Category Archives: Uncategorized

President Trump Outraged by Raw Ukrainian Corruption- Installs More Appealing American Version

As more details that surround the House impeachment inquiry are revealed, it has emerged that President Trump was so fed up with stories of governmental corruption in Ukraine, he decided it was time to take matters into his own hands and send Energy Secretary Rick Perry to the flailing country to straighten things out.

Spokesperson Kellyanne Conway told reporters that the president’s cabinet is chock-full of members who are exceptionally experienced with corruption, but she personally thinks the president made the best choice.  “Of all the cabinet members I think Rick is the one with the most free time.  His staff gets kind of tired of him constantly asking them if he is supposed to be doing something.”

From all appearances it didn’t take Secretary Perry long to size things up.  Shortly after he  attended  Ukrainian President Zelenskiy’s inauguration, the new government awarded a lucrative gas and oil exploration contract to long time Perry political supporters Michael Bleyzer and Alex Cranberg.  Make Them an Offer They Can’t Refuse

And not about to let opportunity slip him by is Trump personal attorney and self-appointed secretary of state Rudy Giuliani.  With the aid of the local muscle of his cronies Lev Parnas and Igor Fruman, it is rumored Giuliani has carved out a nice slice of Ukrainian energy profiteering pie for himself.  Giuliani Keeps Investigators on Their Toes

“This is a perfect example of how the president is making America great again,” said Conway.  “Those Americans got a sweetheart  gas deal in Ukraine.  They bid millions less for that contract and somehow still managed to rake it in.”  When asked if she thought veiled  threats to withhold U.S. security aid, military weapons, meetings with state officials, or awkward presidential suggestions to join in the frolicking of U.S. politics affected the Ukrainian’s decision making, Conway seemed indignant.  “Everyone knows the president always does what it takes to make the best deals, and if you are implying that there is some kind of nefarious leveraging going on you should be ashamed.  He has no one other than the Attorney General of the United States traveling to foreign countries all over the world explaining how to do things properly.  I am sure the Ukrainians understand by now the president will always keep their best interests in mind when he is considering his best interests.”

In case you missed it and are into corruption, see Trump Junior Book Intrigues Genome Theorists

Trump Junior Book Intrigues Genome Theorists

Not that I would have any interest in reading it, but apparently Donald Trump Junior’s recently released book “Triggered: How the Left Thrives on Hate and Wants to Silence us” is a validation of the old adage “fruit doesn’t fall far from the tree.”  In the book, Junior makes the astonishing comparison between the sacrifice of U.S. troops killed in combat to the financial ones he claimed his family made when his father became president.  As you might have guessed  he is being eviscerated by veterans and others all over the country.  Junior’s brain apparently made this strange connection when he took it on a trip to Arlington National Cemetery.  How does the vision of thousands of white grave markers evoke from any human mind the response of dollar signs? It’s simply not normal.  An abhorrent gene perhaps?  That kind of remark takes crassness to an unparalleled  level.  But Junior comes by his garish avarice honestly.  Just look at the stipulations the judge set forth in the recent 2 million dollar fine the president must pay for misusing his charity foundation (below).  The ruling mostly had to do with the president’s admission that he used funds for personal use and allowed his campaign rather than the foundation to direct the charity’s funds.  Coincidentally a specific instance mentioned was the “fundraiser” for veterans in January of 2016.

Did  Junior become so shallow by observing his father, or is it something genetically inherent?  It’s one thing to make comments on the spur of the moment during a speech, but thinking about it, writing it down and publicizing it for posterity is something else again.

Appalling as this part of the book is, it should be pointed out Junior’s claim that his family has made substantial financial sacrifices,  or any monetary sacrifice at all for that matter, is laughable.  And there are a number of well publicized (for posterity) records out there to prove it.  For example, this: Trump’s Conflicts of Interest

Like I mentioned, I’m not about to read Junior’s book.  But if you are inclined to do so, I suggest that it might be useful, or even imperative, that you have some experience with fact checking services.   Whatever the explanation, whether Junior has been taught by his father or there is some contaminated gene in control, when it comes to telling the truth, both  Junior and Senior are  endowed with the same intractable compulsion to create their own version of it.

Judge Disagrees with Trump Interpretation of Adage “Charity Begins at Home “


Country Anxiously Awaits New House Republican Strategy to Protest Upcoming Open Impeachment Hearings

After President Trump’s recent announcement that open impeachment hearings would not be fair to him, it has emerged House Republicans are presently conferencing to determine what course of action would most effectively demonstrate their loyal support of the president.  Since only a couple of weeks have passed since several dozen Republican congressmen protested the closed nature of the hearings by storming the private room where the House Intel Committee was conducting its impeachment inquiry, members of the national media are naturally curious about such a dramatic position reversal.

