreviated list will require a lot of money and Mr. Trump has avoided discussion of that sticky subject.  His reverse Robin Hood tax plan is projected to create an even bigger national debt.  His only answer is when he gets things rolling, job growth will be off the charts.  However, those jobs probably will be insignificant because practically every economist consulted believes Trump’s trade policies will trigger an international trade war that will result in a national recession.  And there is the hard reality that many of the jobs Mr. Trump promised to bring back to America simply no longer exist in our 21st century world.  They will never come back.  Ever.

Mr. Trump has already pissed all over the dignity of the presidential office.  It remains to be seen if he and the people he surrounds himself with will exhibit self control and enough common sense to govern intelligently and not shit on the constitution.  Honest to God I am hopeful this man succeeds in being a good president.  To do that,  he will have to start by explaining to those supporters bent on taking his election as validation for racial insults and persecution that they are wrong and it will not be tolerated.  Most people will agree we need immigration reform.  A continuous border wall with Mexico seems impractical.  Deporting 11 million immigrants is inconceivable.  Providing sensible solutions to the problem now that he has made these irrational promises is something Mr. Trump will have to supply or not supply at his own risk.  He has been elected to be our leader.  He needs to lead us forward, not backward to the hatred of the 1950’s.

There is one aspect of going backwards which does merit attention.  It applies to the very thing that got us to this current,  precarious stage in our democratic, capitalistic experiment.  It is the avaricious shifting of income inequality in this country.  Middle class Americans shared in business profits in the 1950’s.   Corporate profits now are used to purchase stock buybacks to impress stockholders instead of investing in employees and paying them a decent wage, and typical current salaries of upper management in today’s corporations are ridiculously overvalued.  In 1955 the average top income tax rate was 63%, and the capital gains tax was 25%.  The tax rate for the highest earners was 91%.  Imagine the good we could accomplish if those in the Donald Trump tax bracket paid their 1955’s fair share.

There are so many thoughts concerning this election that are pouring through my head, but right now all I want to pour is a big glass of scotch.











Civic Ignorance and Man Stuff

I know. Here I go again. But just when I think Donald Trump can not possibly top his last ludicrous or offensive  statement he somehow manages to pull it off.  His constant whining about everything being rigged against him and not willing to accept the election’s outcome really takes the biscuit, for personal reasons which I will get to in a moment.  But this commentary by Justice David Souter back in 2012 is so compelling and prophetic I want to include it here in hopes that it’s already viral viewing will reach even more people.  Again, this is a discourse from 2012.

Justice Souter Interview

First of all, if you took the time to read or watch this interview,  thank you and share away.  And if you don’t want to continue reading my sentiments I can not blame you.  Come back later if you have things to do.  I don’t.  I’m retired.  What I do is waste my time blogging.  But as I have mentioned before, this guy Trump just gets under my skin.

The real tragedy of Mr. Trump’s spineless ranting is all the verbal puss he spews infects so many people, detractors as well as his supporters. I vote independently. I can not say I think Hillary Clinton is someone I am enamored with. Like a typical Trump supporter, I am tired of politics as usual, and I too believe there is a certain elitist attitude rightly associated with the Clintons. But Trump’s character problem is beyond the pale. To many, his boisterous demeanor and rude behavior are tolerable or even viewed as salubrious.  To me, he comes across as an asshole. But I could live with that.  There are assholes all over the place, and from what I have observed if a fellow like that applies himself there are positions in government  where he will fit right in.

But Donald Trump is far worse than an asshole.  His shortcomings have been covered so widely it’s pointless to keep bringing them up.  Politically though, he is dangerous, especially evidenced by  his dumbfounding statement during the last debate that there’s a chance he won’t honor the outcome of the election.  His relentless insistence that the system is rigged foments a segment of society in just the way Justice Souter describes.  Trump is molding himself into the perfect Molotov cocktail to toss into the explosive discontent of the disenfranchised. So much of Trump’s vitriol has his campaign “CEO” Stephen Bannon’s imprint all over it. There is that, and his fear of losing bothers him so much that in his egomaniacal mind he somehow is blameless for his pathetic campaign.  It is a shameless display of irresponsibility and lack of leadership.

However, this constant whining of his unnerves me in a personal way. “You fail all the time.  But you’re not a failure unless you start blaming someone else.”  Know who said that?  It was Bum Phillips, weathered professional football coach, and now deceased.  His words do not apply only to football players. They apply to everyone, but I have to admit in my mind maybe more so to men than women. Sorry ladies, I know as a group you are no less important, but I can not stand a man who constantly whines and complains.   Donald Trump is a perfect example of a failure.   Someone so full of cynicism and so devoid of the character development required to accept responsibility is just a shitty person to my way of thinking.

