Category Archives: Politics

Make Mars Great Again

You remember Mars.  Celestially, it’s taken on water lately.  That’s a figure of speech mostly, but hot shots at NASA say there is now evidence that there is some water flowing around here and there on the Red Planet.  I don’t see how.  It’s minus 80 degrees up there from what I’ve read.  But smart people say Mars is our best shot at developing a human presence in space.  Let’s face it there might be something to that.  We are fucking up this planet so badly somebody has to start thinking outside the box.

The Red Planet

Scientists have long postulated there was once life on Mars.  For one thing, we’ve probed and circled Mars with some amazing technical machinery, enough to know there is nitrogen floating around on Mars.  That is absolutely essential to get life moving along.  And methane!  We found out that’s up there too.  I bet free range cows were roaming about at one time.  But what in the hell happened?  Smart money is on atmospheric degradation, and getting cold-cocked by some mighty big astroids and shit like that.  Sounds logical to me.

So what can we do?  We need a place to go, maybe sooner than you think, and Mars is starting to look pretty darned good. Elon Musk is all set to ship building materials to Mars in 2018, and thinks he will be set to send the initial colony of 100 people up there in 2021.  This is a really smart guy with lots of money, and I certainly wouldn’t want to tell him he’s full of shit..

But somehow things have gone to hell in a hand basket up there, so we need to send  a guy along with the stamina and balls to straighten things out.  There is no doubt in my mind that Donald Trump would be just the kind of man that can get the job done.  If things don’t pan out with the election down here, I know he would provide the type of leadership we need to govern a colony on Mars and establish normal relationships, like with important stuff such as the atmosphere and ambient temperature.  We know he can fix almost anything.  And think of it.  The first President of Mars!  I think he would go for that.

D. Trump has taken a lot of shit for not being exactly what you call ‘qualified’ for the job down here.  But Mars!  It’s like God planted him here for the specific purpose of overseeing this interplanetary mission.  He’s the Mars Messiah.  Look at his leadership qualities. For one thing, he’s a builder.  You’ve seen all the tall buildings with his name on it. Well actually a lot of those buildings don’t belong to Mr. Trump.  Outside of some environmentally raping golf courses, he’s kind of given up on building stuff.  That’s because a few years back he built a couple of plush casinos and somehow in the time it takes for the earth to complete one rotation around the sun he managed to flush the entire business down a gigantic, insolvent shit-hole.  After that astronomical billion dollar hit and four or five other bankruptcies later, he decided the best thing for him to do was not to worry about stiffing his lenders, stockholders and the tax-paying public and use the U.S. tax code to bail him out. A BILLION dollars.  That amounted to 2% of capital losses for the entire nation the tax year he claimed it. Talk about HUGE!

I know what you’re thinking.  How can a man with such a pathetically poor business record be capable of turning things around on Mars?  Easy.  I know it is almost impossible to believe, but Donald Trump, inspite of displaying the business acumen of a circus monkey,  was somehow able to convince several gullible businessmen that his name was synonymous with sound judgment and ethical conduct. The ironic beauty of this should be slamming into your brain like a laser controlled bottle rocket.  He actually gets these people to pay him to use his NAME.  No investment worries for him-  just pay him a princely sum and you can slap his name on your product.  You have to admit this level of chicanery is worthy of galactic recognition.

The reason this is so important is his pool of people on earth who actually believe this makes any sense is becoming extremely shallow.  He needs to expand his base.  If he can accomplish all this slight of hand on our planet, imagine the possibilities on Mars where no one knows him yet. And believe me there are martians there.  We just have never been able to spot them with our surveillance equipment because they have to wear all those heavy parka’s and they naturally blend in with the landscape.  Can you think of anyone better at negotiating with them than Donald Trump?   I’m no martian expert, but I think being all orangey would have advantages.  It might seem to be out of place on earth, but somehow I think that might serve him well on the Red Planet.  Just a hunch.  He is so good at making deals I bet he could organize all the martians into a strong labor force and get infrastructure off to a flying start.  And the best part is he won’t even have to pay them, something he already has a real knack for.  There won’t be any common currency on Mars.  Naturally he will be in charge of developing it, and just thinking about that has to give him a boner, but he can simply tell the martians the minting equipment hasn’t been delivered yet.


The Orange President

Of course initially communication could be a problem.  We all know how Mr. Trump is often times misinterpreted.  That’s why I think it would be extremely wise to have him take Rudy Giuliani along with him. If there is one guy that can speak Trump fluently It is Rudy. I for one found him to be immensely helpful clarifying those confusing statements of Mr. Trump’s. I have a feeling Rudy will find it even easier to understand Martian.  It will be important to start off on the right foot with those martians.  Word’s matter.

And, by the way, so will breast size.  Since he will be president, no doubt his first executive order will to demand that any women who ride along with him as “special surrogates” on that first space ship meet his specific requirements.  32-A’s and any female topping 120 pounds need not apply.  This is a colony for Pete’s sake, and Mr. Trump knows what it takes to make sure there’s plenty of colonization going on.

Might be Going to Mars

Might be Going to Mars

So I’d like to start up a solicitation campaign for the election of Donald Trump as our first President of Mars.  I will tell you right now I am contributing $100.00 today.  Make that $1000.00.  The hell with it, make that everything in my savings and retirement portfolio.  Sorry kids, I know you were counting on something when I die, but this is way too important.  Let’s MAKE MARS GREAT AGAIN!





You Reap What You Sow

I know. I said I would never blog about Trump ever again.  I just can’t help myself.  It’s becoming a catharsis.  I had to do this because this Glenn Beck conversation could not dovetail any tighter with my last two Trump blogs.

What Donald Trump does not seem to understand is there are a lot of shit for brains people like this walking around in our gun obsessed society that consider his hateful, vitriolic rhetoric  inspiring, and of course the ironic result here is Mr. Trump’s inflammatory discourse is inflaming  at least a few of his die-hard supporters to consider reprisals against him should he not produce the promises he has so emphatically and carelessly made.