When House Minority Whip Steve Scalise was asked how he would explain the flip flop to his constituents, he said  he would be consulting with Mick Mulvaney and Rudy Giuliani about it.

The obvious underlying reason the president would not want open hearings is he suddenly realized a publicly televised event of people with the courage to tell the truth will reflect badly on him.  When asked if that is how he felt, Florida congressman Matt Gaetz replied “Ridiculous.   When you have a half dozen people like this telling the same story, it’s obvious there is something fishy going on.  I mean, what are the odds?”

Just where the Republicans would be staging their next protest was another question the media had for the GOP congressmen.  Representative Steve King of Iowa said he was open to any number of possible locations, as long as the discussion did not include any Mexican restaurants.



1798 Revisited

DOJ Wants Anti-Trump Info  WTF?!

John Adams, the second President of the United States,  had a massive impact in developing our democratic form of government.  He had a perceptive political mind and was one of those founding fathers who foresaw potential problems with all the freedoms the constitution provides.  He was extremely weary of a future autocracy, and we are seeing his concerns unfold with the Trump presidency. Although Trump is the complete antithesis of Adams and represents exactly what our visionary second president feared, the two men have one thing in common- a thin skin.

John Adams did not take well to criticism, and  inadvisably promoted and signed the Alien and Sedition Acts in 1798. These were a series of laws that were Adams’ reaction to the French Revolution and its impact on national security.  The Alien Acts made it easier to deport foreigners as well as making it more difficult for immigrants to vote.  Though most of those laws were gradually repealed after Adams left office, there are some sections still on record.  The Sedition Act however was very quickly viewed as a huge overreach of presidential power.  It essentially prohibited public opposition to the government.  Newspaper editors were arrested and some imprisoned.  It is considered to be the greatest mistake of the Adams’ presidency, quickly repealed, and why he was not reelected.   Ironically it was an act  interpreted as an autocratical abuse of power that undermined the reelection of a man nearly obsessed with preventing that very type of abuse.

No such irony exists with our 45th president.  He has a history of unbridled avarice and is a lawless opportunist who seems to be overtly proud of it.  To him the presidency represents the ultimate position for a man driven by lust for power. He has announced publicly that Article Two of the constitution gives him the right to do anything he wants and as we have seen he has few reservations about pursuing that agenda.  Stand in the way of his designs and you are likely to be labeled a traitor.

Trump is on a mission to retain control of his power.  He has a lot to lose if he doesn’t because of a myriad of legal problems he has with the State of New York that are constrained by the statute of limitations.  He has Rudy Giuliani trying his best to resurrect some cuckoo, debunked conspiracy theory and both have exerted pressure on a foreign government to manufacture dirt on a political opponent.  And for some inexplicable reason Trump has convinced his Secretary of State and, of all people, the Attorney General of the United States, to go along with and even assist in his political illegality.

People eventually decided they had had enough of John Adam’s power overreach and placed their trust in Thomas Jefferson to straighten things out.  Once again this country of ours needs some straightening out.  Knowing now what our current president is capable of, I am not at all confident that we can wait another year to do that.









Take That, Mr. Constitution!

Trump, from day one of his presidency, has been prodding and picking away at the sensitive exoskeleton of the Constitution.  But Mick Mulvaney’s blatant public announcement yesterday that the president did indeed attempt to coerce a foreign government to further his political interests,  well what you have there is the President of the United States clenching his fist and slugging Mr. Constitution right in the grapes.  We do have a constitutional crisis on our hands.  When the president of the county stands before us and proclaims Article Two of the Constitution gives him the right to do anything he wants, he has gouged the eyes out of the Constitution with an ice pick.  And yesterday Mulvaney didn’t stop the constitutional assault with that abuse of power and quid pro quo statement.  With nothing hesitant in his voice, he declared that the facility for the upcoming G7 conference that will host diplomats and staff from all over the world will be Trump’s own Doral Country Club. That is a  direct violation of the emoluments clause.  So bend over Mr. Constitution because here comes a Louisville Slugger straight up your patootie.

Gaslighting has been a favorite tactic for Trump.  Keep repeating something and pretty soon there will be people who start believing whatever was said.  And it’s pretty clear he is comfortable residing in chaos.  As we pass from one imbroglio to the next, it is easy to forget about all those that preceded.  But this political approach of shamelessly admitting to wrongdoing and somehow believing that makes it tolerable is something new, and frankly, alarming.  He is practically daring congress to impeach him on 25th Amendment grounds.  Publicly flaunting the law is not something a normal person does, and when you do that and you are the leader of a country, there is something wrong in your head.  It’s the kind of thing that labels a person a megalomaniac.

