Category Archives: Uncategorized

It’s Trump’s Party. Give It to Him

Holy crapp!  You believe this? Thanks to Trump, the Republican Party is devouring its own.  The radical elements have to remind you of the French Revolution.  Go to and you can’t help but  imagine neo Jacobins in MAGA hats threatening as many Republicans as Democrats. There is an abundance of hyper- militants recommending marshall law. There are even  a few modern-day Robespierres lurking about demanding beheadings.  Now Trump has completly shit on congressional Republicans by vetoing the military spending bill and refusing to sign the virus stimulus bill- all part of his unhinged program of retribution and ambushing congressional Republicans.  In the line of fire is the American public.  Lamentably the man who convinced so many he is the fixer of all things would rather attend to his paranoic narcissism than deal with the suffering of millions and an economic crisis.  And if there is one thing we have learned about Trump, it’s that he will use his reality show instincts to milk the distressing circumstances for all they are worth.

Republicans of course can’t blame anyone but themselves for the grip Trump has on their gonads, and all indications are he is not about to let go any time soon.  Naturally, sane conservatives in the Republican Party have to be wondering what to do to stop Trump’s personal Reign of Terror.  Thomas Friedman has the answer here.

Yes.  Start a new party.  You won’t believe this but Tom and I must have been communicting telepathically. I’ve been thinking on this for a couple weeks.  Maybe it’s unrealistic but It certainly makes sense.  Mr. Friedman’s salient point is as Trump’s power decreases, only crackpots like Michael Flynn will remain as close advisors and Trumpworld will become even more extreme and so detatched from reality the principled  party members will finally say “enough” and create their own party. However, Mr. Friedman’s explanation omits critical details.

My suggestion for a new party  may be more radical, but to me more likely to accomplish the necessary result.  Republicans should not splinter off and call themselves something else. Republican leadership of all stripes should just tell Trump he can have his party.  The GOP, as it exists today, is the Trump Party.  Political pundits everywhere insist that this is fact. So call it that.  Heretofore it should be called exactly that- the Trump Party.  Are you still with me?  Can you imagine the gigantic boner he would get at the suggestion of naming an entire political party after him? Logically you would think this could be just the antidote his delicate pschye needs to supress  the feelings of inadequacy of being labled a loser.

Think about it. Nothing makes Trump happier than to see his name plastered on anything, and his political brown-nosers and MAGA army would be able to stand united and triumphant under the official banner of that whom they worship.  The whole lot of them would be enthralled to wallow in orgasmic joy at the simple thought of such kinship.  You get the idea. Republicans simply explain the obvious- that the Republican party has been gas-lighted and transformed into something so unrecognizable to the original,  Trump might as well officially rename it as his own.  And Republicans inclined to separate themselves  from Trump  then reclaim their party and remain, well, Republicans, and get back to the business of being true, normal, conservative Republicans.  Can you imagine?

Republicanism would at last be able to revert to being the party of lower taxes and less goverment, a pro-life agenda, remorseless military spending, unconstrained access to guns, labor union restrictions, free trade, privatized Social Security, all the regular Republican stuff.  But above all, the party would retain our form of democracy, which is where Republicanism and Trumpism indubitably  diverge.

If you have sort of given up, and like the idea of having someone make decisions for you, then the authoritarian rule of the Trump Party is the place for you.  And we’ve all seen the back side of the tees with the chronological reigning order of various members of the Trump family.   If it’s your dream to establish a  monarchy, with the king father succeeded by princes Junior, Eric, and Baron, and princess Ivanka, you are in luck.  Just head on over to Trump Party headquarters. How this concept is supposed to work in this country is profoundly mysterious, and I can’t say it is something any of the founding fathers had in mind though.  Why someone would want to use the democratic institution  of voting only to elect someone who is bent on usurping the whole process is kind of what has the rest of us scatching our heads.

Notwithstanding this rather counterintuitive preference for authoritarianism, unfortunately there is one other defining difference between  Republicanism and Trumpism that truly is an American abstraction.  Make no mistake the Trump party will include  a social plank that is nailed, deck screwed, and securred with heavy duty construction adhesive into its platform.  It is racism. There is a reason white supremacists are attracted to Trump.  He has displayed blatant racism time and again. Certainly neo-Natzi’s needn’t waste their time at the Trump Party enrollment desk. They’ll be grandfathered in.