Working the Crowd

Most of Mr. Trump’s policies lack substance, but his most fervent supporters have to feel Trump is mind-dicking them with his immigration policy.    During the primaries he insisted he would form some kind of goon squad to round up all 11 million undocumented immigrants and send them back over the Mexican border.  Dangling that juicy worm in front of those who are fed up with politics as usual proved to be very effective bait to hook a good percentage of us.  (Yes,  include me in the group of disaffected, but not in the group that supports Trump or believes anything he says).   It appears his new campaign manager finally did what several of his primary opponents couldn’t  do and explain the folly of this totally unworkable solution.  But waffling on this was apparently what triggered the appalling rant with Glenn Beck mentioned above.  The likely reason Trump canceled  a couple of rallies during which he was to outline his immigration policy was because it suddenly dawned on him he didn’t quite think his proposal through.  During a Fox News forum he went so far as to seek the advice of the studio audience to assist him in formulating his personal immigration strategy.  Crowdsourcing your signature campaign issue-WTF?

Trump’s second, and always his fall back immigration position, is he will build a wall, and of course have Mexico pay for it.  Both the goon squad and the wall ideas worked well in the primaries for him.  They are simplistic approaches to complex problems that might resonate with people during the ramped up rhetoric of a political rally, but fall woefully short of substantive solutions when the time is taken to logically scrutinize them.  And once again the “Trumpeter” went off on a tangent in front of an adoring crowd  bugling one of his surreptitious songs that could very well motivate some unhinged looney to shoot somebody.

It’s just this kind of trumpestuous (my word) rhetoric that could backfire (emphasis on fire) on Mr. Trump should he actually get elected.

This presidential race is turning out to be one of the most controversial in our history and it has revealed a dark side to our social fabric.  What I once thought was scar tissue covering our nation’s wound of racism and bigotry has turned out to be a thick scab that has been ripped away and has disturbingly exposed a festering cyst of intolerance and narrow-mindedness.  Surely we are better than this.  Both candidates leave a lot to to be desired.  But one of them almost proudly presents himself as representing everything reprehensible to anyone who believes in this country’s principles of democracy and, even worse in my opinion, conducts himself in ways that are aberrant to normal social behavior.

Like never before, most of us will be voting against a candidate rather than for one, or voting for a third party candidate because we understandably believe neither of the major party candidates are worthy of the office, or, sadly, so fed up we won’t vote at all.  I caution you to chose your poison wisely.  There is at present a very good chance that somehow the electoral process will uncannily align in a way that allows Donald Trump to become the next president of the United States.  Think carefully about what could happen should this occur.  The man exhibits almost every clinical marker of a sociopath and as we have seen time after time during this campaign, has anger issues that are dangerously problematic.

When this thing is all over, I am curious to see what the loser has to say.  Social discourse in this country has plummeted to such a low point that it would not surprise me at all if  the common courtesy of a congratulatory phone call is not extended.  All of us should be better than this.  We must be better than this.

My Last Trump Comment (I Mean It This Time)

After my last blog about Donald Trump, I made a vow to myself to quit blogging about him.  I thought that his gaff about inviting Russia to hack government computers was as non-presidential as it gets, and if people still thought he actually had the temperament to govern our country after that absurd statement,  it would be pointless to say or write anything more.   But then, you guessed it, he fired off another incendiary remark, and this one, I have to say, is as dangerous as it gets, at least if we are considering the fact that this guy is running for President of the United States.

What I am referring to is Mr. Trump’s cavalier 2nd amendment remark.  Just in case there is someone out there with nothing better to do than read my blog that is still unaware of what he said, here is the most concise article I could find about it and I think it gives a pretty fair analysis of what was said or meant to be said.

If you are not totally bored or even nauseated by this article, or our political process in general at present,  pay particular attention to the last three paragraphs of this article- a description of what Bob Owens (coincidentally a part of the NRA hierarchy)  tweeted and then deleted.  His initial reaction to what Donald Trump said is exactly that of the Secret Service and, I would guess, that of the majority of the population of our country- a subtle suggestion, either intentional or unintentional- of assassination.   Mr. Trump’s supporters came to his defense by suggesting this was his rather ambiguous way of motivating pro-gun sympathizers to vote, or that it was even a joke.

But this kind of comment should not be construed as a joke of any kind.  And the type of ambiguity and innuendo that  Donald Trump consistently purveys is a major reason that makes him so dangerous and unfit to be president.  He is constantly saying things that  have no basis of fact, yet have just enough believability attached that somehow they seem credible to a large segment of society.  What I am talking about goes beyond normal political hyperbole- like suggesting Ted Cruz’s father was linked to the Kennedy assassination, and encouraging violence at rally’s by inferring he would pay legal fees for any of his supporters so involved.  And the veiled threats are directed at anyone who dares to criticize him, not Just Hillary Clinton.  He says he will “hit ’em hard,” leaving what he means by that to the imagination of anyone who will listen.  If someone tries to pin him down on one of his outlandish statements, his reply will often be “I heard it from a lot of people.”

But what is so alarming about the emotionally driven rhetoric of this second amendment remark is how clueless he seems to be about its repercussions.  Words Matter!  There are plenty of unhinged people out there that will be interpreting these words as Bob Owens did initially.  But in the case of the emotionally disturbed,  all the hatred that Donald Trump stirs up will be just the incentive one of them will need to take matters into his own hands.

Ok.  I’m done.  That’s it from me about Donald Trump.  One last general comment.  I really believe the Secret Service will be challenged more than ever before in protecting our 45th president, no matter who it is.  Mr. Trump might consider the fact that, should he be elected, the lunatic fringe is not the domain of a specific political party.   We do not need any type of rhetoric, whether it be a joke, something sarcastic, misconstrued, or God forbid intentional, that would have even the slightest chance of provoking someone to commit yet another senseless and abhorrently violent act of hatred.





