Trump- The Musical


I keep seeing articles asserting that Donald Trump is sort of like, loosing his mind. At first, say a month ago, I thought all that reporting was political bias.  I thought it was over reaction, and honestly felt this is all just Trump being Trump.  That’s how it’s always been.  Fox News would sane-wash his latest gaff, and people would eventually forget about whatever it was and prepare for the next crazy thing he would say.  But over the past two or three weeks I have to say I beleive I am seeing a different Trump.

The change in a way is subtle.  His racism for one thing is something he has always leaned into.  In fact, that and tarrifs are about all he’s been offering in the way of his futuristic vision of the country.  But lately his description of the nation’s present and future has become increasingly dark.  If it’s an interview or a rally, he spends the majority of his time denigrating minorities and migrants with xenophobic and racist remarks.  They are all pretty much “animals” and “stone cold killers” and “the worst people”.   No more “assuming some are good people” I guess.  And he has recently punched up the entertainment value of his speach with graphic verbal descriptions, insisting for instance that migrants will “cut your throat,” or spending what seems to me to be an inordinate amount of time explaining to a crowd how he visualizes a “vicious migrant” dragging a woman off into the woods and raping her.  Kind of creepy for a convicted sex ofender.

Very recently Trump started championing the belief that migrants and minorities are genetically disposed to commit crimes.  New Twist to the Theories of Gregor Mandel

By now most of the country is aware of the “Haitians eating pets” conspiracy promoted by Trump- one of his many lies that resulted in terroristic threats and worse  against his fellow citizens. But recently he has widened his horizons concerning ethnicities of people he has in his deportation cross-hairs.  Immigrants from Africa, the Middle East and Asia were “destroying the fabric of life in our country,” he said during a recent rally in New York. “We are not going to take it any longer and you’ve got to get rid of these people.”

Whoops.  Turns out there are some white people he might want to dispose of also. He suggested ‘Using the military to go after “the enemy from within” in an interview with Fox News that aired this past Sunday, pointing to those  who oppose or have investigated him.’  CBS News

Kind of  disturbing to say the least.  What is getting more and more alarming is the incoherent gibberish.  If he’s not slandering an entire culture it’s because a unique subliminal switch in his brain somehow sidetracks his thought process into a pathway  that causes  him to utter an incomprehensible, twisted Gordian knot of words.  Now just maybe Trump himself is starting to understand there are limits to what the public will put up with regading the mental decline of a potential leader of the country.  Ask Joe Biden.  Case in point, this Monday he stunned the attendees of his town hall by abrupty insisting on an end to the Q and A session.  He told the crowd he was certain they were tired of all the talk and knew in their hearts they would much rather watch him listen to 40 minutes of music. Music Man

Was Trump all tuckered out, his brain too taxed to carry on answering  questions from at least a few inquisitive members of his audience?  Trump  undoubtedly feels more comfortable being the entertainer.  If that was a typical MAGA rally throng,  watching Trump gently sway and conduct an imaginary orchestra for 40 minutes to the tune of Ave Maria,  most would feel swindled out of 40 minutes of searing racial slurring and apocalyptic innuendo.  In no way was this normal, even, and especially, for Trump.

What hapened the very next day is even more baffling, and offers an explanation of why things went sideways the day before at the music festival.   Trump was subjected to a very contentious  interview by Bloomberg’s Editor-in-Chief John Micklethwait and it quickly became  apparent how uncomfortable the former president is in a Q and A format, at least one conducted by a professional interviewer with no connection to Fox News.  Entangled in the “Weave”

The artful dodger deployed his infamous “weave,” but it’s always a big tip off that he senses it’s not working when he resorts to attacking the interviewer.  Maybe the lesson Trump learned from these two events was instead of putting himself through all the excruciating contortions of his “weave,” a more straightforward and effective method of covering up  incompentence or disguising mental decline is to simply instruct the stage crew to fire up a rousing rendition of Ave Maria.




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