As you might have heard, President Trump has placed the Pentagon on red alert and asked the people in charge over there to fast track a mobilization of tanks, missile launchers, heavy artillery, soldiers of every stripe and division, all active military bands and choral groups, along with coteries of the nations best high school baton twirlers, and a contingent of unemployed circus animals, and get it all strapped together and organized so the whole conglomeration can put on a nice performance and amuse him with a parade down Pennsylvania Avenue.
Well that would be just fine except that the stingy Freedom Caucus is getting all uptight and has refused to appropriate funding for the proposed gala event. Those guys have their shorts in a bunch and say it’s just too expensive. For some reason they think the gathering of an immense assortment of soldiers only to have them do nothing but march around is a big waste of time and tax dollars. I say anything we can do to get them ready to march into Pyongyang is worth the effort. Then they’re whining about having to resurface the streets of DC after all the tank traffic clears out. Tax dollars again. That’s all they think about. And they consider it to be unfair to have city sanitation workers sweep up all the elephant and tiger shit, mostly because it will be extra heavy with all the chewed up concrete it will be entangled with. I say without hard work nothing grows but weeds.
So that’s what we are dealing with. Believe me you don’t want to be around when the president doesn’t get what he wants. I don’t know how much longer housekeeping will put up with all the clean up that is required after one of his little outbursts. I am being paid to think things through and come up with solutions. So this is what I propose.
I know President Trump well, so I am aware a nice parade involving our military would be spectacular and his first preference. But taking into consideration how tight fisted congress is, even though we all know this time next year the new corporate tax cuts will fill treasury department coffers with money we won’t know what to do with, I really think we just might be able to make him happy with something a little less flamboyant. Mardi Gras is just around the corner. All we need to do is get him to New Orleans for the parade down there. I know some of you think this fixation of his on a military parade pivots around all the show-offy stuff Kim Jong-un does with his military extravaganzas, but I know for a fact it has little to do with that and everything to do with that damn Macron.
This obsession of his all started after his visit to France last year. President Trump got all ginned up with his parade ideas after Macron pranced his soldiers down the Avenue des Champs-Elysees in front of our president. Macron knew damn well something so pompously shiny was bound to start the wheels turning in President Trump’s head. To top it off, Ivanka got all google-eyed over Macron and that kind of thing just gets president Trump all in a stew.
Anyway, as everyone knows, quite a bit of froggy stuff goes on during Mardi Gras. When their parade starts, we just need to get the president out on one of those French Quarter balconies so people can wave to him as they go by. I know he’ll really like that. I was down there a few years back and I can tell you it’s a pretty rowdy crowd. Of course a lot of the cheering will be for the gals standing on the balcony across the street that take their tops off, but I can’t think of a better distraction for the president to dwell on. He’ll be happy as a clam.
Now here’s the tricky part I need your help with. You’ve probably heard Melania is not too happy with her husband. She’s not about to fly with him to New Orleans or anywhere else she doesn’t have to, probably for quite awhile. Maybe forever. Believe me she is really pissed. And there’s the rub. All the naked jiggling and shaking of this and that is bound to get the president and his tic-tac container all shook up. I’ve contacted Stormy Daniels, and she says she’s one hundred percent on board to take care of things, but apparently she’s wised up a bit and won’t settle for a measly $130,000. The going rate now is a cool million, so that’s what we have to come up with.
Won’t you please, please PLEASE help. I don’t like this getting out, but I’m the one that flies under the radar and makes sure all things run smoothly. Trust me. This will work. It’s got to. You don’t know what it’s like when he gets mad. But we have to act fast. Really fast. Mardi Gras is next week. I’m begging you. I can’t believe my boss stuck me with this job. Please find it in your heart to give a generous donation. Or anything.
__DONATE $1000 __ DONATE $500 __DONATE $100 __DONATE An Even Larger Amount
__I cannot donate at this time because I am an unpatriotic asshole
Sincerely: Ken Groveling, Junior Advisor to Senior Advisor Stephen Miller
If you are truly pissed about the direction of our country, bitch to your congress person. Look up their phone numbers. This is bull shit. Ask these people one simple question: Taking into account all the important needs of our nation, in your opinion is it better to spend seventeen million dollars on:
A) a parade. B) almost anything else a normal human brain is capable of imagining.
This is getting ridiculous. Democracy is crumbling before our eyes. It has never been more important to take the time to vote. It is no longer appropriate to acknowledge it as just a privilege. It has now become a civic imperative.