Our Closet Commedian  Whew!  Finally an explanation for all the crazy shit Donald Trump says.  If you’re like most Americans, you are often puzzled by what spills forth from Mr. Trump’s mouth.  Even his die hard supporters get taken aback occasionally.  Well the cat’s out of the bag now.  That remark he made about the hacked DNC computer- when he implored the Russians to go fetch Hillary Clinton’s e-mails- It was just him being all clever and such. Nothing but a ruse, a harmless sarcastic comment.  It was a joke for god’s sake.  And you thought he was being all astonishingly harebrained and suspiciously treasonous.  Geezuz what’s wrong with you.

Of course the media got their underwear in a bunch over this, like usual.  You guys have got to get your shit together!  He’s just jerking your chain.  And mine.  And yours and yours.  Lots of chains.  Huge chains.  All this time you thought his remarks were crazy rantings.   If this man fails at his presidential run, he really should consider a career as a stand up comic.  Maybe go on an international tour. Here is just a small sample of the hilarious shit he has come up with, stuff you probably weren’t smart enough to realize how funny it is.*

Lady-Donald-Trump-Funny-Picture (1)

“The Donald” Seen Here Cutting Up In an After Hours Lounge

“Black guys counting my money.  I hate it!  The only people I want counting my money are little short guys that wear yarmulkes every day.”  WOW!  Move over Henny Youngman!

“It’s freezing and snowing in New York.  We need global warming.”  Are you kidding me?  What a hoot!

“I rented him a piece of land,” he told Fox News about his relationship with Muammar Qaddafi. “He paid me more for one night than the land was worth for two years, and then I didn’t let him use the land. That’s what we should be doing. I don’t want to use the word ‘screwed’, but I screwed him.”  Is this funny or what?  He’s always doing this to people.  What a wacky prankster.  Take that, Muammar!

“Sorry losers and haters, but my I.Q. is one of the highest—and you all know it! Please don’t feel so stupid or insecure. It’s not your fault.”  Not bad for someone who won’t release his college transcripts.  Just like his tax returns, there’s bound to be some real knee slappers buried deep inside those documents somewhere.

“When Mexico sends its people, they’re not sending their best. They’re not sending you. They’re sending people that have lots of problems, and they’re bringing those problems with us. They’re bringing drugs. They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists. And some, I assume, are good people.”  You might say this is his signature schtick.  Can this guy deliver a punch line or what!  This would really knock  ’em dead in a Tijuana nightclub.

“An ‘extremely credible source’ has called my office and told me that Barack Obama’s birth certificate is a fraud.”  Donald’s favorite line for quite some time, but for some reason he doesn’t use it anymore.  That’s probably because he thinks President Obama has no sense of humor and doesn’t want to hurt his feelings anymore.

“You know, it really doesn’t matter what the media write as long as you’ve got a young, and beautiful, piece of ass.”  No doubt this would play huge with the Boko Haram crowd.

“All of the women on The Apprentice flirted with me – consciously or unconsciously. That’s to be expected.” More than likely most of the women involved here really got a kick out of Donald’s wise cracking about them, and, more than likely, since Donald is a big fan of Bill Crosby’s comedy, they felt it was best to always stay on the alert to remain conscious.

Holy crap on a cracker where does this guy get his material? He wrote a book, “Art of the Deal.” I bet there’s some zingers in that thing. Oh, sorry. That book was written by a ghost writer, Tony Schwartz.. But still. Just read what Tony has to say about Donald.

Well, OK.  It’s obvious Tony is another guy with no sense of humor.  Some people are simply like that.  But Donald can’t just pull this shit out of his ass.  He must read a lot of books.  For sure that’s where he gets such clever ideas.  Just take a look at what the Washington Post says about Donald’s perusal interests:

NEW YORK — As he has prepared to be named the Republican nominee for president, Donald Trump has not read any biographies of presidents. He said he would like to someday.

He has no time to read, he said: “I never have. I’m always busy doing a lot. Now I’m more busy, I guess, than ever before.”

Trump’s desk is piled high with magazines, nearly all of them with himself on their covers, and each morning, he reviews a pile of printouts of news articles about himself that his secretary delivers to his desk. But there are no shelves of books in his office, no computer on his desk.  Quote from Washington Post

Well, shit.  So he’s not a big book person. So what!  I bet lots of comedians don’t read much.

*These quotes and others are here for YOUR further reading:

Father’s Day- A Father’s Perspective

It’s Father’s Day.  I’m a father.  Of course that means I have a child.  Actually I have two of those. I tend to kiss off holidays I am directly involved in, like birthdays and Father’s Day, and I prefer no one make a big fuss about them.  Actually that’s generally true for any holiday.  There used to be some benefit to some of those holidays, like if it meant I got that particular day off from work.  But now that I am retired, every day is a holiday.  It’s great, but no holiday stands out in particular.  However, I kind of sit around a lot and think about stuff, and today I started thinking about Father’s Day.  And fathers.  And unfortunately we are right in the middle of this bazaar political season so I couldn’t help thinking about Donald Trump.  Do you think he would be considered a good father?  I know he would consider himself to be a good father.  But how about you?  He supposedly has a boat load of money, but you know what they say.  Sure, money is all and everything to Donald Trump, but I think most of us with little need for garish ostentation find other things just as rewarding and more important to pass along to our children.

My father was a  member of the “Greatest Generation,” a World War Two veteran, and solidly middle class.  And he was a bigot, as was my wife’s father, and I imagine most fathers of that time.  My dad was not an out and out racist by any means, but use of the “n” word was not an uncommon occurrence for him.  That I know of he never used the word in a directly derogatory way.  It’s just the manner he assimilated his thinking in time and place, which is ironic in a way, since he was raised on a farm in Iowa, and then lived most of his adult life in a state with even fewer African Americans.  I don’t believe there are too many geographically defined areas that are less racially diverse than Wyoming.  So I grew up in that ethnically deprived environment, with an isolated view of the the world.  Even the nuns in the Catholic grade school I attended revealed some fringe ingraining of racism, like suggesting interracial marriage was frowned upon by God.  Then I went to college, Creighton University, Omaha Nebraska, and have lived here ever since.