And this is the grand paradox of the Trump Party.  Sign on to this and you sign on to racism.  If you belong to the Trump party, going forward you will be understood to clearly be racist.  The concept is not necessarily anything inovative.  Racism pretty much defined George Wallace’s American Independent party in 1967. The propitious anomaly  here is many of the Trump supporters who were single issue voters, or those who simply found Trump’s anti-establishment, disruptive persona appealing, but not particulariy interested in Trump’s racism, will migrate back to the updated, conservative, Republican party.  Can you see where this is going?  Eventually the Trump party will go the way of Wallace’s American Independent Party- wither away and die.

It would be a testament to the American belief in universal equality if racism would self implode as the Trump party disintegrates, but we have a national history of never wanting to let it go.  I honestly think the  legacy of the Trump administration will be that it exposed so many weaknesses in our constitution and institutuions, and as disruptive as that has been, the one benefit to it all is that we now have the opportunity, and should recognize the responsibility, to fix the mess.  Maybe the most alarming revelation of the Trump administration is the surprising depth and intensity of racism that still exists in America. In light of this realization, hopefully there will be a commitment, individually and collectively, to address social injustice and to the educational rescources required to gradually eliminate the national embarassment of racism.

“Ignorance is not so much the shame as not being willing to learn.”  Ben Franklin










Puppies or Gift, Graft, and Grift

You’ve all seen it.  That ASPCA commercial, you know, the one that shows video of sad, shivering dogs and some cats staring into the camera with at least one eye that appears to be in serious need of antibiotic intervention.  It is a heartbreaking presentation of animal cruelty and neglect and I would have to guess hits its desired marketing effect, except for one thing.  It sort of overshoots the mark.  It’s nearly impossible to watch the entire thing. It is so gut-wrenching the second it comes on the air my wife immediatly grabs the remote and switches channels. Over the top or not, the need is definite.  Give if you can.

The need is everywhere.  I must get at least four or five charity donation requests daily in the mail now, not to mention the dozens that appear every time I open up my e-mail.  Most of those are political, so now that the election is over part of my daily routine involves  tedious unsubscribing  housekeeping.

I certainly don’t feel left out, but apparently many people other than I recently received a Save America PAC donation request. – Gift, Graft, or Grift.  This is really hard for me to get my head around.  The president of the United States is so determined to retain power he is willing to take a blow torch to democracy and then make use of the chared aftermath to unscouplously cash in on a fire sale.   Even by Trumpian standards this is pretty ballsy.   I’m not totally surprised that there are still millions of people buying into Trump’s lies and conspriacy theories.  That’s what he does and you have to hand it to him, there has not been a world leader so proficent at gas lighting since Hitler and Dolchstoblegende.  The guy sees no shame in wringing every last dollar  out of his bewitched supporters before he exits the door. But wow what a waste of money.  Think of the actual good 170 million could do.

Which brings a thought to mind.  I am unshakable in my core belief in the goodness of humanity, that we can all put our differences aside if we just focus on what is normally decent in society. Love, understanding, compassion.  That’s what we need.  I believe that deep down, if we are presented with a binary choice, we are  wired to select whichever one subconsciously fulfills our essential need to embrace comforting rectitude.  So here’s my challenge. To my way of thinking it poses a fascinating exercise in human psychology.  From the photos pictured below, which one represents the charity you would be more willing to donate to?  Where would you prefer to send your hard earned cash?


Wait. WHAT?  You actually chose the crazy man over the forlorn puppy? Are you shitting me? What the fuck is wrong with you, you stupid son of a bitch?  Sure maybe the dog isn’t house-trained, but does anyone truly know if Trump is?  Come on!  You can’t be fucking serious.  I give up.









Mr. President.  You won!  What you have secured, quite possibly for a time well into the next decade, is the imperishable devotion of an entire politcal party. I realize at present it is difficult for you to dwell on anything but the sting of losing the election, but for Pete’s sake you received 72 million votes! That’s pushing 10 million more than you got last time. That’s nothing to shake your Sharpie at.  47% of the voting public loves you! You are the Republican party, it’s driving force.   No one can take that away from you, apparently because there is no one in the Republican party hierarchy that has not had their testicles revoked.

