Fox’s Poli Sci Experts Encourage Country to Disregard Science


This David Brooks’ editorial pretty much encapsulates how the majority of us feel, I believe. The National Humiliation We Need  Like David Brooks, I believe there is some positive, universal abstract that dwells in our society that can heal much of what ails us.  Love that David Brooks.

Laura Ingraham, not so much..   Fox Medical Expert’s Suggestions for Covid Recovery

We don’t need this kind of shit. I did happen to catch one of Laura Ingraham’s commentaries that was mentioned above, and it was appaling.  Accusing Dr. Fauci and somehow blaming science in general for being political is absurd, and so hypocritical when members of the Fox opinion team are themselves guilty of politicizing our pandemic predicatment.  Ingraham is on record with her thoughts about covid 19 and science. She is basically suggesting that her audience should ignore Dr. Fauci and science.  The opinion staff has had no small part in advancing ludicrous deep state conspiracy theories concerning the immunologist.

I am just an occasional viewer of the Fox News channel,  but this core opinion arm of Fox News garnishes a huge viewing audience.  I know there is not much I could say that would dissuade viewership.  But for your own health and the good of the country please, if this group is giving any kind of medical advice, ignore it, or at least fact check it.  If we are ever to extract ourselves from this deepening viral hole, it will only be by following the advice of scientific experts  and mutually cooporating in our efforts.  Contrary to what spills forth from Fox’s powerful megaphone of editorial disinformation, science isn’t about choosing sides.  It is about systematically studying the natural world and in very large measure passing along critical observations to the rest of us.  Science might warn you of something, but it is not out to get you.

With a straight face Laura Ingraham proffered the idea that Dr. Fauci’s credibility should be discarded since no democratic voting process took place in his support.  She actually said that.   Dr. Fauci is not running for office.  We don’t insert science on an electoral ballot. We are not going to be able to “vote” our way out of this pandemic.  Science It is not political. It is fact, as best as can be understood, at that paricular time.

This paticular time requires we pay attention to science.   Please wear a mask in public.  Evolving scientific studies show not only will wearing one protect others but it will protect you as well.  No one is trying to infringe on your freedom.  We all want the freedoms we have had before this disease was thrust upon us.  The surest way out of this health and economic crisis is for everyone to wear a mask.  David Brooks’ shrouded hope is that there is within us a common national pride  that can bring us together. We need that.   We have serious problems to deal with in our country.  The most significant right now is the mitigation of the corona virus.  Unless we get that problem under control, and very quickly, there will be more and more of an unacceptable number of us who are not going to be around to help solve those remaining.





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