College life was a racially enlightening experience for me, and a progressive one.  When I was a freshman, I think you would have to say for a short time my bigotry was even worse than my father’s.  I directly encountered black people for the fist time, and the friends I hung out with came from family backgrounds very similar to mine.  Denigrating minorities was a part of social conformity, and is also a part of my life I am shamefully embarrassed about.  But it was not much longer, about my junior year in pharmacy school, that my views, impressions, and understanding of ethnicity veered dramatically.  It was a turbulent time.  Lots of protests, demonstrations, riots, and destruction and- hate.  The hate was palpable and I saw it first hand when the heart of Omaha’s black community went up in flames in 1969.  The tempestuous episodes of the late 60’s changed me, and for the better.  I felt there had to be a way to eliminate all the hate, or at the very least deal with it and deflect it.

I thought we were making progress as time went on.  Not too long ago it seemed to me racial tension had reached its zenith about the time of my personal character adjustment.  But lately you can’t help but feel we are slowly sliding backwards, and I am beginning to wonder if we will ever be free of bigotry’s contemptible grip.

But then I look at my kids, both now adults.  They are notably representative of their generation, one much more open-minded and tolerant.  I can’t speak for all of us baby boomers, but I think as a group we can take some credit for that.  I know my wife and I are fairly confident that as parents we conducted our lives in a manner that was respectful of everyone, that we divested ourselves from the careless, insensitive and bigoted innuendo of our fathers.  It may take yet another generation removed from my children before we see significant progress once again.  The present political climate here and around the world is so infested with hate that it is obvious it will take a lot of work. And this concern involves race, culture, religion, sexual orientation, you name it.  The Southern Poverty Law Center has identified 784 active hate groups in the United States, which includes 72 Klu Klux Klan and 142 Neo-Natzi groups.  You will likely see the same type of statistics in Europe.  But there is hope- your kids and mine.  They understand better than my generation that with all the world-wide connectivity, all of humankind is in this fight for common dignity and respect.  We are in it together.  We have to grapple with the fact that life now is not so much about you and me as it is about us.

As a father I am very proud of my kids.  All the diaper changes and worries about health issues, putting up with all the teen-age angst and vehicular destruction, all the wondering if they would survive college or ever be able to live on their own-  it all paid off.  It paid off because I know they were really good kids who developed into exceptionally caring, responsible adults.  If there is one thought that encapsulates what I expect from my children, it is that they always show respect for everyone and have a deep appreciation for the natural world.  I can see in them that I have accomplished that.  To all you fathers out there, if you recognize this in your own children, then you too should consider yourself successful and a good father.  This Father’s Day, what I wonder about Donald Trump is this:  can he honestly say that same thing?  Happy Father’s Day!










Cleveland Consternation

If you’re like me you just can’t pull yourself away from the Republican presidential debates and the ongoing circus of events surrounding them.   It’s like dealing with a nasty hangnail.  Maybe if you tear that last piece of loose flesh away things will be smoothed over so it will finally heal properly.  It hurts like hell, but you do it anyway, somehow thinking you are doing your finger a favor.  I keep watching these debates and rallies, even though doing so absolutely tortures the part of my brain that assimilates logic, desperately trying to understand how Donald Trump can maintain his attraction to so many people.  During the first March debate I thought for sure his lack of substance and knowledge about basic political and economic facts would finally be exposed.  And by Fox news no less.  “The Donald” tells a fib every 5 minutes.  One of his whoppers is that he claims he can save 300 billion dollars annually on Medicare drug purchases.  Chis Wallace not only verbally pointed out Medicare drug expenses totaled only 78 billion a year, but he had the figures displayed on the  huge auditorium projection screen for every viewer in the country to see.  To my knowledge, powerpoint has never been utilized in such a humiliating manner in these debates.

As usual Mr. Trump danced around the blatant disregard of facts, and once again his amazing wizardry with information distortion seems to have done little to harm his endearment with the masses.  It’s fucking unbelievable.  The facts are right in front of people, in the facility and on TV sets in huge block numbers and still a vast segment of the population chooses to ignore how uninformed this presidential candidate is.  I am starting to get why the evangelical right considers Donald Trump to be a favorite though.  Potentially being able to change thin air into barrels of cash has got to seem more impressive than that trick Jesus did with water and wine.

These debates are a stark reminder that it is impossible to logically change an opinion when that opinion was not logically arrived at in the first place.  People believe what they want to believe.  And apparently many people believe discussing the size of your dick on national television is perfectly presidential.  The Republican party is imploding and it has no one to blame but itself.   I have to say I find it hugely entertaining, yet depressively alarming.

nazi-propaganda-15                      Cc0OuLyW8AAZvf2

I think everyone understands most of us are disillusioned with establishment politics in this country.  However I am ever confident people will come to their senses and start rejecting the radical political opportunism that is going on in the Republican party right now.  Having said that, morbid curiosity gnaws at me in anticipation of what will happen if there is a brokered convention and Mr. Trump is denied the nomination in spite of having the majority of delegates.  The major operatives of the Republican party are having such a shit attack they are even suggesting their members flush a basic tenet of democracy down the toilet and vote for who the establishment wants rather than who that voter prefers.  They are promoting exactly what people are fed up with- establishment politics.  Remember the turmoil during the 1968 Democratic National convention in Chicago?  Hundreds of protesters who felt politically disenfranchised were bruised and bloodied.  I have a feeling mid July in Cleveland will offer up some very similar drama.  That hangnail just will not go away.


28th Amendment

Following is the transcript from this evening’s Breaking News story aired on our station.