You have got to quit moping about and look at the bigger picture here.  You still can be THE MAN!  Think about it.  Despite having no political experience and known cheifly as the star of a mindless reality TV show, you captured the attention, and still retain the admiration, of millions of Americans.  Amazingly, much of the nation at large saw  something in you, a crude rawness that holds the kind of attraction likened to the power of Neodymium magnetism.  Even though you lost the election, surely you must realize how fortunate you are to be able to continue to live in your very own enchanting reality.  It will be forever historically quesioned how someone like you, with a propensity for screwing, litterally and figuratively, practically anyone who veered into your business and social orbit, was  an unabashed racist, a man with monumental business failures that were providentially bailed out by a rich father or abstracted financial institution, was a proud draft dodger and tax cheat with no conscious regard for the truth, was born into silver spoon and golden toilet privilege completely detached from the common man, who in fact quite often publicly loathed anyone he considered socially and economically  beneath him,  was regardlessly deemed by so many  to be just what the country needed and clamored for.  You sir, are a staggering testament to what can be achieved with little more than an aptitude for unscupulous fortitude.

But damn it man, we really need some  leadership right now.  This virus is out of control and no doubt is about to get even worse.  It is nearly certain that within two weeks after Thanksgiving many of our nation’s hospitals will exceed capacity.  And ya, great, the stock market hit 30,000, but have you seen the 21st centurry bread lines going on.  I know you watch TV.  Those are people waiting anxiously for basic sustenance, not hanging around in hopes of receiving a hot equities tip. It is obvious you are emotionally checked out.  If you don’t want the job, why are you so doggedly struggling to get it back. It’s understandable that you would be exhausted. But as president, you need to suck it up.  You can’t play golf and watch TV all day.  Not now. The country is in crisis.  Do something, anything, like, get in front of the cameras and tell everyone to mask up. It is you and you alone those gripped with intransigence will listen to. You’re the supreme dealmaker.  Stoke a fire under Senator McConnell and get a relief package passed so the recently impoverished can eat and pay rent.  You fought a valiant fight.  You might have lost the election, but you, Donald Trump, are a loser only if you don’t finish what you have been elected to do- serve the people.








Armed Militants Storm Michigan Capital Building to Protest Hand Washing Guidelines

Lansing MI:  Citing yet another example of governmental restriction of constitutional liberty, over two dozen robustly armed patriots charged into the Michigan State Capital Building this morning to demonstrate against all forms of regulatory hand washing.  “We are sick and tired of our governor telling us what to do,” said local resident and free lance sperm donor Fred Wickster, as he nervously fidgeted with the safety switch on his gleaming 60 round Saint AR-15.  I’m not about to wash my hands just because some bureaucratic bitch says I ought to,”  Wickster loudly and confidently informed his surrounding confederates, and any of the other unfortunates who were in the building as the result of lamentably bad timing . “It’s time we stopped washing our hands and get back to normal.”


These  Michigan men seem well equipped to remind the public of their constitutional right to not wash their hands 

Herb Ridgewetter, a septic tank cleaner who lives on the Eastern Upper Peninsula, said he is taking the protest to another level by refusing to bath altogether.  “This is BULLSHIT!  BULLSHIT,” he  proclaimed, not realizing he also managed to take the discussion to another decible level.  Holding a semi automatic short barrel in each hand and brandishing crossed leather bandoliers that stored 100 rounds of ammunition acrosss his upper torso, Ridgewetter understandably commanded attention.  Whether it was this lethal appearance or his  overwhelmingly odious presence, even the stallwarts in attendance were ironically obliged to extend him the courtesy of six feet of separation recommended by the CDC. “These hands are instuments of the Lord,” Ridgewetter went on to forcefully profess.  “And only the Lord , not some phoney shit-assed politician or prissy scientific know it all, can tell me what to do with my fucKING HANDS!!”