Ordinarily I would call him a prick, but I can’t.  You know why I can’t call him a prick?  That has to do with another  man no longer with us, and who was one of my personal mentors.  That would be my father-in-law, Al Loebig.  He was a life-long Minnesota Vikings fan, and vehemently despised a certain quarterback who played for the Vikings for many years.  Al considered him to be a blowhard and a sissy.  He called him every foul name in the book- except prick.  Al told me the reason for that was as disrespectful as the word is, in his opinion it still conveyed a certain sense of masculinity.  That simply was not acceptable to Al.  I know if Al was alive today he  would be following this very precept when it came to his assured profane description of Donald Trump.

So Donald, every time I hear you incessantly whine about a rigged system, I want you to know I take it personally.  You are an offensive politician, but more disconcerting as far as I am concerned you are an embarrassment to our male gender. Real men take responsibility.  This country has endured several contested elections in the past, one recently so close it took a Supreme Court decision to resolve it.  But that is the point.  We have a democratic system and processes in place to, as fairly as possible, adjudicate outcomes.  All presidential candidates in the past have accepted them.  We don’t need you to go around huffing and puffing, threatening to blow the whole thing down.  Show some balls you big crybaby.

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                                                    SOME FAMOUS BLOWHARDS

In closing let me say this.  Over the years I have developed an extensive vocabulary of profanity.            Smart People Swear More  ( Article courtesy of my college Facebook research specialist Emilee Mayer-Thank you Emilee, but shouldn’t you be studying?)    Mr. Trump, every time you mention “rigged system,” automatically one of those words spills out of my mouth.  Ever since the Billy Bush bus incident it appears to me all the late night entertainers have it just about right.  You do seem to be some kind of pussy.  One thing for sure though. You sir, are no kind of prick.






Trump Campaign Cease and Desist Orders- Present and Future


SONG/MUSICIANS:  “Dream On” Steve Tyler.  “We Are the Champions” Queen.  “We’re Not Going to Take It” Twisted Sister.  “It’s the End of the World” R.E.M.  “Start Me Up” and “You Can’t Always Get What You Want” Rolling Stones.  “Sky Fall” and” Rolling in the Deep” Adele.  “Nissan Dorma” Pavarotti.  “Rockin’ in the Free World” Neil Young. ” Here Comes the Sun” George Harrison.  Anything by Elton John

MINTS/CANDY:  SkittlesMars inc.  Tic TacsFerrero Company


Geraldo Rivera video, Trump Tower steam room and 2nd Billy Bush tapes suddenly surface and reveal more of Donald’s “locker-room” conversation and ribald antics.  After scrutinizing bawdy content about peep holes, unconventional or unauthorized use of various commercial products, and listening to the constant sophomoric giggling that transpired on the audio portion of the tapes,  the following businesses and organizations have requested that the Trump campaign never mention, or immediately discontinue any mention of, their products and/or business or organization:

TOOLS/ IMPLEMENTS: cordless drill and bit setStanley Black and Decker,  Makita Inc.,  Porter-Cable Company,  screw-type C-clampClamp Manufacturing Inc.  ropeRope Manufacturers of America

DESERT TOPPINGS:   chocolate syrupThe Hershey Company.  Reddi Whip–  Conagra Foods Inc.

ANIMAL/VEGETABLE OILS: baby oil–  Johnson & Johnson.  Crisco’s Pure Corn Oil J.M. Smucker Company.

HOME DECORE:  candlesYankee Candle Company

CONDIMENTS/FRUIT SPREADS:  jams and jelliesGrama’s Inc.  J. M. Smucker Company.  Sara Lee Coffee and Tea Company.  mustard H.J.Heintz Company, French’s Food Company.  mayonnaiseHellman’s Unilever.  Kraft Foods Group Inc.

SPORTING GOODS: Louisville SluggerHillerich and Bradsby Company.

MEAT/POULTRY:  hot dogs– Hebrew National hot dog- Conagra Foods.  Ball Park Franks- Tyson Foods. sausageUnited Sausage Makers Company,  Johnsonville Sausage LLC,  Tyson Foods,  Conagra Foods,  Hormel Foods Corp.  kielbasa Kowalski Company.   cocktail weenies- Bryan Foods Company,  Oscar Meyer/Kraft Foods.

PRODUCE:  Anything you can grow in a garden Vegetable Growers Association of America,  Future Farmers of America,  4-H Youth Development Program.

OTHER ORGANIZATIONS: Steam Fitters and Plumbers Union.  Save the Children Foundation.  American Mother’s Inc.,  American Red Cross,  Girl Scouts of America,  Boy Scouts of America.




Note to all you ladies sporting “Trump Can Grab My Pussy” tees and for that matter to any of you who believe Donald Trump’s predatory  behavior is perfectly acceptable.  No doubt your children and relatives are extremely proud of the affectionate display of your wide-open availability, but I have a qualified** questions for you.  Where in the hell were you when I was in college?

*This list remains subject to amendment and additions

** qualification:  Before that first date we hypothetically would have had, from what I know about you now I assume you would not have minded if I took a gander at your personal health/immunization record.