Good evening.  There is no reason you should know me, so before I go any further I guess I should introduce myself.  I am Billy Bimble, President Trump’s assistant press secretary.  As you are probably aware, President TrumLayer 1p was arrested this afternoon and is in a Mexico City jail, along with Press Secretary Hannibal, and the president has instructed me to speak to you tonight about his current predicament.  Before I get to that however, the president wants me to assure you that, although he is naturally upset with the Mexican government, he is perfectly safe and is confident the misunderstanding about his situation, as well as the wall under construction along the U.S.-Mexico border, will be all cleared up very shortly.  I spoke with him just an hour ago and he sounded like he was really pissed off, like usual, so that’s a good sign.

An hour really didn’t give me much time to get my thoughts together, but I will do my best to explain what is going on.  Remember, I am just an assistant, so you really shouldn’t expect much.  Actually I was just handed my title during this recent conversation with the president.  What I was before was the guy who carried around President Trump’s can of hair spray.  You might think that is the mother of all sweet jobs, but let me tell you the responsibilities are enormous.  You know how angry he gets.  In the last three years he has fired four people who couldn’t do the job right.  I bet you didn’t know that, did you?  I kind of psyched myself with the goal of hanging on and making it through this last year of his first term.  Now I’m hoping he gets a second one.  When I was handling the hair spray duties, I wasn’t so sure.  I got tired of getting yelled at.  But I have a feeling there will be a lot less pressure now that I am assistant press secretary.

So you are probably wondering how in the heck President Trump got himself into this fix in Mexico.  The details are still murky, but I am sure it had something to do with his anger issues.  He was already upset when he boarded Air Force One for his trip.  That’s the reason I’m still here and not in a jail in Mexico.  If you watched the news you might have noticed his hair flippity-flopping around while he was waving to the crowd right before he stepped into his plane.  He says I should have been prepared for that cross wind and given him a second coat before he climbed up the stairs.  Then he angrily snatched his hair spray out of my hand, said he’d just handle the job himself, and told me to go home.  I bet he’s damn glad that cross wind came up now.  At least he’s got me here to try and explain away all the troubles that are swirling around.

Some say he went a little too far when he challenged Speaker Ryan to that dual, but his approval rating skyrocketed when he fired Vice President Palin.  He did a standing back-flip when those poll numbers came out.  By now you all know how close President Trump was to shooting her.  And who can blame him?  It wasn’t so much the United Nations address she gave this summer, although that was pretty bad.  Even our U.S. translator couldn’t figure out what in the world she was saying.  Shutting the proceedings down for a day so people could go over their notes didn’t seem to help.  I guess Russia was pretty miffed.  Somehow those guys originally thought Vice President Palin called President Putin a “hole of and ass” for one thing, not to mention how upset the entire European Union was when a German diplomat misconstrued something she said to mean “Euro-trash.”  You have to hand it to all those interpreters in the building for sticking together and sorting things out.

But no it wasn’t that bewildering speech.  I tell you it was that which is known to all of us- that voice, the screeching sounds emitted like that of a wailing banshie, inflicting debilitating migraines upon the unprepared and causing dogs to howl and scatter in startled confusion.  It was after enduring one of Vice President Palin’s ten minute, ear drum shattering ramblings in the Oval Office that the president could stand it no longer and threatened her with his Glock 17.  I was in that room when it happened, and make no mistake it was I, Billy Bimble, who saved Vice President Palin’s life.  I take full responsibility.  I am truly sorry, but I was simply reacting instinctively.   Please, everyone!  Give me a break and stop tweeting all the hate messages.

Like I said, what exactly happened in Mexico is still unclear.  What is known, the stuff you know about from news reports, is the president went to Mexico on sort of a pacification mission, I think you would call it, about the wall he is building along our southern border.  And you are probably aware that Mexican President Cabarro got his underwear in a bunch over that thing.  Sixty feet high seemed like overkill to him I guess.  He said he would never agree to pay for a single strand of barbed wire, let alone a wall that blocks out the sun, and if President Trump wanted to do something about it he would just have to come down to Mexico because he sure as hell wasn’t going to go to Washington now that President Trump signed off on Amendment XXVIII.

I know everyone in our great country is well aware of this new constitutional amendment, but as I understand it this is being broadcast in Mexico, so I’ll go over it just in case there’s someone down there that has a TV set.  It was our insightful sitting president that sat around and finally did something about gun control.  Just so you know, our hispanic neighbors, Amendment XXVIII, specifically Section 1, mandates that every citizen of the United States of America carry a firearm of some sort at all times.  No doubt all our guns scare the crap out of you, our Mexican friends, which if you ask me is kind of ironic with all the bullet-riddled  bodies you have laying around in your country.   But you should understand it turned out to simply be the best way to clarify our pesky second amendment.  That stupid thing was so ambiguous.  I don’t know what in the heck our founding fathers were thinking there.  Man, would they be amazed if they could see the nice AK-101 I picked up for my little boy.  It knocks the little tyke right on his ass whenever he pulls the trigger.  Cute as the dickens.  I got that on-line at Fred’s Friendly-Fire Firearms Emporium.  Poor Fred was really taking some heat before section 3 of Amendment XXVIII made sure everyone knows on-line sales are just a sensible way to get guns into everyone’s hands.  And in my experience, Fred’s gun prices are hard to beat, unless you have a neighbor like I do.  Jack Vinivici- he just lives three houses down from me- he always has a garage sale of some sort going on.  Thank God section 4 of Amendment XXVIII came along to protect the rights of guys like Jack.  He likes to have special gun sales in the summer and early fall.  Then he can just lay everything out on tables in his driveway.  I was driving by his house last week and that’s when I picked up a sweet 9mm P99 pistol for my thirteen year old daughter.  She was a little upset I didn’t get her an assault weapon, but I just don’t think she should have a rifle slung over her shoulder.  I know a lot of the ladies like to accessorize with leather, but personally I think it looks a bit trampy.