Of course without a critical psychological analysis it is impossible to make a judgment of competency.  But here is a read for you. Unfit for Office    It’s the very lengthly George Conway Atlantic article.  He makes the point that the President of the United States, particularly this president, is the most observable individual on the planet, and the general public should be able draw some observational conclusions.  The second half of the article (you will have to scroll down quite a ways) concerns narcissistic personality disorder.  Trump meets every criteria.  I don’t think this is mentioned in the article, but take note sometime how Trump claims ownership of the government.  It’s MY generals, MY military, MY economy, MY NASA, MY miners, MY farmers.  Even MY African American.  Yikes. Lest we all forget, it is OUR government.

We keep lowering and lowering the bar of acceptable conduct for this president.  Congressional Republicans have nearly placed the bar at ground level.  Jesus Christ most of you are attorneys. Wake up.  Go back and read the Constitution and the Federalist Papers.  You of all people should be well enough informed to realize this is a constitutional crisis and start speaking out.  Do your job.

Republic Under Presidential Attack  

by Admiral W H McRaven.  Whether you are a veteran or not, this article should resonate.


Last week my wife and I had the good fortune  (in both the serendipitous sense as well as enough money in our bank account) to see the American musical Hamilton that was playing in Omaha.  Like everyone I left the theater overwhelmed by its genius.  But there were many people, I would have to believe, that were also left with the nagging thought of how shocked the historical figures represented on that stage would be to see  how the corruptive influence of the Trump administration has laid bare the fragility of the form of government they so painstakingly strove to establish.

Certainly there are instances of our founding father’s own moral missteps.  Hamilton had an affair with a married woman that he tried to cover up.  That episode essentially ended his political career. Franklin was a renowned womanizer and had a bastard child. The national shame of slavery was in common practice during their time.  But all took very seriously the business of governing, and in constructing the Constitution they were as careful as they imagined possible and necessary in setting up a framework that would deter presidential corruption and insure qualified people assumed the office.  Sadly we have found the Constitution is not sufficient to restrain a lawless president.  You would have to assume it was inconceivable to those who wrote it that such a dishonest man would rise to the office.

Trump has punctured the guardrails intended to constrain presidential power and behavior. Our founding fathers sought to create a government dedicated to the common good.  Trump has conducted his entire adult life with little concern for anything but his own profit or protection.  He is a proven cheat and he lies with impunity. With him, the only thing that matters is what you can make people believe.  Facts are not absolute- they have alternatives.

And from my viewpoint,, taking all his corruptive conduct and all that is morally and ethically objectionable about this president into consideration, what is most troubling about him is his unbridled propensity to lie.  It is the defining character flaw that makes him totally unfit to hold office.  My personal definitive test to determine if I can have a logical, informed conversation with a Trump supporter, (and yes, I have actually had a few  of those that have been mutually productive) is that fact.   If you firmly believe Trump does not lie, there is no point involving me in any kind of discussion with you.

If we are unable to confront the truth, we are pretty much in a hopeless situation.  If we are governed by a man with such disregard for the truth, a man that is supposed to provide direction and leadership, it is inevitable that people will start believing his lies, whether the man promoting them believes them or not.  And I actually believe that a lot of the fabrication that goes on in Trumps mind are things he somehow twists into his own private reality.

And this is what is so dangerous and what is starting to play out right now.  Trump is starting to spiral downward into a world where he desperately wants wild conspiracy theories to become real.  He is so used to making things up he is potentially placing people and the country in peril.  Our laws that are meant to keep people safe are being disregarded by the very man who is supposed to make sure they are enforced.  Anyone who disagrees with him is potentially a traitor.  Civil war will erupt should he be removed from office.  His recent twitter tirades are gaslighting rampages that reinforce his narcissism and unfortunately  in many instances potentially plant the seeds of violent thought in marginally rational people.   You can easily make the argument that Trump’s distorted view of things  are manufactured in a disturbed mind.  As difficult and objectionable as impeachment seems to be, congress has no choice but to proceed with it to prevent more executive abuse of power and make it clear it will not be tolerated, now or by future presidents.

I am certain of three things about Hamilton, Jefferson, Washington, Adams, Monroe, Madison, Franklin, et al.  First, the chances of a President Trump ever happening in their time would have been extremely remote.  Second, If by some weird happenstance it did, articles of impeachment would have been initiated within a year of his inauguration.  And third, again if such an anomaly had occurred,  those men would have been shocked that all the drafts and revisions they made during the four months it took to finalize the Constitution somehow failed to check the abuse of power of the executive branch.  They would have summoned everyone for an emergency session of congress to patch, tweak, revise, and amend that document so that there would never again be such corruption and exploitation by a president of the United States.  Let us hope that at some point in the very near future congress will see to it that new constitutional and regulatory safeguards are established that clarify the intentions of our founding fathers.