Conspicuous for his comparatively understated display of explosive armament was Arnold Flackman, an unemployed man from rural Battle Creek.  He was holding only a Remington Wingmaster 16 gauge that he uses for bird hunting, although he also had a 20 inch machete strapped to his belt, “Just in case,” as he put it.  Flackman said he was at the event on behalf of all the restuarant workers of America.  As a recently terminated Chipotle employee, he recalled being constantly berated for failing to wash his hands.  “It was mortifying,” he said   “My hands were always dry, even bloody, from all the washing.  You don’t know what resaurant workers go through, all the constant badgering.  I mean what’s next in this country.  Are we going to have dentists showing up on our doorsteps to check if we’re brushing properly.  Who’s going to stop all this harassment?  My free hands are not going to be constrained by the shackles of some random civil decree,” he said, as he used his free hand to wipe away nasal mucous dribbling downward from the nose hole in his modified ski mask.

While he twirled the barrel of one of his Vector CR-21’s in rythmic circles,  Mr.  Ridgewetter seemingly made clear the mission statement of the entire group.  “This isn’t about hand washing or mask wearing or any of that bullshit.  It’s about freedom.  You mess with our freedom, we mess with you!”


The Futility of Understanding Trumpworld, Where Down is Up and Bad is Good

NOTE: I started writing this a couple days ago.  With the news this morning that President Trump  and his wife have been infected with covid I sincerely hope they are asymptomatic, or have mild cases.  It is no secret I do not think he is, or has ever been, a competent leader of the nation, but I would never wish him or anyone the misfortune of infectious misery.  It is everyone’s wish and in our best interest that the President and Melania have a quick recovery.  

When President Trump revealed that he knew back in January that the corona virus was a terrifyingly contageous pathogen and then eight months and 200,000 deaths later tell a worshiping crowd of supporters that no one should worry because it hardly affects anyone, you would think that would be an indication to most people that maybe this man should not be in charge of anything, let alone the well being of over 300 million citizens.  But talk to a typical attendee of a Trump rally and you get the impression the important thing to remember is whatever the president says last.  Asked why they feel so unconcerned about placing themselves into confined space and not wearing face coverings, most will reply they don’t believe the virus is especially harmful, and you will even get a few who say the whole pandemic is a hoax.  There will curiously be a few elderly citizens who seem to be a bit on the contagiousness fence, but perfectly fine with resigning themselves to whatever fate has in store for them.  If it’s their time to go, so be it.  All is well and good.

I suppose this is fine, and good, for the person expressing his willgness to travel to the great beyond, since whoever it is seems to be expressing some kind of confident courage, or even patriotism, willing to make the ultimate sacrifice in the name of Trumpism and positive economic outcomes. But this is bad, bad for the misguided supporter (no one wants to see you go) and mostly for the rest of us. Besides self protection, the more important reason for social distancing and  wearing a mask is to protect others and prevent this god awful stuff from spreading. Not abiding by basic pandemic protcols is bad and selfish, not good.  For Trump, of course downplaying the disease meshes nicely with his self-centered, narcissism.  It’s all good there.  Instill a false sense of security. People feel it’s perfectly safe to gather and spend money and the economy improves and Trump looks good.  Untill it turns bad again when people infect other people, the economy stagnates, and the whole cycle gets even worse as we head into the flu season.

You can catalog multiple instances of how Trump has been able to twist something bad (i.e. voting twice) into something his entreched followers to believe is good (it’s good for Trump therefore it’s good for you).  Out of the massive dumpster overflowing with very, very bad things Trump has said and done, nothing is more egregious, nothing should infuriate us more, than the damage he is inflicting on our election process.  It is very bad for a sitting president to declare he will not abide by one of the lynch pins of our form of democracy- the peaceful transision of power.  That is so bad it should be considered a disqualifying event. Nothing good can be converted from this border-line treasonous avouchment.

Because Trump is such a master of gas lighting, his susceptible supporters will once again believe this is just another aspect of Trump’s disruptive master plan to fix America, and shrug it off. All they will be hearing from now until election day is how rigged the system is with all of the mail balloting going on.  Nothing good will come of this contemptuous, irresponsibley false, despotic ranting.  Trump realizes the odds of his reelection are not in his favor and he is not above doing anything to stay in power, including imploding our democracy.