Anyway, I guess what happened is, like you know, President Trump flew down to Mexico and while this wall conference was going on, apparently at some point he asked one of his secret servicemen to give the back of his head a quick shot of hair spray.  I know from experience touching up the back of the president’s head can be tricky.  If he feels any kind of moisture on his neck he can get pretty cranky.  And sure enough that’s what happened.  Evidently the president yelled out “You’re fired” and unfortunately a couple of President Cabarro’s body guards thought he said “Fire” and then all hell broke loose and after the gun smoke cleared both of President Trumps’s secret servicemen were in the hospital and the president and Press Secretary Hannibal were in a Mexico City jail.  That’s all I know so far.

Now I know all of you want to jump in your cars and head down to Mexico with your guns.  The president has asked me to tell you to stay calm.  He has also asked me to instruct the Secretary of Defense to amass the First and Second Armies along the border.  The president is running out of cell phone charge, so he asked me to pass this information along.  My cell phone battery is running low too, so If you wouldn’t mind Mr. Secretary, please inform the Joint Chiefs of Staff of this request.  The president is confident once the Mexican government sees the potential smack down they are about to get from our men in uniform, they will release him.  He’s pretty sure they’ll remember what happened back in 1846.  Of course if our boys do end up invading Mexico they might have some trouble getting over that wall.  I suppose if worse comes to worse they’ll just have to blast a hole in it.  Man I hope I’m not the one that has to explain that to President Trump.

So everyone, stay home!  We all know you have the guns to do the job, but let’s leave this one to the U.S. Army.  We don’t want things to get out of hand like they did last month.  You know how people blow everything out of proportion.  It’s ridiculous.  If I hear one more complainer say “Now our mass shootings are taking place at mass,” I swear I will shoot them myself.  Sure that gunfight that broke out in St. Patricks’s Cathedral gave our new amendment a black eye, but remember now it’s normal people like us doing the shooting, not all those crazy people.  Who knew the Irish take their Notre Dame football so seriously.

OK!  I think we are all on the same page.  Let’s calm down and holster up.  We have nothing to fear but fear itself- FDR.  And now that we all have our guns, what in the world are we afraid of?  Good night and God bless America.


Authors Note:  4 out of 5 people that liked this post also liked “Pre-Class Reunion” (May 2015) and “Female Final Four” (February 2015).  These people also consider the one guy that didn’t like these posts to be a big prick.  Also, 5 out of 5 of these people hated everything else on this site.  They can all just kiss my ass.

Beyond Oregon

I don’t understand.  Some doofuses decided it was a good idea to execute an armed takeover of a bird sanctuary in Oregon?  Does that make any sense?  Does anyone know what is going on here, besides a bunch of good ol’ boy’s desire to show off their shiny new rifles they bought themselves for Christmas?  That just pisses me off, especially since the ringleader of this “militia” is a son of Cliven Bundy.  What a stupid shit he is.  What the heck is going on here.  I guess I’ll have to waste a good chunk of my valuable time and get to the bottom of this.


OK,  I’m back.  I studied up on this.  But in the meantime so much more has happened in the realm of gun control futility that I can’t control myself.  We’ve got this bird refuge thing going on,  the president was on TV explaining his executive order that will finally at least do something about our gun chaos, and we are greeted by the news that there are already over 500 gun related murders in the U.S. this year and we have only just entered week three.  I apologize to all who are thinking about continuing to read this.  I am overly passionate about this subject and I know this blog is way too long.  You will probably have to get yourself a snack half way through.  You surely have better things to do with your time.  That’s the point.  I don’t.  When I get incensed, I just keep typing.

There are so many things that are interwoven here that just piss me off.  Before anyone thinks I’m a liberal hell bent on taking away everyone’s guns, let me put that idea to rest.  I seriously don’t give a shit if you own a rifle if you use it for hunting.  No one cares. I used to hunt myself.  I will say I am not a big advocate of keeping a hand gun around the house, but if you feel more secure doing so, I am perfectly fine with it.  I am however not a fan of open or concealed carry.  I think we are just asking for trouble if we have the general population walking around carrying heat.  I worked as a retail pharmacist my entire working life.  If you knew how many people walked into my pharmacy on a daily basis that had “potentially unhinged” written on everything about them except their medical record, not to mention those stamped certifiably wacko, I would have to think you would also have second thoughts about passing out hand guns haphazardly. During the thirty years I worked as a pharmacist at my first place of employment, there were two armed robberies.  I had the distressing experience of having a pistol pointed directly at me during one of them.  In both situations, everyone involved was extremely grateful there was no one around to escalate the drama by pulling out a handgun of their own.   Both perpetrators were apprehended.  My only regret is that they were never given an appropriately long prison sentence for using a hand gun to commit a crime.

There have been several alarming road rage incidents ending in gun tragedy, and there is no doubt in my mind we are headed for an old fashioned wild west shoot out in some busy restaurant or night club one day if enough people subscribe to unbridled gun possession.  But laws in an overwhelming majority of our states have been passed allowing this, so like most I am stuck trying to remind myself to be fastidiously observant to suspicious looking characters as I walk down the street.  It’s the law- how all that happened I don’t know- but it is the law and so I shall learn to live with it.  And please, all you 2nd amendment paranoids out there.  No one is going to take your guns away from you.  Have you any idea how stupid that sounds.  How in the hell would any agency be able to confiscate three hundred million of anything?  That should not be any kind of worry, unless your intent is criminal or you happen to be crazy.

Happy hunter            42                Man with Rifle and Beer

No Problem                                       Might be a Problem                  Definitely a Problem

Which brings me to point number one that has so recently triggered my anger.  Crazy people should not have guns.  Even the NRA agrees with that. Or did. “Guns don’t kill- people do” is their mantra.  Unserved citizens with mental health issues is the definitive argument  the NRA always, underline always, defers to whenever a gun tragedy occurs in this country, or at least it has been in the past.  So what is the big issue the gun lobby objects to in President Obama’s just announced executive action?  A mental health provision.  Before the executive order, the gun  lobby’s position was always get guns out of the hands of the mentally disturbed.  Now, any medical reporting about the state of an elderly person’s mental health is an invasion of privacy.  Where in the world are we supposed to start?  If my doctor believes I am coming unhinged, I don’t care who he notifies, Social Security, state Health and Human Services, relatives, it doesn’t matter.   If I appear to be  a danger to myself or others, someone, somewhere should be following up and probably be taking my gun away from me, if I had one.  Which I don’t.   But under the circumstance I would not care if someone gets nosey.  There’s an appeals provision anyway.  Sure it’s probably a violation of earlier HIPAA rules, but for god’s sake we have to start somewhere.  What in the hell does the NRA want?  If I am a danger to society, society’s right to not get shot would, you would think,  take precedent over the precious right to bear arms.

