Well, shit, now it’s not just me and the guy behind me, it’s the guy (could be a gal too- don’t get all politically correct on me- I can’t ascertain gender- my rear view mirror gives me only so much information) behind him and another car, and another, and then- holy shit- there’s a fucking cement truck back there bearing down on some poor bastard in a- not sure. I think it’s an old Volkswagen Beetle. I didn’t know there were any of those still around, much less one capable of going ninety. Well, we would be going ninety if the stupid dick in front of me would get the hell out of the passing lane.
I guess I have to be the one to make a move and pass this asshole in the non-passing lane, so here goes. God damn it! NOW you move to the regular lane you piece of shit. You didn’t even signal. That’s what one of those levers that sticks out from your steering wheel column is for you moron. Use it. Now I’m still stuck behind you while all the normal people zip by me in the passing lane.
Wow! That cement truck. It’s not only a cement truck. It’s tandem towing a trailer full of busted up concrete AND another marked Hazardous Waste. Whoa! That thing is wobbling all over the place. Guess I’ll slow down. Maybe I’ll get lucky and one of those containers will swerve into the car driven by that prick that’s still on his cell phone.
It was close, but the twit with the cell phone stuck in his ear didn’t get side-swiped. Time to pull out in the passing lane and finally get around him. My wife took this picture of him when we blew by him. Do any of you recognize him? What a putz.
So this is the kind of crap you have to put up with when driving on the interstate. I’ve never been able to figure out what all that speckled stuff is in the picture my wife took. There are three facts of this trip down the interstate I do know though. First, the speckled stuff in the picture was flying out of the hazardous waste container the cement truck was pulling. Second, that specked stuff left ugly orange spots on the paint job of my car. And third, the ugly orange spots on my car would not be there if the jerk on his cell phone had been paying attention and going 90 in my lane like he is supposed to. Stay off your damn cell phone you piece of shit!