It is dumbfounding to me to see conservative media get so worked up about some sort of impending, socialistic conspiracy on the horizon if Joe Biden is elected.  Accordingly it is surmised socialism will be so consuming that within four years the country will be under communist rule. For Pete sakes!   Right before our eyes the current administration has undermind our laws and institutions, neutered the checks and balances of the legilative branch by intimidation,  used paramilitary squads to supress peaceful protest, removed adminstrative oversight from multiple goverment departments, verbally attacked the courts, turned the Department of Justice into his own political puppet, and avariciously profited from his position of executive power.  Cronyism and corruption within the current administration has been rampant and our democracy is migrating from a kleptocracy to autocracy.  The man in charge of our special form of democratic government is so consumed by his fear of  losing an election he is panic stricken to point of dismantling it all to save his job.  President Trump has publicly stated the only way he will lose the election is if the Democrats cheat, and not so subtely encouraged radical supporters to “stand by” if he loses. What he is suggesting is a dictatorial coup. This is all currently occurring.  Yet none of that seems to bother his base, or his Republican sycophants.  Their worry is about some manufactured and very bazzar, futuristic conspiracy theory that the Democratic party is contriving to establish communistic rule.  That is absurd.  The finer point is Trump’s fascist demagogery is bad and dangerously seditious. That is not good.

As we have recently found out via his income tax information, Trump has maneuvred through his life using smoke and mirrors.  All of his business conduct, the shady practices, tax  manipulation and evasion, accumulation of mountainous debt, falsifing asset values, it’s all incrimmnating evidence of a fraudulent and disasterous businessman.  But paradoxically, Trump supporters  believe that is all part of his genius and that somehow deception and manipulation are good for the country.   You might be able to say he’s a genius in one respect.  He will probably become recognized as one of the most cunning public figures recorded in history. Unconscionable conduct might be good for Trump.  But it is bad for the rest of us.

If President Trump is so concerned with voting fraud, it is his responsibilty to do everything he can to fix it. The reality is he seems to think it is to his advantage to do nothing and even create obsticles to voting.  And anyway as far as fraud goes there is actually little to fix. Recently  the FBI, Homeland Security, the Brennan Center for Justice, all examined data and concluded fraudulent mail voting to be practically nonexistent.  George W Bush’s Justice Department conducted a five year investigation of all aspects of voter fraud and only found 120 cases worth prosecuting.  It was a different voting issue, but the president’s own commision, headed by sycophant Kris Kobach, which was investigating voter registration fraud, had to disband because of lack of evidence. The most prominent person promoting voter fraud is the President of the United States himself by telling people to vote twice.

And you can not evaluate Trumpism without discussing racism.  The subject is so involved it would be sensless to address it here.   All I should need to say about that is it is bad.  I will say I do believe much of the Trump allure has more to do with castism than racism.  But both intertwine, and Trump has subtely used both to divide the coutnry and that is definately not good.

Trump’s view of the world is transactional.   He is only interested in what promotes or protects him.  Covid is just a numbers game to him- polls, TV ratings, and the stock market. Of course he should be concerned with the economy, but not to the extent of blinding disregard for human life.  One of the reasons he did so little to contain the pandemic was he was aware that initially the virus was overwhelmingly affecting “blue” states.  Of course there are “red” voters in “blue” states.  But not in meaningful enough numbers to him.  That now is his approach to the presidential election.  Trump has sewed divsion in this county so thoroughly he can no longer escape the consequences.  He is counting on his unshakable devotees to keep believing his lies and obviously hoping gas lighting the fabrications will either recruit more followers or, in the absence of that, create presidential election chaos.  His irresponsible, divisive approach with covid has had an incalculable impact on ending over 200,000 American lives.  It’s that same approach that could end the American form of democracy.  All of it should be universally understood as bad.









Latest Polling Indicates Majority of Republicans Now Believe Bears Do Not Shit in the Woods Afterall

Recent polling confirms just how persuasive Trump idology has become in America.  Shortly after his nationally televised press briefing in the Rose Garden, where President Trump boldly proclaimed that bears do NOT shit in the woods, multiple surveys of Republican voters were taken that indicate 51% of the party now also believes bears do not shit in the woods.  8% of the particpants still believe bears do shit in the woods.  41% are undecided.