And this Bundy business, come on!  Best case scenario concerning the Hammonds is they fucked up and let a fire get out of control.  Then the punishment probably does not fit the crime, but they can appeal.   Maybe prosecuting this case under counterterrorism law  was federal overreach, but the Bundy’s and their militia have once again defined overreach.  Over 33,000 gun deaths a year is certainly the 2nd amendment’s embarrassing failure to protect the public, but these clowns threatening the federal government with their macho display of gun worship is, contrary to what they believe, exactly what gives the 2nd amendment a black eye.  Sure, one of the reasons the 2nd amendment was drafted by our founding fathers was to provide regular citizens the recourse of armed insurrection in the event  government is deemed tyrannical by the majority. But this is another one of those outdated considerations of this amendment.  Nonetheless, people like the Bundy’s fall back on this interpretation to try and bully a path to their demands.  And I think if you research the demands of most of the morons participating in these types of armed insurrection, underneath it all you will find their demands are basically self serving attempts to avoid personal responsibility, like repaying loans, paying taxes and legally assessed fines and fees.  Cliven Bundy still has a million dollars worth of unpaid grazing fees.  God damn it that makes me mad.  These are the kind of dim wits that should be prosecuted under counterterrorism laws.

The younger Bundy, Ammon, an Arizonian who is behind most of the Oregon stink-up, has no problem availing himself to a half million dollar loan from the federal government’s SBA program, and he and/or his family members have undoubtedly partaken in many handouts the government generously extends to ranchers in our country  The Hammond’s don’t appear to know what in God’s name Ammon is doing all the way up in Oregon anyway.  Kind of looks like they’d rather go to jail than deal with a Bundy.  It seems one of the armed protester’s demands is an insistence that the government return all federal lands to their original, rightful owners.  The group is not sure who that is.  It could be this guy or that guy.  If they bothered to think that through, that would be the people below.

gn_01649b                                                     Geronimo, Native American leader of the Chiricahua Apache with rifle

This Guy (Oregon)                                  That Guy (Arizona/Nevada)

I seriously doubt that is the intention they have in mind.

All this supposed tyranny is going on by the government, when possibly the most tyrannical aspect of this armed takeover is suppression of the rights of us normal citizens not participating in this armed fiasco.  It might sound trivial, but I like watching birds.  Bundy, you’re fucking that up for the rest of us.  This bird sanctuary is actually a pretty important habitat for a number of migratory birds  Ammon, for Pete sakes go home and mind your own business.  You need to apply yourself to paying off that half million dollar loan.

How about all the Republican presidential candidates and members of congress getting all bent out of shape over Obama’s executive order.  I would like to see how empty the halls of congress get if the decision was ever made to remove the metal detector from their building.  Remember, Ammon Bundy hates you.  If that did happen, maybe congress would invoke the Trump rule.  Stop all gun sales till we figure out what the hell is going on.







I was a little nervous at first, after Ted Cruz made his big announcement.  He knows for a fact Democrats commit more crimes of violence, like way way more, than Republicans.  I’m a Democrat, I think.  Or at least I have voted for the Democratic presidential candidate lately.  And after thinking about what Ted Cruz said, I started to worry a little bit.  Just the other day when the Packers lost another game I was really, really pissed.  I mean really.  I was seriously thinking about sending a hate letter to Aaron Rodgers and giving him a piece of my mind.  But then I had second thoughts and realized I really should be sending my hate letter to the entire offensive line. Their protection was leaking like a sieve and he was getting clobbered.   I was going to tell them how much they sucked, but again I stopped myself.  I was suddenly struck by how out of control all my hatred had become.  It had escalated from hating one guy to hating six guys.  I counted the tight end too.  I know he’s not really an offensive lineman, but I thought he was doing a pretty shitty job as well, so I threw him in the mix.  So there you go.  You can see how I would be concerned.  This is so unlike me.  At least when I’m sober.  I didn’t reach the point where I wanted to go out a buy a gun or anything, but still.  Maybe Ted is onto something.

Depositphotos_35650171_s-2015     CRUZing OUR AMERICAN POLITICAL PARTIES  Fat angry man

REPUBLICAN                                                                                                           DEMOCRAT

That all happened last week.  Today I just remembered something.  I’m a Republican!  At least I should qualify as a Republican in Ted Cruz’s eyes because I am officially registered as a member of that party.  I rarely admit that, but that’s how it all went down back when I first voted.  Why I did that is a long story.  For now let’s just say I made a mistake.  But the fact remains every time I go to vote, there I am, listed as a Republican.  It’s kind of amazing to me how that keeps following me around.  Should I be worried about that?  I know I should go somewhere or get online or something and change things around.  But the simple fact is it just doesn’t matter, I don’t think.  I’m really not a Democrat either.  I have problems with both parties.  I guess I could register as an Independent, but it seems like the end doesn’t justify the means since everything is working out fine for me at the voting booth anyway.  I suppose there is that tiny, remote possibility I could fuck over some poor Democrat that ends up loosing in a primary by one vote because I didn’t get the correct party ballot.  Let’s not go there.  The point here is I am sort of a Democrat disguised as a Republican, safe from Ted Cruz’s scrutiny but thanks to Ted Cruz wondering if I am safe from myself.  Who knows when I might pull out a screw-driver and attack someone. Or I might use my rubber mallet.  It’s pretty big.  Here’s a picture of some things laying around my house I might be able to hurt you with.  I know because I have hurt myself with all this stuff.  And this is just a short list.  Some close calls I’ve had with lawn and garden equipment come to mind as well.  IMG_2232

I was kind of bothered about all of this so I started making a few phone calls. I figured anyone who has been in jail at some point in their lives would be able to help me out.   The best I could come up with were acquaintances of mine who got hauled in for DUI when they were in college.  I know that’s actually not a violent crime, unless you happen to be really plastered and cause some horrific accident.  Thankfully that was not the case with my two buddies.  But still they shouldn’t have been driving around.  Anyway I asked them if they remembered filling out a form or something when they were in jail that would document the fact that they were a Republican or a Democrat.  That’s all I really wanted to know.  I figured if you end up in jail all those forms have to be the same, right?  Doesn’t matter if you are in there for shoplifting or assault, the form would be the same.