Fun Fact:  Benjamin Franklin was the county’s first whistle blower



Brazilian President Reportedly Very Receptive to President Trump’s Offer to Fire-Bomb the Amazon Rain Forrest

It has emerged that Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro is seriously considering President Trump’s recent offer to carpet bomb the Amazon Rain Forrest with state of the art incendiary explosives.  Though Bolosaro is renowned for rejecting any kind of foreign interference, it is widely known the two presidents have similar isolationist political agendas and mutually admire each other.  “I think President Trump’s intension is to create some sort of back fire to slow down all the wildfires going on, but if it doesn’t work out, all the better,”  Bolsonaro stated.

This latest proposal by President Trump to use military ordinance to mitigate natural disasters follows on the heels of his  recent suggestion to drop a nuclear bomb into the eye of hurricane Dorian.  “We have all these terrific bombs just laying around,” the president stated.  “Why not put them to good use?”  Asked if he was disappointed that his idea to nuke a hurricane was so universally rejected by his advisors, the president replied that that was a set back, but it was just  a matter of time before he had the “best people” in place who are in total agreement with his aggressive policy of bombing Mother Nature into submission.



President Appalled at Abysmal State of Baltimore’s Inner-City Golf Courses

President Trump made it clear today  there was no kind of racial intent behind his twitter remark that Baltimore was “a disgusting, rat and rodent infested mess.”  The president said he was merely reporting the facts.  “I’ve been there,” he said.  “You should see how those people live. I bet the only golf course in the whole district is one of those miniature ones.”  President Trump went on to point out that it was obvious Baltimore residents were sorely lacking money management and investment skills.  “My tax cuts were historic,” the president mindfully remarked. “These people in Baltimore can’t call up their broker for a decent stock tip?”

As the president spoke from the dining room of his Mar a Lago resort, patrons there were eager to validate his observations.  “Everyone here will tell you they’ve never had it so good, am I right?” the president stated.  The comment generated frenzied nodding and raucous applause.

The president has convinced Mar a Lago patron Mariam VanderThorpe that more golf resorts in the inner city would go a long way to solve the city of Baltimore’s problems.





Congress Triples President Trump’s Golfing Budget

Informed that President Trump would be filling his time playing golf now that he has temporarily postponed his participation in all governing responsibility, Washington legislators  quickly responded by initiating a special session of congress  in order to fund personal presidential expenses.   Expenses forTrump’s golfing excursions presently exceed 100 million dollars, and Senate Finance Committee Chairman  Chuck Grassley is confident the taxpayers are more than willing to provide an addition two hundred million in order to make America great again.

Asked how long the president might be lingering on the links, Senator Lindsey Graham said as long as it takes for the president to recover from Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s hurtful comments.  The senator also mentioned that a lengthily tour of all his golf courses and a review of  the fortune he has amassed that somehow escapes emoluments violations will be just the ticket to reset his governing  attention.

Reporters rushed to Speaker Pelosi to hear what she had to say about the the unexpected budgetary developments.  “I will be praying that the president can find the resolve and courage to quit cheating on the golf course,” was her only comment.  And with it, is it is expected the president will be playing golf at least till the end of the year.


AG Barr Uses Some Words to Defend His Interpretation of Mueller Admonishment Letters

Appearing before the Senate Judiciary Committee Wednesday, Attorney General William Barr deftly deflected questions Democratic Senators had about his understanding of the Mueller investigation.  New concerns about how the attorney general has handled the report have surfaced with the revelation that Robert Mueller sent Barr two letters indicating that the AG has presented a distorted view of the report’s findings.  But during the proceedings, the Democrats were a bit flummoxed and seemed to be caught off guard by the AG’s  clever use of abstract thought and personal adaptation of the meaning of words commonly used in the English language.

In contrast to the Democratic senators who one after another became confused by Barr’s baffling explanations,  Republican senators were able to communicate with the attorney general with relative ease.  By choosing topics of discussion that had nothing to do with the Mueller report, like anything involving President Obama or Hillary Clinton, the Republicans consistently forged a common dialog with Barr.

“Democrats just don’t get it,” said one Republican senator after the hearings.  “If you want to understand a man like the attorney general, you have to talk about something he likes to talk about. You can’t go wrong if you  bring up Hillary. They need to start thinking  outside the box!.”  The senator suggested the Democrats would be better served in the future if they ask the AG about his favorite restaurants or possibly persuade him to give a critique of a  movie he recently enjoyed.

While engaged in non-answering senatorial questions, AG Barr was given to conducting lessons in sentence syntax arrangement and, as seen here, enumerating possibilities of synonyms for a particular word like “suggest”