The implications attatched to such a stunning reversal of factual knowledge have not been without public controversy.  In order to tamp down criticism over the statement, the White House sent Coordinator of Lots of Things, Peter Navarro, to do an interview with CNN’s Jake Tapper.  The following are excerpts of the discussion.

JT- So, speculation is the president said bears do not shit in the woods as a way of enforcing his distain for anything scientific.  Is that the idea? Is he being honest?

PN- Look.  Jake.  Science isn’t always right.  Scientists once said the earth has only existed for six thousand years.

JT- That was not a true scientific argument.  It’s something religious Creation Science espoused that no one in their right mind believes.  Yes, actual science is always evolving and correcting its course, but, the obvious, naked truth is–   a bear does shit in the woods!  It’s an undeniable fact of, of biology, of, of, nature.  The point is, don’t you find it alarming that so many people believe something that is so obviously false, just because Donald Trump says it’s true? I mean, do you believe that bears do not shit in the woods?

PN- Have you ever seen a bear shit in the woods Jake?

JT- Well no.  But I am sure others have.  And there is bear shit all over the forrest floor!

PN- But who’s to say someone didn’t move that shit from somewhere else, like, the highway.  We have some of our best people maintaining highway safety and appearance.  You know Jake, you shouldn’t go disparaging the dedicated people of our highway maintenance departments.

JT-  I didn’t.  That has nothing to do with this  The president of the Unted States said bears do not shit in the woods. That is not true.   That is the issue.

PN- A bear might shit in a stream, not the woods.

JT- But a stream is normally considered a part of the woods, and anyway you can’t deny bears do shit in the woods.  It’s where they live.

PN- Look, Jake. There are competing views.  How about Zoos?  Bears shit in Zoos,  That’s not the woods.

JT- Of course that’s not the woods!  Those bears are in captivity.  It’s not their natural habitat.

PN- Jake. Nancy Pelosi herself said she once saw a bear take a crap in her neighbor’s back yard.  So it’s ok for her to say bears shit in the city?  You can’t have it both ways Jake.

JT- That’s not the point!!  That’s a  whole different environmental issue!  You’re the one trying to play both sides of the fence!! The point is the president is not being honest with the American public. He is lying!!  Did the president lie to the American people?

PN- Jake, your want to go there? You want to go there Jake? What about the forrest.  Bears shit in the forrest too!

JT- THAT’S THE SAME THING!!  You’re not answering the question!!

PN- Jake. Jake.  You’re cherry picking.  The president is simply saying a bear could shit somewhere else.

JT- Come ON!!  You’re the one cherry picking! That’s not what he said!  The president said bears do NOT shit in the woods!!  Bears clearly shit in the woods!!  It’s an undeniable fact of nature!!!

PN-  You know Jake, this is just like CNN!  You guys NEVER want to hear the truth!!  You cherry pick and distort and…

JT- (abruptly ends conversation)  OK that’s it. You’re not answering the question.  Thank you for being here Peter.  Just to remind our viewers, the fact is the president actually said, on national television, that bears do NOT shit in the woods. And that is a blatant lie.



This just in-  President Trump calls Pope Francis a Jew!  Stay tuned for  a riveting analysis of Michael Caputo’s  conspiracy theory about this latest scandal roiling the Catholic Church!





Trump Supporters Will Vote for Him if he Commits Murder. But Will They Go to Jail for Him?

Imagine you are a young teenager walking around an electronics store with an adult, an authoritive figure, like say, your father.  He spots something cool, like, an Apple watch.  And imagine he casually looks around and then tells you he wants you to steal that Apple watch for him.  I know the watch is probably under lock and key but this is all hypothetical.  You probably think  he is kidding, but no, he tells you straight off he is dead serious.  And to prove the point he tells you he’ll be waiting in the car and he hurriedly walks away. Would you attempt that theft?  You’re a kid and you have a general understanding that stealing is wrong.  But it’s your dad.  It must be OK, right?  Would you go ahead and steal the watch for your dad?