My friend Bob (below) said he didn’t recall any such question at all, just address and phone number and 60s Game Show Host Wearing An Ugly Sports Coatstuff.  But he did remember right after the sex question he wrote “Last night, if a date with Rosey Palm counts.”  He was always like that, especially when he was tooted.  Unfortunately for him all that scribbling on the form got him cited for defacing county property and he had to spend an extra night in jail.

The other friend I called was Johnny (at right).  I am pretty sure when he got hauled in to jail for DUI when he was in college there was something other than alcohol influencing his Friendly hippie with long hair making peace signdriving.  Back in the 60’s he experimented with anything he could get his hands on, uppers, downers, LSD, PCP, peyote, you name it.  As he recalled, there actually was a question about being a Republican or Democrat, and it came right after the question about being a citizen of Neptune or Saturn.  Then he said he really had to go because he wasn’t feeling too hot and thought that might be related to his snacking on a bad batch of brownies he had recently brought back from Colorado.

Realizing I really wasn’t getting anywhere with my research, I called up Henry (below) an attorney friend of mine,  He emphatically stated there was nothing on any form you would fill out for any crime you committed, violent or non-violent, that would ask you a question about your political Rude manaffiliation.  He then went on to emphatically state what a piece of shit Ted Cruz  was, and that progressed to a savagely hateful tirade about the presidential hopeful that went on so long I had to hang up.  I took that as verification of what I suspected all along, that there is not a politically oriented question on any prison intake form.  From that conversation I also suspected that first, Henry was a Democrat and second, there thus might be something to Ted Cruz’s basic premise that Democrats are more inclined to violence than Republicans.

So it was back to square one.  And actually I am still stuck in that square.  After all my research I figured out one thing though.  The conclusion I arrived at was that this was one more example of the political genius of Ted Cruz.  I’d seen it before (see my July 2015 blog “Trouble in Texas”).  Ted is after all a presidential candidate, and except for Donald Trump those people aspiring to the highest public office in the land don’t go around just making shit up, at least without a motive.  And Ted recognizes opportunity when he sees it.  Fact or fiction what Ted has going for him here is a chance to close the gap he has with Trump in the polls by utilizing one of Trumps own tactics.  To protect our citizenry, Donald Trump  has the Muslim community in his sights to federally surveil, and now I can only conclude Ted Cruz is about ready to unveil his program of surveilling Democrats if he is elected.  And the best part of his plan is he already has a database of registered troublemakers, something Donald Trump has yet to work out.  And the numbers!  No comparison.  You’ve got maybe ten million Muslims in the U.S., but over one hundred million Democrats to select from.  I guess that will require a lot of policing manpower, but just like his tax plan, numbers are of little importance.  What counts is what sounds good at the moment.  Anyway, if you’re a Democrat and in January of 2017 we have Ted Cruz as our president, that funny clicking sound you hear on your cell phone is just Ted listening in.  And as far as my political party registration goes, well I am going to leave well enough alone till the dust settles.  I might as well play it safe.  I have a feeling there will be an irritating cloud of some sort enveloping our political landscape for a very long time.


How History Repeats Itself

We are getting creamed!  ISIS has taken us to the cleaners and it seems the war against them is lost.  This is the United States of America for god’s sakes.  There is not a country on the entire planet that can match our military might.  How can we be taking it in the shorts by a bunch of lunatics living in the 8th century.  Somehow there has to be an explanation.  There is just no way we should be losing any kind of war to any kind of transgressor.

This very scenario is starting to look eerily similar to one that transpired before.  I read about it somewhere, I think it was back in grade school.  I kind of forget.  It might have been high school.  Oh Ya!  I am starting to remember now.  There was this guy who came out of nowhere and took over not only his own country but several surrounding ones.  It was an extraordinary rise to prominence if I remember right, an unparalleled accomplishment in the annals of history.  Here was this guy, with absolutely no  formal qualifications, who somehow slipped through the cracks and took over a political group of extreme nationalists and become their leader.  He was able to capitalize on that coup and become the leader of his entire country by taking to the streets and working up the masses with perplexingly vitriolic speeches about a particular religious group that he felt was responsible for their country’s defeat in a previous war it had recently been involved in.  Do you guys remember this?  I think it all happened back in the mid 20th century.  I just did a little research and I found a picture of this remarkable individual.   Believe it or not, we have a similar rising star right here in America.  He has an amazingly comparable political background and is using amazingly similar acts of fomenting speachafying  to amazingly be tracking politically in the same manner his mid twentieth century mentor did.  I found a picture of him too.

Just so you see where I am coming from, here are those pictures of these two political look-alikes.  Test your knowledge of history and current events and see if you can identify which one of these guys lived back then and the one moving along nicely in U.S. political progression now.images-1     Donald Trump Holds Campaign Rally In Richmond, VA

How did you do?  I kind of gave things away I guess.  Color film developing was pretty labor intensive in the mid 20th century.  Of course the guy in the black and white picture has to be older.  And if you recall in the end things didn’t work out so well for him or his country.  Maybe this other guy will study up on stuff and be able to maneuver history down a different path.  I kind of doubt it though.  History just has a way of repeating itself and I have to tell you this kind of history makes me kind of nervous.
