Marjorie Taylor Greene and Lauren Boebert Squable Over Who Is the Real “Chosen One”


Chaos errupted in the Congessional Dinning Room when Represenatives Marjorie Taylor Greene and Lauren Boebert got into a argument over who former President Trump would prefer as his “chosen one.”  Women of America Clamor to be Trump’s Chosen One  While the two women were sitting together for lunch, Congresswoman Boebert apparently initiated the quarrel with a casual remark about how satisfied Mr. Trump would be should she be selected as his “chosen one.”  Representative Taylor Green then took offense, interjecting that she was certain Ms. Boebert would fall way short of Trump’s expectations  adding that because of all the hours she spent in the gym, she was confident he would find a buffed Marjorie Taylor Greene far more desirable.

Boebert, obviously agitated, retorted, saying Taylor Green should be mindful of the importance of experience and voyerism.  Noting how the former president prefered to engage romantically  in public spaces like airplanes and department stores, Boebert presented a strong rebutal, pointing out that she was the one with all the knowledge and expertise needed to professionally generate arrousal  in a crowded city theater.  After Taylor Green responded with the remark that the former president is a well documented germaphobe and would find it impossible to be intimate in any way with Boebert without her submiting to a thorough STD exam, things disintegrated into a food flinging melee involving mashed potatoes and Jello, at which point bystanders quickly interveened and escorted the two women from the premises.

In a related matter, X19, the mysoginistic organization of young men espousing  male superiority with a singular obective of repealing the 19th Amendment, reported a sudden surge in membership enrollment.  In a phone conversation, spokesperson Rod Thruster said the sudden influx of new enrollees was the result of Trump’s latest comments.  “Trump’s our guy,” Thruster said.  “The same thing happened right after the Access Holywood revelation in 2016.  This time, Trump will complete the realignment of the nation’s social order.  Men on top.  That’s our motto.  Men on top.  Of course, if we’re feelin’ tuckered out, the gals can get on top for a bit,” Thruster said with a wink.



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