Let’s say you you did, got caught, and the whole story became public knowledge.  No doubt society would judge your father harshly and there would be some sort of judicial penalty exacted.   Protective services would likely get involved.  There would be universal agreement your dad is an incorigible role model lacking basic ethical concepts.

There is a similar scene playing out in our politcal world right now and there is nothing hypothetical about it.  It is starkly real.  When Donald Trump asks you to vote for him twice, he is guilty of the same egregeous action that the father is in this fictional scenario.  Only worse.  Intentionally voting twice in a federal election is a felony, under any circumstance, for any reason, but its not Donald Trump who would be prosecuted.  You would be the one at risk of serving a prison term.

Here we go again with an infuriating example of Trump’s behavior getting swept under the rug.  We should not just gloss over this.  This is the president of the United States issuing a request that citizenry commit a fucking felony.  What kind of president does that?  What kind of human being does that?

Stop and think of the implications of this remark.  Not only is it yet another example of the president’s contempt for the law, of his belief that laws don’t apply to him.  It is a damning indictment of his character.  And I know Trump supporters will somehow justify the statement as just Trump being Trump.  But come on!  Can there be a more flagrant example of his shallowness? Well, ok calling dead veterans losers and suckers is profoundly superficial, and of course from his past remarks you have to believe this is  Trump being Trump at his absolute worst. But until  someone is willing to step out from behind the shield of anonymity and collaborate these damning stories Trump can escape total eviceration.  However, he asked people to vote twice on national TV.

Donald Trump, as many who know him have said, will stop at nothing to promote his self interest.   How much worse can that get then prodding people to commit a felony on his behalf.  This is so brazenly wrong. To be concerned only with what is good for you at the expense of everyone else, an expense that involves criminality, underscores his total lack of conscience.  When it comes to anything that is remotley central to his interest, the man seems incapable of understaning what is right or wrong.

No matter how the White House tries to spin this, I basically am imploring anyone on the voting fence to please take the time to really think about what is revealed about the current president in this singular act.  The absolute best spin you can attach to this is ignorance.  That he understands little about processes of democracy would then be damning in itself.  This perplexing remark, at it’s worse, indicates we have a president who will stop at nothing, who sees nothing wrong with the continued underminingg of the laws and institutions of the country, if he feels it is in his best interest.

And this also speaks to who we are, what kind of society we live in. To Trump, cheating and political criminal activity are perfeclty normal, no big deal.  And the manner in which he so casually made this remark suggests he believes a good percentage of the people of this country must be bound with similar threads of morality.  I refuse to believe that is true. Yes we have our share of miscreants and criminals, but when it comes to believing in the democratic principles of this nation, it is a safe argument to say hardly anyone gives any consideration to voting twice or pariticipating in other acts of voter fraud.   Think about it.  Have you ever once thought about voting twice?  Hell, in a typical U.S. election half the county doesn’t even vote once.

Several recent reports have been issued about voter fraud, all concluding the incidents of that happening are minuscule- ranging from 0.0003 to 0.0025 percent.  Voting twice is something that would hardly cross the mind of the average, normally ethical U.S. citizen- until now.    And the guy who is out there promoting that very idea that is so antithetical to the most basic of our constitutional principles is none other than the president of the United States!   Come on!  And to underscore just how embedded this pernicious infection of our democracy is becoming, during an interview with Wolf Blitzer the atorney general of the county claimed ignorace of state law in order to give cover to the president on this issue.  How fucked up is that?

Every day Trump is claiming the election is going to be chaotic and rigged, when he is actually the one creating the chaos and trying to rigged it in his own favor.  Of course audaciousness is a typical characteristic of authoritarianism.  Get ready for two months of gaslighting “the likes of which you have never seen.”

Obviously I am one who fails to understand the Trump attraction. I consider him to be a danger to the nation’s constitutional fabric as well as the public health.  Whenever I see a packed gathering of Trump supporters not wearing masks I envision a mass suicide of lemmings edging towards their terminal precipice.  For whatever reason, the man has his followers. To me he is a man lacking a normal sense of conscience and is ingrained with distorted concepts of right and wrong.  It is my hope that most of us understand it is far from trivial to ask someone to commit a felony by voting twice.  It should be recognized as flagrantly irresponsible and an unforgivable wrong.












