In an apparent effort to broaden the base of the Democratic party, House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi announced yesterday that she will organize a cordial get together with her local chapter of MS-13 when the House of Representatives adjourns for the summer recess in August. As reported only by Fox News, the event is part of her plan to welcome the group and make sure they all feel right at home in their new country. Commenting on this morning’s Fox and Friends program, former Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee gave his analysis and proper perspective of the breaking story. Of particular interest, he stated that his sources advised him that one of the primary reasons for the gathering is to keep the leaders of MS-13 informed of the progress the Democrats are having advancing their infrastructure bill.
The governor pointed out that the Democrat’s version of the bill includes a specific demand for a high speed rail system that will run from Guatemala and terminate in the minority leader’s home state of California. The train will be designed for the exclusive transportation and comfort of Mexican and Central American gang members. It is his belief Ms. Pelosi wants to find out what travel accommodations gang members typically prefer. After a short discussion about crime statistics and the marginal nutritional value of tacos, the governor went on to list a number of dire warnings, none more chilling than the following: “I want to make clear I am not singling out gang members. I’m talking about all of them, all the different-looking, foreign speaking non-Christians- they all pose an imminent danger to the United States. If we don’t stop letting them into our country, believe me we risk being completely overrun by roving packs of lawless democrats.”
ABOVE: Prototype of Bullet Train that Democrats Hope to Feature on Their Proposed Gang Member Transportation Line
*as in eternal life- if you are fortunate enough to be so granted