Barnabas Collins Slaps President Trump With Defamation Lawsuit

Barnabas Collins, arguably recognized as the leading spokesperson for the vampire communtiy, is taking President Trump to court.  Incenced over comments the president made about Dark Shadows during his interview with Laura Ingraham this week, he apparently decided he had no choice.  “The president as we all know lives in his own reality and seems to enjoy provocation and denigrating practically all the “others” out there.  But this is now personal,” Mr. Collins said. “I can not conceive of any cultural group more apolitical than our society of vampires.  His statement that we are somehow influencing Joe Biden is ridiculous.  Blood type has no party affiliation.  Not only that, to suggest that groups of us are getting on airplanes and traveling around harassing Republicans only demonstrates how ignorant the man is.  Every gradeschooler on the planet knows really experienced vampires are perfectly capable of draculization and flying off to wherever they want, as long as the sun has set for a few hours.  And this is the man who is supposed to be in charge of things?  He’s a complete ignoramus.” Trump Insults Vampire Nation

The Grim Reaper Claims a Special Soul

Just when I didn’t think 2020 could get any shittier an integral member of my immediate family was whisked away to  whatever awaits in eternity.     This is a picture of my mom, me and my two siblings.  Normally you would assume my mother,  the grand lady seated here who looks 80 but is actually 101 is the person I am talking about,  (This pic was taken last year during her 100th birthday celebration).  But facing unpleasant surprise seems to be all that is normal right now.  The person traveling to meet his maker is my brother Nick (seated) who was 7 years younger than I.  He died while walking his two dogs near his home in Denver, totally unexpectedly, of a massive heart attack.

I know Nick’s family- wife Mary and children Gabe and Kaitlyn- have to feel extremely gratified that even under difficult circumstances their efforts to provide Nick with a proper farewell were well rewarded.  About that.  I was 7 years older than Nick so we essentially went our seperate ways growing up.  But circumstances later in life required coordinated trips to take care of our mother in Utah, and we became pretty close friends.   There were many speakers during the service who contributed stories about Nick’s incredible life that regrettably I could not converse with later because  my wife and I had to get back to Omaha immediately.  If there ever is a time when we meet again trust that I would love to hear expanded versions of your experiences with Nick.  The uniform impression left by every speaker at his funeral service was Nick was the guy you absoulty treasured as a neighbor because just ask and he would drop everything and head over to your house to fix something you screwed up.   It is so edifying to have others fill in the blanks of any life well lived.

Nick Miltner 1955-2020


Fall is Ruined

Son of a bitch!  I told you so.  No football this fall.  At least in the Big 10 and Pac 12.  Who’s to blame?  I’ll tell who’s to blame.

This guy, the Michigan pin-head without the mask.  God damn it!  I warned you.  And this was your year too.  Michigan would finally beat Ohio State.  But Noooo!  All becasue you felt compelled to exercise your constitutional right to be a testicular douchebag.  Yes our country is lauded above all others for it’s unique ability to prioritize individual freedoms over goverment restrictions.  But as we all should realize by now our libertarianism has come back to bite us in the ass, overwhelming the need to protect the common good.  The country should be proud of its history of rugged individualism.  But we are finding out we are not so good as a collecive.

And this guy, the man supposedly in control who has more interest in his golf game and television ratings than dealing with a pandemic crisis.  If there is one thing he should be paying attention to it is the collective- like the multitude of professional health experts with a world-wide collection of pandemic data and proven mitigation protocols.  Leading the developed world in pandemic morbidity statistics is not exactly the kind of American exceptualism we expect.  But here we are with chaotic decisions about opening schools being thrust upon us, and no football.  God damn it!  And a president who still can not grasp the fact that he is the person most responsible for this swirling shit storm.  It’s the virus, stupid!  If we do not get it under control soon, CDC director Redfiled has warned we will likely experience one of the most difficult falls in our lifetimes.  Sadly I will miss football.  More importantly I would prefer that my family and friends bypass hospitalizations and funerals. This is still America.  Certainly we are capable of putting aside politics and petty self interests and move forward with something we really should be better at- ensuring the common good.